we know very well that the current treaties are not enough and that it will be necessary in the future to develop a more effective and different structure for the union , a more constitutional structure which indicates clearly which are competences of the member states and which are competences of the union . messages of concern first of all in front of the economic and social difficulties that we cross , and this in spite of a sustained high growth , fruit of years of efforts on behalf of all our fellow-citizens . the current situation , particularly unbearable for a number of independent haulage companies and for agriculture , must be improved . to find an agreement on the processes is a good thing in oneself , but it should be taken care that this system cannot be used as political deterrent force . they also have now a clear vision of the rights which they must respect . i am in agreement with his warning against the return , which tries some , to the intergovernmental methods . we are much to want a federation of states nations . the rapporteurs underlined the quality of the discussion and also the need to go further . of course , i can only join them . i also thank all those which pleasantly reproached me for not having made this speech earlier . these , i will answer that for making a speech , it is necessary to learn , to know , to evaluate the involved forces , because the political speech must always be realistic and close to reality and the objectives that we fix ourselves . i would like that one starts from this co-operation reinforced to give some examples of the new european potentiality . the vote will take place with 12h30 today . the commission cannot accept amendment 12 . i will vote in favour of the draft regulation . besides the reports/ratios of the court of auditors european do not cease raising these undervaluations , of greece in portugal . consequently , we did not vote for this report/ratio . according to defenders' of these buses , the latter are not only cheaper and can be used the world scale , but they are also more ecological because their fuel consumption per passenger is less low . the role of the "benchmarking" as regards diffusion good practices through the eu is also underlined . a constraining and total charter , enumerating rights which should absolutely be respected , risk to raise difficulties at a later stage . i thank them both for their formidable engagement . we do not think however that this dialogue can already be completed in nice in less than 3 months , and this only reason is enough to explain our refusal to accept the proposal aiming at registering the charter in the treaties at the time of the summit of nice . group csu in the european parliament is delighted that this project of charter of the basic rights gathers and makes visible the basic rights available to the citizens with respect to the bodies and institutions of the eu . it is with the image of liberal europe which builds itself . indeed , i would have wished a gel of this charter so that one can continue to work it , as nongovernmental organizations of various convention countries propose it enormously . (a5-0248/00) of mr . queiró , on hungary (com (1999) 505 - c5-0028/2000 - 1997/2175 (cos)) ; i would like also to thus propose to you that the parliament does not present any more , the next year , with general report/ratio but is satisfied with national reports/ratios to show that we stick to a continuation differentiated from the negotiations . it seems to me then that , on the basis of work which was begun by the preceding presidencies and the commission , the french presidency will be in measurement , at least i hope for it , to give , at the time of the european council of nice , a rather precise sight of the process of adhesion . i said it and i do not have any evil to repeat it here , the french presidency will not elude any the difficulties which arise , which does not mean , of course , that we will have time and the means of treating each one of them . this question is , of course , perfectly legitimates , but it is necessary to answer it in a correct and precise way . widening is a vast prospect which we must approach with much generosity and vision . all the results of the intergovernmental conference would not answer the gigantic pressure that widening as regards adaptation exerts . the second major change to which we assist and to which europe must adapt is the acceleration striking down of the economic evolution towards a world market and a world competition . fourthly: it rises from that the principle that the states having started the process later are likely good to catch up with those which started earlier . in the fields where considerable and long-term investments are necessary to arrive at the standards of the eu , it would be necessary to keep in mind that the current members also have them , in such cases , requested long transitory times . as regards safety of the borders and fight against criminality also intervene our standards and the advantages of the european co-operation . let us look at trade that there is currently between the european union and the central european countries and eastern . i was content that the police chief finally starts to speak to inform the population for him to say that fears about which one spoke did not have a raison d'être . but a thing clear - and i are delighted that mr . verheugen once again underlined it: there cannot be transitory time as regards compliance with the democratic rules . on this point , we need the assistance for the commission , bus even if the will is there , the ammunition are sometimes lacking . it is essential so that we can , as european union , to fix us the objectives to conclude our clean reform interns . however , we do not agree with certain essential aspects and questions . that carries damage to the european union , its future independent compared to north america and also to a policy of defense and european common safety , since that creates risks with russia and other countries . we hope that there will be results and that one will not have to return to another intergovernmental conference what must be made so that widening can take place . i will be short , as i already was it besides , since i left three minutes of my speaking time at the time of my first intervention . it is very important and , from this point of view , i am happy that the commission works in an information campaign which the verheugen police chief wants at the same time broad and decentralized . but - and it will be my last word because i want to be made well include/understand: i am not a pessimist on the matter , i do not play "small arm" , i want an option strong with respect to widening - to be credible , it is also necessary to be serious , it is also necessary to be included/understood , it is also necessary to be able to collect the adhesion of the people , of the people of the applicant countries like our people . for the hour , i do not see any need for discussing the financial prospects with regard to widening . i can say it to you in connection with none of them ! it is besides for the same reason that they also expressed seen to adhere to the european union . we now will give the word to the various rapporteurs . i saw myself entrusting the work of rapporteur in connection with estonia . as a member of the moderated party , i am extremely sparing when it acts of the money of the taxpayers . then only , it seems to me , could you have an idea of what the latvians achieved during last years . that is not enough ; the whole of the strategy must be more turned towards the citizens . lithuania has an appreciable potential of durable economic growth . to the full extent , that touches with the co-operation of the european union with the federation of russia . i come from there now at the other weak point: the support of the public opinion , inside and outside the european union . in consequence of an intelligent tax policy , the foreign direct investments were assembled , last year , with more than 5 ,45 billion euros . us do not should involve us , especially not us others , german ! the slovak democracy develops in a stable way , which was not always the case . i propose , in this intervention , to underline and take again the six aspects of the evolution of the hungarian situation , which deserve to be put forward from the point of view of adhesion at the european union . i am satisfied to note that this topic was considered in the general report/ratio on the widening presented by mr . brok . it is also and especially the case in the nuclear field , where the legitimate concerns in connection with nuclear and environmental safety are likely to be exploited by the antinuclear lobby . the formation of a group on high level is a measurement which i recommend to my colleagues . the report/ratio that i have the honor to subject to you and which was also adopted unanimously in committee , notes that the part of the territory controlled by the legal authority fills the political criteria of copenhagen . for this purpose , a key role will return , without damage obviously of the clean role of the commission , with our top representing for the pesc , mr . javier solana . however , the principal problem to which malta must face is that the government and the opposition judge the process of adhesion differently and that the european union is attached to the fluidity of this process . even between the usa and mexico , the levels are closer . this is why we decide , in the field of the domestic market , for a reflected , flexible strategy and with the measurement of the challenge . but that it is also allowed to me to say my respect for the citizens of the central european country and eastern which had courage , ten years ago , to go down in the street and which contributed to set in motion this process . the company of information is important for industry , old or new . we cannot to either let us dazzle by the percentages of community legislation transposed in the national legislations . but the ten new countries of eastern europe