Shared Task: Quality Estimation

26-27 June 2014
Baltimore, USA


This shared task will examine automatic methods for estimating the quality of machine translation output at run-time, without relying on reference translations. In this third edition of the shared task, we will once again consider word-level and sentence-level estimation. However, this year we will focus on settings for quality prediction that are MT system-independent (e.g. Bicici, 2013) and rely on a limited number of training instances. More specifically, our tasks have the following goals:

The WMT12-13 Quality Estimation shared tasks provided a set of baseline features, datasets, evaluation metrics, and oracle results. Building on the last two years' experience, this year's shared task will reuse some of these resources, but provide additional training and test sets for four language pairs (English-Spanish, English-German, German-English, Spanish-English) and use different quality labels at word-level (specific types of errors) and sentence-levels. These new datasets have been collected using professional translators as part of the QTLaunchPad project.

Note that this year, for some of the subtasks, translations are produced in various ways: by RBMT, SMT, and hybrid MT systems, as well as by humans. In the datasets provided, no indication is given on how these various translations were generated.

Another important difference with respect to the previous years is that this year participants will only be able to use black-box features, since internal features features of the MT systems will not be provided.

Please note that any additional training data (from WMT12 or other sources) can be used for all tasks.

Task 1: Sentence-level QE

Task 1.1 Scoring and ranking for perceived post-editing effort

Results here, gold-standard labels for all languages here

This task is similar to the one in WMT12, with [1-3] scores for "perceived" post-editing effort used as quality labels, where:

The datasets were labelled in a "triage" phase aimed at selecting translations of type "2" (near miss) that could be annotated for errors at the word-level using the MQM metric (see Task 2, below) for systematic translation quality analysis.

For the training of prediction models, we provide a new dataset consisting of source sentences and their human translations, as well as two-three versions of machine translations (by an SMT system, an RBMT system and, for English-Spanish/German only, a hybrid system), all in the news domain, extracted from tests sets of various WMT years and MT systems that participated in the translation shared task:

As test data, for each language pair and MT system (or human translation) we provide a new set of translations produced by the same MT systems (and humans) as those used for the training data.

Additionally, for those interested, we provide some out of domain test data. These translations were annotated in the same way as above, each dataset by one LSP (one professional translator). However, they were generated using the LSP's own source data (a different domain from news), and own MT system (different from the three used for the official datasets). The results on these datasets will not be considered for the official ranking of the participating QE systems, but you are welcome to report on them in your paper. The true scores for these are also provided with the tars below:

Task 1.2 Scoring and ranking for percentage of edits needed (HTER)

Results here, gold-standard labels for all languages here

This task is similar to task 1.1 in WMT13, where we use use as quality score HTER, i.e.: the minimum edit distance between the machine translation and its manually post-edited version in [0,1]. Translations are given by one MT system only. Each of the training and test translations was post-edited by a professional translator, and HTER labels were computed using TERp (default settings: tokenised, case insensitive, etc., but capped to 1).

As training data, we provide a subset of the dataset from sub-task 1.1 above, but for English-Spanish only, and with a single translation per source sentence (the one by the MT systems):

As test data, we provide a new set of translations produced by the same SMT system used for the training data.

Task 1.3 Scoring and ranking for post-editing time

Results here, gold-standard labels for all languages here

This task is the same as Task 1.3 in WMT13: participating systems are required to produce for each sentence its expected post-editing time, a real valued estimate of the time (in milliseconds) it takes a translator to post-edit the translation. The training and test sets are similar to those from sub-task 1.2 (subject to filtering of outliers), above, will be provided, with the difference that the labels are now the number of milliseconds that were necessary to post-edit each translation. Each of the training and test translations was post-edited by a professional translator using a web-based tool to collect post-editing time on a sentence-basis.