do not have such an uncle d' amérique . that is also worth , and it is degrading , for the transport of alive animals towards the slaughter-houses . for any major legislation , we plan from now on to impose an evaluation of the incidences on health . my report/ratio for opinion must also speak about the european union and stress that the european funds for the regional development cannot continue to be granted on the basis of countable distribution simple between the areas . elmar brok began rightly its speech while pointing out that we will benefit all of widening , in particular we who we locate on this side of the current external border . the development of the river transport interns will be essential for ecological reasons , because we must draw aside quantities of goods of the road , and if we cannot rail-bound transport them , we will have to use the waterways . one also spoke about selfishness even of populism , and course of the euro lowers it did not certainly contribute to improve the things . the message that we want to transmit to the applicant countries is as follows: "you do not let divert by the width of the reports/ratios and the files which are in front of you . unfortunately , there are in this moment too parties which lost their ideology and which thus testify to an insufficient idealism and an excessive materialism . if it is necessary to differ the right of acquisition land and from residences of family use , differ it . it exists until now , but is certainly threatened by the bureaucratic lack of transparency and manifest resistance , though nonpublic , certain governments . where are besides the million employment promised by the treaty of maastricht? whereas we are revising the treaties , certain states call already with a new reform . the large majority of the international investigations into this subject make state of profits on a macro-economic scale , related to widening . however , except unimportant minorities , no political group questions the principal objective of the slovenien policy , which is to use the european union as fast as possible . if the union widened quickly , it would have to be strongly disintegrated as it is proposed in the standpoint on the widening of group eldr . in my eyes , it is clear that the institutional mode prescribes has multiple long-term consequences on the health of the orphans . i thus ask you to support the proposals for an amendment going in this direction . and even us , european politicians , let us not include/understand rather well the process of negotiation . cyprus will become a kind of bridge towards the countries of the area . i wish with the negotiators the continuation of the success of their work in this important field . a second form of communication is also essential between our countries and the countries applying for accession in order to explain to them what is the european union . we cannot allow us to lose still more dash which existed at the beginning of the nineties . mr . president , first of all , as a socialist rapporteur for the report/ratio on romania , i would like to congratulate the rapporteur for his excellent work . it acts for the institutions , the member states , us all , to show us with the height of this challenge , also compared to fears of our own public opinions , and to find the breath , the ambition and the vision of the fathers founders of europe . i have the impression unfortunately that , despite everything the fine wordss and the many chapters that the council examined in a way applied , this process of widening neither constant nor is driven by political energy necessary . many convention countries faced similar problems at one time or another of their development and can advise bulgaria in order to help it to surmount those to which it must currently face . the democracy is not only one question of majorities , it is also a question of suitable joint decision of minorities . the applicant countries must be on an equal footing and their adhesion should depend only on their own development . at the same time , should recognize to us the efforts authorized by countries such as lithuania which catch up with , so to speak , wasted time . we may find it beneficial consequently to extend our system of rights and of freedoms until in romania and it is an argument to put forward within the framework of the critical debate with the european public opinion . however , it is a question around which the rallying is done - with knowing that of widening . my group thus supports the limitation of the periods transitional as regards environment to a five years maximum . mr . president , it is necessary for us to give a positive dash to widening . the debate remains certainly open with regard to the order in which these countries will be able to adhere , because it will also be necessary to check the progress report of their internal reforms . i delighted by the very positive report/ratio on slovenia and by the considerable efforts made by this country to satisfy the criteria of copenhagen . as a chief of delegation , i could give an account of it to me on several occasions , just like the police chief . in my opinion , the proposal is worthy to be taken into account . these forms of violence and exploitation of the women must as of be now condemned and fought by all the means , as well in the eu in the countries applying for accession . to conclude , i would like to seize this occasion to join to me to a number of fellow-members , of which i share the thoughts and the concerns , and to underline the need for finally attentively examining the question of the borders of europe and , consequently , extended from his widening , as well as opportunity , for the european parliament , for writing a special report/ratio on this subject . the official report of the meeting of yesterday was distributed . thank you . it arrives to us from time at other to recall , in this enclosure , that a citizen's europe must be europe within which the community legislation protects their rights as it is appropriate . i vote on the request for carryforward of the legal affairs committee and the domestic market . we know that these undesirable substances and products are very seldom substances with the violent toxicity , but which they are substances which accumulate in the long term in the organization and which have one long lifespan , such as dioxane , heavy aflatoxines and metals like cadmium , lead and mercury . it is not possible to find the culprits . if this dilution is authorized , it is at least necessary to notify of them the authorities supervising and it is advisable to declare publicly that these dilutions exist because this problem must be made public and to be the subject of a public discussion . it is necessary to highlight the following thing: the crisis of dioxane was the result of criminal acts against the existing payments . mr . president , i thank the colleagues who expressed themselves before me . it was a pressing need . for example , for fish meals , the limiting value is different from that which is proposed for the nonmaritime animal products . it is time to break with a fallacious interpretation of the principle of subsidiarity which more intends each day to increase the supervision of brussels on our nations . following the example rapporteur , i think that all these measurements are justified , as it is justified to examine the case of these substances to which it refers , which is not toxic in oneself , but which increases the toxicity of the mixtures . unfortunately , a good share of ancestral know-how , good country direction , were lost , in this era of industrial agriculture where the animals are nothing any more but manufacturing units and goods . the new regulations will gather , harmonize and simplify very detailed medical regulations and complexes which were scattered up to now between many directives . the number of the people who want to learn with precision which are the components is , according to my research , relatively restricted . secondly , the farmers , who are the producers of feedingstuff ingredients , undergo a change indeed . in the future , it will have to destroy a part much more significant of their basic commodities . the compensation is necessary even if it is clear that the farmers themselves are also very concerned wellbeing of their cattle . amendment 18 explicitly proposes to include water in the definition of feedingstuffs . on the basis of these various evaluation , the commission will put forward with the member states suitable measures to limit the presence of the substances concerned in feedingstuffs . within sight of the amendments submitted to the adoption of this parliament , i am grateful at the parliament of his support in favour of the proposal . to summarize , therefore , the commission can accept without reserve 15 of the 27 amendments suggested . i leave the principle that this time , they will not reach that point . the commission promised that it would work there and it also announced that this list would not be ready tomorrow . the farmers must quite simply know - and this , at least on request and in the form of percentages - all that this made up food for animals and in which quantity contains . to conclude , i would like cordially to thank the rapporteur , mr . graefe zu baringdorf , like mrs . roth-behrendt for their reports/ratios and to hope that the council will adopt on the matter a constructive attitude , so that we can lead to a transparent system concerning the declaration of feedingstuffs . all that , obviously , because of the drama of the esb which was a true novel , in several chapters . the toxic products , which affect the health of human and the animals , are not acceptable . but let us start with the positive points . the proposal with the examination is the beginning of a series of initiatives which are pressed on the white paper on food safety . thank you very much , mister the police chief . (the parliament adopts the resolution) report/ratio (a5-0248/2000) of mr . queiró , in the name of the commission of the foreign affairs , the humans right , of common safety and the policy of defense , on the request for accession of hungary to the european union and the state of the negotiations [ com (1999) 505 - c5-0028/2000 - 1997/2175 (cos) ] report/ratio (a5-0247/2000) of mrs . nicholson of winterbourne , in the name of the commission of the foreign affairs , the humans right , of common safety and the policy of defense , on the request for accession of romania to the european union and the state of the negotiations [ com (1999) 510 - c5-0033/2000 - 1997/2171 (cos) ] thirdly finally , and it is perhaps the most difficult condition , the council must agree on new institutional arrangements which make it possible the community to effectively function indeed , and democratically after widening . even if one approves the principles of article 13 , it is clear that the derived legislation that the european union in the car goes sometimes very far , and that there is no reason to refuse with the applicant countries a right to cultural differentiation . i will finish while insisting on the fact that the process of widening must be done in a progressive way , at the rate/rhythm of the adaptation of the applicant countries . . (es) in the current context and within sight of the reserves which started to be made hear in connection with the widening of the european union , it is important that the parliament clearly poses a political gesture in favour of this one . . the european union , since its creation , has vocation to gather the people . the criteria of the council of copenhagen of 1993 , in connection with democratization or with the capacity to support competition reinforce , in own way of "'acquis communautaire'" , the reign of a wild and destroying capitalism . an escape ahead in widening , these conditions , is likely to accelerate the populist drifts and fascisantes which points here and there . the agenda of this meeting precisely contains a relationship having milked with the equal opportunity between men and women , which illustrates once again the poor situation of the 'acquis communautaire' in this field . who could indeed deny the entry , in the european house , of poland de copernic and jean-paul ii , of hungary martyrized in 1956 in budapest or of the capital symbol , prague , when the people's democracies défenestraient the head of state and crushed the people of jan palach , immolé for freedom . wider europe , with the tasks and the more duties , needs more important financial resources . i benefit from this occasion to address my greetings to the old people and to reprocessed of estonia , by hoping that one occupies oneself of their means of existence within the european union . i thus do not see any reason so that latvia is not allowed within the european union , if it continues to progress at the same rate/rhythm and once that the union will have carried out the adjustments necessary of its institutional structure and its policies to face widening . i thus do not see any reason so that lithuania is not allowed within the european union , if it continues to progress at the same rate/rhythm and once that the union will have carried out the adjustments necessary of its institutional structure and its policies to face widening . progress is also obvious , in the field of the environment , with the setting in uvre of the "funds national for protection del' environment" and the application of the principle of the "pollutant-payer" . while inserting poland in the common house , the union will show justice with regard to the arriving news: a justice which it missed too a long time . i hope that the czech republic will join the union quickly . . (in) i am pleased with the queiró report/ratio on the request for accession of hungary to the european union and i share the majority of the conclusions which car the rapporteur . i hope that bulgaria will join the union in a future not too remote . report/ratio poos (a5-0249/2000) it acts of a positioning right and balanced that the council of ministers must take seriously into account . i hope , on this subject , that the negotiations carried out under the aegis of the united nations will be able to succeed , so that the cypriot populations greek and turkish profit , together , of the benefits of adhesion within the framework of a reunified republic . - (in) i am pleased sincerely with the poos report/ratio on the candidature of cyprus for adhesion for the european union . however , we , consuming , we locate at the ultimate stage of the food chain and are thus the final receptacle of the diversions and the food counterfeits . it particularly holds us with cur to put in uvre , the european level , and in a concrete way , food safety from the cattle shed to the table , or from the fork to the fork . they is precisely because we are in favour of the development of relations of co-operation , really fraternal and between really equal partners , between all the countries of the world , that we do not have the intention , by our vote , to guarantee a masquerade . the council in informed the parliament before the vote in committee , but only right before this one , drawing aside thus deliberately any chance to re-examine the question with me or the parliament . in my report/ratio , i ask a broader representation and for participation of ong , a reinforcement of the responsibility with regard to the european parliament , the establishment of an annual report which will have to be discussed at the parliament , possible degree of transparency a highest , the promotion of the memory of passed like instrument of fight against the prejudices and the recognition of multiple discrimination . in same time , the justified interests of the workers must be taken into account . since a high responsibility falls to the two sides of industry with regard to the regulation as regards discrimination on the place of work , those are most capable to work out practical solutions . answering my invitation , jenny had come to assist to with it as coordinator of the group access charter . practical , because the directives and the action plans encourage , on the one hand , member states to fight against discrimination on the basis of principle same and , on the other hand , the commission to play its part of guardian of the treaties but also of guide in the social debate . although the legal basis releases from the appropriations for new preparatory actions , their financing within this category could involve a reduction of the appropriations intended for other policies . mesdames and the deputies , we have under the eyes a proposal of framework directive necessary , but insufficient , of which we will have the possibility of improving the mechanisms once that a certain lapse of time of application will have run out . i hope that the commission , in the light of this new directive , will be interested closely in the discrimination based on the sex . i congratulate the commission , as well as the authors of the reports/ratios . i am satisfied with the opinion of the mann report/ratio aiming at allowing the organizations to ideological base to pose , if necessary , with the personnel requirements the at the time of recruitment in connection with this base . the speed with which the institutions made use of new competences of amsterdam proves , madam the police chief , whom the european union always preserves its statute of pioneer in the field of the equal opportunity , and for this reason i would like to thank for all cur the european commission . the fact that there exists in our company of discriminations of various nature confirms the importance of the action plan involved , as regards the report/ratio of mr . cashman . mr . president , in the name of the bonino list i would like to express fright that we test in front of the way in which europe and the member states treat the topic of discrimination , racism and xenophobia . can the police chief explain why the commission does not hold account of this aspect? the second problem that i would like to approach is that ong , for important that they are , are invited to occupy itself of the setting in uvre , independently of their size , their nature and the actions which they carry out . the liberal and democratic group evaluated all that positively and in particular the activity of the parliament which wanted to insist , also and especially , on the prevention of the phenomenon and not only on the good practices . it is a challenge for us all , because we judge ourselves the others on a first impression . mr . president , to fight and legislate against discriminations is to recognize that they exist and even as they are , for of them , "legalized" because standardized much . the first , the unctad , the conference of the united nations for the trade and the development , posed in 1963 in geneva the principle of the compensation inequalities , therefore of discrimination . in fact , information and sensitizing cover in this respect a fundamental importance , they must be a starting element and be used to inculcate a new mentality , a new fashion to think and to be , so that these still widespread prejudices in a diffuse way in the population can be completely éradiqués and that a true parity is guaranteed in terms of right between all the citizens . it is thus important to make progress the two legislative initiatives discussed today , by however improving some of their aspects and by increasing the amounts planned for the financing of the program , in order to reflect the political importance of this fight against discrimination . in particular , the agreement on the principle of forecast of reasonable installations , whose sweden and ireland are the pionnières , will make from now on so that the employers of the whole of europe , adapt their places of work , acquire special equipment and modify their working methods in order to offer a true chance to the handicapped employees . article 13 is the starting point of a new objective of the eu: to fight against the discrimination or the unequal treatment of the citizens through reasons enumerated in this same