Training data data:

Test data:

For each of the subtasks under Task 1, as in previous years, two variants of the results can be submitted:

For each language pair, evaluation will be performed against the true label and/or HTER ranking using the same metrics as in previous years:

For all these subtasks, the same 17 features used in WMT12-13 will be considered for the baseline systems. These systems will use SVM regression with an RBF kernel, as well as grid search algorithm for the optimisation of relevant parameters. QuEst will be used to build prediction models. For all subtasks we will use the same evaluation script.

Task 2: Word-level QE

Results here, gold-standard labels for all languages here

The data for this task is based on a subset of the same datasets provided in Task 1.1, for all language pairs, human and machine translations: those translations labelled 2 (near misses), plus additional data provided by industry (either on the news domain or on other domains, such as technical documentation, produced using their own MT systems, and also pre-labelled as 2s). All segments have been annotated with word-level labels by professional translations using the core categories in the MQM metric as error typology:

Core MQM

Participating systems will be required to produce for each token a label in one or more of the following settings:

As training data, we provide tokenized translation output for all language pairs, human and machine translations, with tokens annotated with all issue types listed above, or good. The annotation was performed manually by professional translators as part of the QTLaunchPad project. For the coarser variants, labels will be grouped in two: accuracy versus fluency; good versus all other types of errors.

As test data, we provide additional data points for all language pairs, human and machine translations:

Submissions for each language pair will evaluated in terms of classification performance (precision, recall, F-1) against the original labels in the three variants (binary, level 1 and multi-class). The main evaluation metric will be the average F1 for all but the "OK" class. For the non-binary variants, the average will be weighted by the frequency of the class in the test data. Evaluation script.

Additional resources

We suggest the following interesting resources that can be used as additional data for training (notice the difference in language pairs and/or text domains and/or MT systems):

These are the resources we have used to extract the baseline features in tasks 1.1, 1.2, 1.3:


  • English source training corpus
  • English language model
  • English language model of POS tags
  • English n-gram counts
  • English truecase model
  • Spanish

  • Spanish source training corpus
  • Spanish language model
  • Spanish language model of POS tags
  • Spanish n-gram counts
  • Spanish truecase model
  • German

  • German source training corpus
  • German language model
  • German language model of POS tags
  • German n-gram counts
  • German truecase model
  • Giza tables

  • English-Spanish Lexical translation table src-tgt
  • English-German Lexical translation table src-tgt
  • Spanish-English Lexical translation table src-tgt
  • German-English Lexical translation table src-tgt
  • Submission Format

    Task 1 Scoring and ranking for post-editing effort

    The output of your system a given subtask should produce scores for the translations at the segment-level formatted in the following way:


    Where: Each field should be delimited by a single tab character.

    Task 2: Word-level QE

    The output of your system should produce scores for the translations at the word-level formatted in the following way:


    Where: Each field should be delimited by a single tab character.

    Submission Requirements

    Each participating team can submit at most 2 systems for each of the language pairs of each subtask. These should be sent via email to Lucia Specia Please use the following pattern to name your files:


    INSTITUTION-NAME is an acronym/short name for your institution, e.g. SHEF

    TASK-NAME is one of the following: 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 2.

    METHOD-NAME is an identifier for your method in case you have multiple methods for the same task, e.g. 2_J48, 2_SVM

    For instance, a submission from team SHEF for task 2 using method "SVM" could be named SHEF_2_SVM.

    You are invited to submit a short paper (4 to 6 pages) to WMT describing your QE method(s). You are not required to submit a paper if you do not want to. In that case, we ask you to give an appropriate reference describing your method(s) that we can cite in the WMT overview paper.

    Important dates

    Release of training data January 22, 2014
    Release of test data March 7, 2014
    QE metrics results submission deadline April 1, 2014
    Paper submission deadlineApril 1, 2014
    Notification of acceptanceApril 21, 2014
    Camera-ready deadlineApril 28, 2014


    Christian Buck (University of Edinburgh)
    Radu Soricut (Google)
    Lucia Specia (University of Sheffield)


    For questions, comments, etc. email Lucia Specia

    Supported by the European Commission under the
    projects (grant numbers 296347 and 287576)