article . the second point that i would like to underline relate to the unfortunately made coarse error with the commission with this first "package" in the sense that she wanted to draw up a list of priorities on the level of the reasons for discrimination . mr . president , the discrimination based on the religion is unacceptable , just like any other form of discrimination . as laic convinced , i could not thus associate to me it . however , the generous idea to recognize with each citizen the maximum of possible freedom , in so far as it is compatible with the same measurement of freedom for the others , meets still today obstacles - the ones in fact and the others of right . one of these directives was already adopted in record time , and i think that other a of good lucks to be adopted at the time of the french presidency in november . some are not in conformity with the legal regulations , like the amendment concerning the agreements of the commissions . on the other hand , i then to accept the amendment 38 , which proposes to delete article 5 the list of differences in treatment on the basis of age , which could be justified . you mentioned the important question of contractual conformity . it is the first time that we authorize joint projects in this action plan . it is clear that the more total the code will be , the more it will be effective . article 7 of the code urges the member states to prevent any transfer of weapons towards inappropriate end-users . mr . president , i acknowledge to have the nostalgia of the time when emanated , of the european parliament , but also of various pacifist movements and the trade unions , the incentives to think and act in the direction of a progressive reduction of the production of weapons , and where one wondered how one could pass from the military use to the civil use . considering the situation in which the planet and our continent are today , after the end of the cold war and the rupture of the balance established by the terror of the weapons of massive destruction , such a behavior would be irresponsible . these weapons became , so to speak , the symbol of anarchy in many places in the world . the pesc covers an activity intended to treat the crises apart from the borders of the eu , and not anything which can be described like a policy of defense . their objective is to prevent exports of weapons bound for governments which violate the humans right , of areas in prey to conflicts or areas engaged in arms races . the commission , in close cooperation with the member states , took an active part in the development of the common action of the european union concerning the light weapons and of small gauge . the agenda calls the communication of the commission on the european space of research . introduction of forms of intervention of longer duration ; intermediaries between the support of projects and the institutional financing , use of the instruments with variable geometry offered by the treaty , more particularly the participation of the union in national programs such as it is envisaged in article 169 of the treaty . what we want to reinforce , it is this character of hierarchisation and that depends on the level of the mode of intervention . you say to consider a total rehandling of the outline programme . i think that we need today something which structure european space of research , i .e . from something which goes beyond the outline programme which comes in supplement from national programs ; we need a structuring element , which wants to say that formulas should be accepted . concerning the reflexions with the stoa , i believe that something should be done together , since the parliament , the joint research centre , the institutes of futurology present in the various member states are concerned . it seems that the commission progresses to step of giant towards the realization of the european space of research . there will be a whole chapter on sciences , the company and the citizens . contacts took place with the authorities of greece , ireland and portugal to ask for the government these countries of accelerate the presentation at the commission of their projects to the title of the funds of cohesion . probably the absence of the service that you mention , which existed in the preceding commission and which was devoted exclusively to the funds of cohesion , does not allow to have more concrete elements . my second question is as follows: except the funds of cohesion , there is the community framework of support , the structural funds , the regional programs , etc . from which countries you did receive the final drafts and which programs of which countries you already approved? in 1989 , the commission introduced a new proposal having to offer more flexibility . i have of course the arguments of mr . bolkestein and i know that the rule of prohibited principle of the treaties to more tax the foreigners than domestic companies , but the general law of the fair competition in europe should apply and , when the levels of taxation are completely disproportionate , should study the effect to us which the legislation as regards competition can have on the situation , and this in spite of the general rule according to which it is a prerogative of the member states . if you want to preserve the fuel , it should be done via the fuel taxes , and not via other forms of taxation . i will answer to mr . purvis that the question of the natural regional disadvantages is probably spring of the national governments insofar as a part of their electorate is in these outlying areas and with the variation . mr . president , madam the police chief , i thank you for this information . during spring and summer the last , the commission proceeded to a general re-examination of its activities and its human resources . we had certain information in this direction . these children , in an increasing proportion , are exploited by tourists and businessmen , which for a significant number of them come from europe . the commission thinks that all the companies will be able to prepare in time for the final passage to the euro , including with regard to the adaptation of their information processing systems and their software . this discussion philosophico-policy is not any more on the agenda but we can discuss in a general way of the dangers of a referendum , though perhaps in another context . this also applies to the dash . a recall was recently sent to the french authorities . with regard to the applicant countries , i can say to you that meetings took place with them on the subject of the transport of the animals and that preliminary agreements were concluded . the commission however was informed during the season of sowings of the spring of this year of the interception of imported seeds of conventional varieties of various species , y included/understood of cotton , container of the traces of seeds gm . however , after consultation of his services , i am able to inform you that the fundamental requirements of safety as regards data-processing equipment of private or professional use are fixed by a directive on the electric components , the directive "low tension" , like by the directive on the hertzian equipment and the final equipment of telecommunications . will it agree nevertheless with me for saying that the distinction made between safety with work and safety in class or safety for a child working at his place is not in fact not one? perhaps it will tighten the hand of president khatami . aung san suu kyi is today de facto under house arrest . i am thus reticent with going further in the field of the trade or with advising other actions concerning the trade or the investments . question n º 15 of (h-0769/00): those which said that to me referred for example to some of the electoral meetings to which they had assisted . questions 16 to 44 will receive written answers . what we would like , it is a european report consolidated , published and examined by this parliament . us should concentrate us on the passage to the not-production of armaments and not on the way in which we will ensure our competitiveness compared to the other countries of the world which produce armaments . the five permanent members of the security council , who are supposed to take care on our safety , should lend the ear to these proposals and as fast as possible negotiate an arrangement really worthy of xxie century . the debate of today poses an important stake in the process of reform that the prodi commission started a little more than one year ago . i then to prevent me from having the impression that in its haste to produce a proposal within the time allowed by the white paper on the reform , the commission neglected to approach the details correctly . i thus propose that the financial comptroller and the internal listener produce both of the annual reports returning account of their activities . the report/ratio van hulten accentuates more still , and with reason , the distinction pled by the commission . it represents a good starting base for the exchanges of better practices between the institutions . let us hope for how this does not repeat itself ! if we define a rule for the great institutions , then the principle of independence proposed by the committee of wise must prevail everywhere . we very often lived in the past of the situations in which excessively long decision-making processes caused near the applicants the disappointment and the loss of confidence in the european institutions . i would like to say to mrs . the police chief that this report/ratio is only one transitory stage . that means that it acts of the first phase of the construction of a bridge between the system of control we have today and the system which we want to have after the reform . here of what the proposal consists which is submitted to you . it is only when they are in measurement to assume it that the sampling , the procedure of sampling , which will be it also frequently controlled , will be withdrawn . beyond the words , we all are conscious that the task will certainly not be easy . i obviously also think that we are qualified , neither as politicians nor as technicians , to be able to only harness us with the resolution of this problem . fortunately , the large majority of the children and the young people grow in a medium free from such harmful factors . i divide in all points the opinion expressed by the president of the commission , when it insists on the need for establishing such a statutory catalogue ; it is necessary absolutely , in my opinion , to reinforce the principle of subsidiarity and it is necessary thus that the eu abstains from wanting to by the way found policies in a great number of fields whose the political problems are not transnational . information coming from the whole world and concerning all the fields of knowledge becomes accessible since the residence within the shortest possible time . for them , to communicate with the totality of the sphere is an ordinary thing . decrees very quickly , they declare with the police officers: "it is funny , in the serials , one is not made take also easily" . the legislator - i conclude here , mr . president - cannot all regulate , but it must sometimes point out the rights and the duties of each one . i am very sensitive also to the remarks which were made on education , training with reading the images , on the sensitizing of the younger generations to have a critical approach of the media and not to consume anything , any time , anyhow . if a report/ratio as this one does not manage to make progress , to improve mobility or at least to start to cut down the barriers which currently blocks the mobility of the world of education , nothing will have a more negative impact on their opinion . the problems to be solved in the various countries are of various nature: for example , different regulations as regards social security , grants , right of abode , taxation and lack of mutual recognition of the diplomas and the training courses . it is time that europe sticks again to the good execution of programs such as socrates and jeunesse for europe . the experiments as regards mobility of the students and the teachers prove that the real problems of this mobility are not so much side of management of teaching but in the field of the social authorities , tax and of immigration . one quoted the socrates program to illustrate this problem . there must be a system of clear inspection , a clear control , even if that is done by sampling , and especially , a counter , a web page , where the students can deposit complaints . we require consequently the integration of the target group of the researchers among the categories of people being able to profit from the recommendations . it is easy to do it in a speech , but not so much in practice . the debate is closed . we appreciate your step , like that of president chirac or the joschka fischer minister . widening imposes the reinforcement ; the reinforcement allows and does not compromise widening . (applause) europe has an inheritance cultural , social , legal and scientific single supplied with the variety and the vitality of the national components . the motion for a resolution on the commission reports , about which you will come to a conclusion presently , is rich on the matter . that appears clearly in the report drawn up by the finnish presidency on the women and the decision-making . the indicators which it worked out will make it possible to evaluate made progress . beyond this conference of the ministers and conference on the professional equality , two very important texts , specifically devoted to the equality , but concerning the council "employment and social affairs" deserve to be quoted . second relates to the principle of non-discrimination , of which that founded on the sex . within the framework of the annual reports , i would like to add - and the president in exercise also approached this point - that one of the principal problems with which the eu is confronted relates to obviously the existence of large cultural differences . the reports/ratios of which it is a question here also give this impression . we must take care that the directive on the equality is really translated in the legislation . i believe that this method , applied initially by finland , are usable in several fields and , since it forms part of the strategy of the equal opportunity of the commission , we can expect good results from them . in the name of the equal opportunity , the french women conquered , thanks to europe , the right to work during the night . as citizen frenchwoman , this vision of the world is particularly foreign for me . in spite of these remarks , we will vote this report/ratio because , of course , we are favorable to the equal opportunity , but the equal opportunity , it is before all the respect of each one . those which remove with the mothers freedom to raise their children without being remunerated will receive the invoice later , in the juvenile form of delinquency and vandalism . on this subject , i recall our report/ratio on the splitting rights of pension in the event of divorce , so that the services for the survivors and the age of the pension are integrated in the directive of 1979 . the polish women were very grateful to us to have specified that the representative who was present did not even relay the position of the polish women . an increased presence of the women on all the levels of government and in all the fields is essential to reinforce the democracy and to support and maintain peace . while finishing , i would like to evoke the situation of the women in the countries which prepare their adhesion with the european union . also the members of the council , and in particular the men who sit there , have to assume here the essential mission which consists in carrying out europe in the combat against the maffia which organizes the draft of the women . because this form of slave system is not like problems which can make raise the shoulders with responsible political actors , nor that they can drive back or neglect . we can deduce from the reports/ratios and the interventions which we analyze today that the problem of the equal opportunity is , as much among us knew , a problem of a structural nature and than , to approach it , are needed total strategies , because the women are neither a category nor a homogeneous social group , and even less collective . it is true that i was a little sorry to see that maria de belém roseira did not occupy any more this station . two among you evoked new social rights , new revenue duties . thirdly , they constitute the base of a strategy with regard to the european union - even for the charter of the basic rights , the fact of having had a sight of the current situation played an important part - but they offer of it also the possibility at the national level , since the member states can from now on , thanks to the comparative evaluation , to define their national objectives . the common discussion is closed . it is necessary to see these amendments in the new context of the inter-institutional agreement and , consequently , the parliament can compromise while not insisting on these amendments of comitology since that , in a certain manner , they were exceeded by the new inter-institutional framework . nevertheless , i personally continue to think that the text approved at the time by the parliament answered well better new realities which rose from the domestic market and the liberalization of the markets , insofar as the elements of clarification and control which introduced the not accepted amendments more guaranteed the observance of the regulation and the application of the same procedures . if we want that third countries accept the compromises , the european community must be the first to apply to take care of the respect of its own standards , because if a country has the occasion to introduce products on the community market by smuggling , why would take it the trouble to negotiate an unspecified type of concession with us? same manner , the amendment of the parliament concerning the declaration of without-papers , which was adopted by the council , will allow the customs administrations member states to be equipped with the automated instruments of management most modern . but it is too late now because the vote has just taken place and the deputies voted in his favour . votes (continuation) report/ratio (a5-0198/2000) of mrs . dybkjær , in the name of the commission of the women's rights and of the equal opportunity , on the annual reports of the commission on "the equal opportunity for the women and the men in the european union - 1997 , 1998 , 1999" (com (1998) 302 - c5-0106/1999) (com (1999) 106 - c5-0289/2000) (com (2000) 123 - c5-0290/2000 - 1999/2109 (cos)) . it is not the first time that i express myself on the mobility of the students and the teaching body . this report/ratio is all the more important as it intervenes at one critical time for the european union , that of widening . discrimination is not fought by creation of additional administrative services , but only in the head of people . . i did not vote the mann report/ratio , because if it is indeed necessary to seek work the equal treatment of the people employment , still would be necessary it not to push the zeal at the point to give up any protection of freedoms and any respect of the state of right . being laic convinced , i could not associate to me it . the snp is pleased with this directive and its objective to put an end to any discrimination on the place of work . if we want to make the directive acceptable and achievable , this one cannot be overloaded of literature and desires which do not have their place in a legislative text . the eplp issues however strong concerning the following fields . certain elements would also owe , with our direction , being left with the discretion of the member states , such as the general terms of application , the organization of the formations for the workers of certain groups of age , the nature of the system of mediation , and the way in which sme must interpret the directive . in this interview , van hulten points out extremely precisely that only the resolution of problems as the fraud , the wasting , but also the lack of effectiveness in the decision-making process , will enable us to start with a positive diary . the reasons of the orientation of my vote one milks , on the whole , with the question of the bringing together between the european union and nato like with the impulse given to the policy of common defense . one also evokes there exports of european weapons like a means of solving the future local conflicts in the geographical areas close to europe . on the other hand , i could accept only one formulates the need for a policy of common defense and a european policy of safety and defense . the children are the first victims of violence to television . i am pleased with the realization of this study . a group of experts will be also made up at community level . it will have the role the creation of an establishing memorandum of the general principles for the protection of the minors in the context of the media . report/ratio dybkjaer (a5-0198/2000) it is particularly interesting that , for the first time , the need is raised for continuing the evaluation of the effectiveness of the political initiatives by means of the annual reports of the commission . peru mr . president , peru currently saw moments of uncertainty and us infants all the hope which the current situation is solved by the means of a process , guaranteeing all the civil laws and political and contributing to the reinforcement of the democracy and peace to peru , where 25 000 people died during fifteen last years . the word in question is the word "democracy" . mr . president , mesdames and messrs , the conditions under which were held the elections in peru in may of this year were unacceptable . b5-0793/2000 , of mrs . ainardi and others , in the name of the group of the scandinavian green left unit european/left , on the situation of the women in afghanistan . i thus delighted to note that the report/ratio contains certain clear and precise points on the situation of the women and that it draws the attention to the need for trying to intervene in order to prevent that the mode of the talibans does not continue his uvre total discrimination of the women . the eu has an important mission . there can be recognition on behalf of no member state , as long as the policy of violation of the human rights will be maintained , in particular of systematic discrimination with regard to the women . we must hold account of this reality , within the european institutions , and owing to the fact that the cultures of drug are used to buy weapons . it will support however in a solved way the close countries , so that they improve their possibilities of fight against drug . i think that the moment had just pointed out the need which the european union starts to draw an overall policy with respect to the countries of latin america which could perhaps prevent that these countries cross crises periodically as those which some knew . mr . president , mesdames and messrs , the commission and the parliament greet the release of the father spanish jesuit alejandro matos castro last week . b5-0782/2000 , of mr . haarder , in the name of the group of the european party of the liberals , democrats and reformers , on macedonia: legislation relating to the higher education and the universities ; this is why we are very happy that the problem of the higher education perhaps finally found a solution really positive . for my part , i see there especially a good example , for all the close countries , showing that teaching is not useful that to propagate hatred - as it is generally the case - but which it can also be the cradle of a peaceful multiethnic cohabitation . i would have also wished that this solution be approved by all the parties represented at the parliament . i can perhaps benefit from the occasion to stress that the commission already could be pleased with its collaboration with the top representing , mr . van der stoel . we do not carry out this debate only to today express our deep sorrow . us carry out it especially to examine what occurred , which are the causes and how we will cure the situation , how we can , as commission and a european parliament , to make so that such events are not repeated . in any case , mr . president , we agree with this common motion for a resolution which we support such as it is made out , with the title of the urgency , and on the basis , it goes without saying , of what i evoked previously . we are in disagreement with the amendments which were also deposited with the title of the urgency . for the amendment on the working conditions , there is a related directive , the formulation of the amendment is not as satisfactory as the text . it is quite simply unacceptable for the islands of the north and the west of scotland , as for the potential route of crossing of the north sea towards the european continent which will be , i hope for it , inaugurated in the near future . i am happy that the greek government cancelled this exemption meanwhile . this is why , following the shipwreck of the ship samina express train , the commission immediately requested the greek government to into force provide explanations on the application of the community legislation . i would wish to raise the question of knowing , and i ask you to clear up this with the office , if , after the suppression of friday , the suppression of thursday did not already start on a certain side . this problem is not solved and as long as it will not be it , the international financial institutions - the imf and the world bank - will not be able to help democratic serbia . consequently , it is also necessary to work on the level of the united nations with the countries of ex-yugoslavia as soon as possible to find an agreement which can free , when the moment of freedom comes to serbia , the economic aids - by the means of the imf and the world bank . in these moments perhaps will be played in the streets of belgrade the advent of a democratic change where the recourse to violence could be avoided . we condemn all the acts being able to be regarded as a provocation , in particular with regard to the holy places in jerusalem . compared to the middle east , us , europeans , authorized an effort - venice , madrid , oslo , stockholm - and we have truly constant the promotion and the development of this process . the fact more shocking relates to the use of balls of fragmentation with the police force and the army israelis ; these balls , which explode in the body of tens of pieces and which are prohibited on an international scale , even in the combat opposing of the soldiers , are now employed against the civil ones . i believe that europe can and must make much in this direction , clearly and decision . it is necessary thus to do everything to stop the fire in progress as soon as possible . provocations such as the action of ariel sharon should not occur . it is again the case today , and it is what will prevent and prevented europe , during all these years , to play a part of mediation in the middle east , giving up this role in the only united states . we will not sacrifice the serb people to our noble moral objectives because that could mean the death of thousands of people in serbia and yugoslavia . to conclude , madam the president , i propose to send a parliamentary delegation as soon as possible and as soon as a new yugoslav government is formed , in order to establish the plans of rebuilding of a serbia news in collaboration with this new government . madam the president , mesdames and messrs , we obviously live a historic day within this parliament , which will perhaps mark the end of the one of the last pillars of a totalitarian dictatorship in europe . mr . president , there is a problem , the german version of the collection concerning the urgencies - i do not know if it is also the case for the other versions - contains only the proposals for an amendment of group gue , but no motion for a resolution , nor even the common text . mr . president , i would simply wish to draw the attention of my colleagues to the pile which shows of which documents we needed for the votes for this week . if the parliament could propose amendments with the council decision , it would probably underline the social unemployment and problems in croatia which are due to the mode of austerity imposed on this country . however , there is not basic legal for such amendments in this context . it is the occasion there to assert the same objectives with regard to the activity of the eib . mr . president , we approached yesterday evening , with the centre even of this parliament , the question of serbia and the revolutionary changes which occur there . i also wish to convince my colleagues , and especially the council , to remain , at the time of the negotiations of the next months on the budget for the next year and the following years , most faithful possible to the commission proposal , which , in my opinion , to date constitutes the best estimate of the total costs in croatia and in other parts of balkans . in 1990 , the democratic elections organized in this country were considered to be equitable and free by the international opinion . i thus say yes to the financial assistance , yes with this guarantee and i ask the commission vigorously to massively help this deeply european country and from now on truly democratically controlled and according to principles' of the state of right , to associate it to the candidates with adhesion , because i believe that croatia deserved our unconditional support . just like the rapporteur , i wonder whether the money intended for this end will be really available , more especially as it seems well that enormous funds must be provided soon to serbia and that the budget of the union is not re-examined with the rise . the delegations of the croatian parliament and ours they also invited the council to extend the mandate of the eib . i hope that contacts will be tied quickly and that , as for croatia , a help will be granted the serb people , which deserve our larger respect . (the official report is approved) in this same spirit , we invite the women of the european parliament to take part in this delegation: a call tuesday and wednesday ago and we will collect the signatures and the participation in the delegation , in the intention express to build , between women , of the bridges of peace where reign violence . as a whole , there were more sufferings for the basques and the spaniards ; it is certain that the spaniards and the basques are tired of the current conflict . madam the president , you undoubtedly remember that , at the time of the last session , i had evoked the critical situation of a democratic militant , the british james mawdsley , who was held illegally by the burmese authorities . madam the president , in what relates to me , i would like to speak in fact about the payment . actually , this report/ratio of technical appearance , which does not seem to bring of great modification of a political nature , is extremely important insofar as , surreptitiously , it introduces the possibility of practising the genetic engineering in vine growing and thus to lead to a genetically modified vine growing . if we do not approve the report/ratio , there will be delays . the council of state - as said to you - rejected this recourse and duly informed us of this rejection . but today the situation repeats and relates to a colleague , certainly epp , but not of my political camp in italy . this is why we plead actively for the introduction of a social dashboard , like that was the case for the domestic market , with clear measurements , expiries and deadlines . i hope , madam the minister , that the council will be inspired by waitings of the parliament and that you will succeed , at the time of the summit of nice , to lay down ambitious objectives in a european social diary to which we will be able then to harness us during next years . of the abstract council "use and social policy" of last 8 july in paris , the presidency had required of the whole of the actors concerned - the european parliament , of course , economic and social committee , comité of the areas , the two sides of industry , ong , groups and committees of the council - to make him share of their proposals . to oppose the quantitative one to qualitative is a false debate and lisbon clearly laid down a double objective: more uses and uses of better quality . this mobility should be encouraged , while ensuring the safety of the professional trajectories . we must try to recapitulate and to describe the gaps of the system and , in any case , we must put them in the diary . we estimate that open coordination constitutes the good way to be followed towards social europe . the setting in uvre of the posted ambitions sociétales in lisbon calls a community effort , an action plan for the creation of jobs in the services , in particular those related to the company of information . the commission can naturally provide an important contribution , but the social problems are anchored on a local scale , and one must largely treat them by holding account of the various concrete contexts . the social one acted as corrector of the most harmful effects of the economic policies . the proposal presented originally by the commission would have been much better without amendment - congratulations , madam the police chief . it is an ambitious diary . i remember still how much we have painfully advanced as regards social protection during the preceding legislature . i think that that will be very positive and will help the women to reconcile family life and professional . i have sometimes the impression , that , under the concept of modernization , one often thinks of emptying the social protection of his substance . which are the fundamental elements of the contents? it is still difficult to define european objectives which will be pareillement in force for all the member states , since there is a various reality . 49 amendments were submitted to the commission . it is thus important that we provide guarantees concerning the possibility that will have the nongovernmental organizations to influence the process . another point is that the community must intervene more in the estimate of the needs for initiatives additional , including , if necessary , the adaptation of the regulation , the equal opportunity and the fight against discriminations . it is not that the good ideas and the good plans to arrive at the equality missed in the past , but their setting in uvre often failed . it is not normal that the voice of the women is monopolized by a handle of professional of the claim living thanks to the perfusion of public monies . equality of the men and the women in the civil life , which makes it possible to the women to fully enjoy the humans right and of fundamental freedoms . i wait until the male actors are interested in it finally and that they fight stereotypes and roles of the exceeded sexes . i however believe that we must thank it for having followed this debate , considering his presence was not envisaged during this discussion . policy of competition we must offer to our companies the best possible conditions so that they can organize their production and especially their future . they must have a broad choice of products of high quality sold at competitive prices: it is , finally , the reason for which it is necessary to promote the single market and , in parallel , free competition , because that profits with all our citizens . it is a question of the decision of granting or of not granting aids in the sector of coal . item 16 of the riis-jørgensen report/ratio evokes the concern of improving legal safety at the time of the requests for fusions , and of making more effective and more rapids the calendars applicable to the procedures of appeal . in all the cases , it acts of public companies which owe their force not with an impeccable management of the businesses , but with the positions of monopoly last and present . it is necessary for us to more imply the citizens in information on the policy of competition , so that it recognizes the advantages of them . they have a considerable significance for employment and the regional policy and i wish that it well in the future be included/understood , so that these assistances , the interior assistances , which have implications for the regional development and the economy of the areas , and where transport takes value of typical example , can be continued . this communication contains three important messages . i also warmly thank mr . evans for his excellent report/ratio on the regulation as regards state aid to iron and steel industry and on the eighth commission report on the state aid in the european union . i would like to thus reassure mrs . palacio and mr . karas , as well as the other deputies who intervened on these points , and their statement which the payment largely holds account of their concerns . if not , we would serve our objective , namely to support competition and the consumers , in a perverse way . the common discussion is closed . the mechanism of financing is the application of article 119 of the treaty ec , which remains in force during the third phase of the economic and monetary union only for the member states which do not take part in the single currency . mr . president , mister the police chief , mesdames and messrs , i am pleased that we can still discuss the proposal for a council directive today modifying directive 68/193/the eec relating to the marketing of vegetative reproductive materials of the vine , and i hope that the vote of tomorrow will be positive . some of them launched , july 5 , the call of beaune , where they express all their concern vis-a-vis with the introduction of gmo into their trade . the rules that they provide in addition favorable to the production of a vegetable material are diversified by offering best the guaranteed medical ones , which is fundamental , to effectively accompany the reorganization by the community vineyard , key point of the new wine ocm . one needs the high and strong statement , it was not by no means necessary of gaver the articles of this directive of references to directive 90/220 in the course of revision , except to want to promote with any force in the vine the genetic engineering . i am pleased to inform you that we can accept moreover the amendments 35 to 40 , presented by mr . graefe zu baringdorf , which tend to reinforce the transposition of the requirements of safety and management registered in directive 220/90 . i would simply wish to point out that the parliament did not have to decide as such . madam the president , it is concerning the item 14 of our official report on the request for lifting of the parliamentary privilege of our college pacheco pereira . i will be more precise on the qualified majority . on the weighting of the voices , the two well-known options also remain on the table: simple weighting for which light , very light , majority is confirmed , or double majority , but with various formulas , double simple or repondérée majority or the shape of "demographic net" . in addition , without damage of a coordination and need assessment of the economic and financial assistance to the yugoslav federal republic , which will be entrusted jointly to the european commission and the world bank , the european council of biarritz decided to urgently grant to the yugoslav federal republic a first humanitarian aid of 200 million euros . but see you , mesdames and messrs , if i were to say to you spontaneously and very sincerely my feeling , i would say this: whatever the sensitivity of these questions - composition of the commission and voting system - it is not on this basis that one will be able to measure the failure or the success of nice . positive also was approval by the heads of state and government of the charter of the basic rights , but it is necessary for me however to recall , mr . president of the council , the reason which made this approval possible . as we should not make die trouble the spirit of nice , our fundamental priority during the 50 days which remain will be to raise the negotiations at the political level . in this direction , i would like to also address to me to my colleges of the european popular party - and i ask mr . poettering to listen myself - because what we defend in this parliament , we must defend it outwards . according to what we know of the results obtained by the prime ministers and presidents in biarritz on the highly delicate questions of reform of the treaty , the charter will be probably the most beautiful success of nice . the council would meet really european waitings citizen while launching a great consultation of the populations , national parliaments , allowing to lead to a charter really meeting the needs . it is thus necessary to launch an invitation to all to turn over to the origins of our union , to have the courage which mr . giscard d'estaing and mr . schmitt had by deciding election by the vote for all of the european parliament in 1976 and 1979 and to decide that into 2009 we will have finally a president of the european union , president of the commission . i would in particular like , in this respect , to answer so that mr . poettering said on cleavage between the large ones and small countries . i return from a word simply on the businesses of external marketing policy , because it is a completely serious subject . it is nevertheless something of invaluable which was underlined by all the members of the european council . another very positive point was the adoption of the charter in its totality . beyond , it seems to to me that on this crucial question for the future of the european union and its mode of decision , biarritz marked points and we can only congratulate us . i hope that we will be able to still convince , to progress , to override this point in nice . i quote two concrete examples: on the one hand , one passes from the right to work with the right to work and , on the other hand , a certain number of social rights included/understood in the revised social charter of the council of europe are not in the charter . it clearly arises from the debates which take place in europe everywhere , including those of biarritz , that the largest member states seek , partly , to make pressure on the smallest member states in order to reform the european union in accordance with the political line followed by the largest states and also according to their desires . the dissatisfied ones with the two edges are the proof for the negotiators whom they forward to a right balance . the leaders of europe did not formulate clear vision . a commission structured on criteria of representation of each state betrays a design little visionary . there would be then a centralized union , which would leave with the small countries less influence than the system of the american bicameral system does not leave any in the federal states of small size . after the top of sharm-el-sheikh , where all the parts concerned were joined together to find despite everything a exit with the crisis of violence and to restore the dialogue between barak and arafat , we could note , though this moment ago when that seemed to be able to succeed , whom it is extremely difficult to contain violence . bad advisors , obviously , make say to mr . barón things which are not true about italy and of my party . it is necessary that we achieve progress as regards tax on energy in europe . the latter underwent a total blocking until now because of the principle of the unanimity . we cannot allow that a situation settles in which the small states would come from there to fear a drift towards solutions of directorate . i estimate that convention provided excellent work and i am proud to have been able to count among his members . in this second case of figure , the question will be to know at which time this principle of strictly levelling rotation between large and small will function . the extension to truths prone of the vote in the majority qualified with the joint decision , the safeguarding of article 250 such as it is today , the place and the role of the commission in the co-operations reinforced and not only on the first pillar: here are some of the elements which will enable us to judge instantaneously if there is , in the last analysis , failure or success . mr . president , thank you in jacques , initially , in jacques delors , thank you in altiero spinelli and fernand herman , thank you with all , of vaclav havel in carlo ciampi , joschka fischer with jacques chirac , michel barnier in pierre moscovici , chris patten with costa simitis , while passing by florence , and the multitude of the current european deputies who began again , since 1999 , the great movement for a european constitution . let us not criticize too commercial europe , and it is a socialist who says it to you: it gave us more richnesses for all . we grant at least on this objective , and since we do it , let us say how y to arrive . mr . president , i had satisfaction to note that in substance , the proposals presented lately at the intergovernmental conference go in the same direction as the unit or a part of the criteria which i exposed . mr . president , mister the police chief , the rapporteurs , mesdames and the deputies , you wished that we have , this morning , a debate on the questions by the way whose your parliament considered it necessary to supplement the opinion relating to the intergovernmental conference that it had returned last april . thus , while respecting the existing constitutional framework , it seems difficult to to me - i say it to you - to envisage more than one procedure of advisory opinion of the parliament at the time of release . you know it well , that supposes that we make certain political choices , of a range much larger than the payment of the three requirements stated higher . i stressed myself that the formula retained for the charter was a way to be explored . but i understood well that beyond the linguistic aspect , your question hid another concern . here also why i wanted to thank you , and on the bottom and the form , of the initiative which you took . the installation of reinforced co-operations should not lead to the creation of new bodies which would come to be added to the institutions of the union . it is time to revise the treaties . the refusal of the european council to integrate the charter of the basic rights of the union in the treaties founders , to thus make these rights juridically constraining and to allow this manner to the citizens of which the rights would not have been respected to reach the court of justice european , carries reached to this fundamental consensus . without that , one will not obtain this europe of the citizens and the citizens , in my opinion . paragraph 8: the constitution will treat - i quote - "open left questions" . nobody still could explain me what would since then have changed . secondly , compared to an insufficient diary , which left side of the particularly important questions for the future of the union and the interest of the citizenship . mister the minister , one tells that to the day before of the revolution bolshevik - an event which was to have disastrous consequences everywhere in the world - the russian orthodoxe church was plunged in a complex debate on the style of the clothes of ceremony to carry during the lent . it is thus imperative that the co-operations offer all the guarantees that recommended the rapporteur , that they are opened with all , in the respect of the spirit of the treaties , and that they do not go against the 'acquis communautaire' . there is however a point which i would wish to accentuate: it does not seem to to me correct to require or privilege the way of the obligatory referendum in all the member states for the approval of the amendments suggested . we had a debate very nourished on two questions which , although different , meet in a point . we are ready to make so that it can be put to vote during the session of november , so that the text can be adopted under the french presidency . (the parliament adopts the resolution) what means "the introduction of the possibility of gradually taking its retirement via part-time work" , if it is not a threat on the retirement age however well too already high in a number of countries? everyone knows that the pensioners , like the children , like jams . i asked reprocessed which elected me here , the european parliament , with the party of reprocessed if they would like it to drink genetically modified wine . or , by way of derogation , to put on the market of reproductive materials standard , when the requirements cannot be met by other categories . i thus ask you , mr . president: don't the variations of the cost of work constitute , for this reason , they also a limitation with the free competition in the european union? it was thus inevitable that we vote against this report/ratio . in spite of the measurements taken in favour of a greater deregulation within the european union , the state aid has always a constructive role to play in the social and economic development . these assistances can prove to be essential for the environmental protection , the maintenance of the public services and the guarantee of a level of income equal to the inhabitants of the areas economically underprivileged . we underline the risk , after the dedication of the control of the eu on the important state aid , to see this one targeting the assistances of a weak amount by calling upon the competition made at sme . section vi , economic and social committee if one consults the bill books of implementation of the budget for headings 2 , 3 , 4 and 7 , one notes that only an average of 8 % of the whole of engagements are covered by payments . three years ago , we harnessed ourselves there via our initiative for employment by helping small and medium-sized undertakings to obtain venture capital . the parliament wants to do it in two manners . it is then only that the european institutions answer their mission . i benefit from the occasion to expressly thank the vice-president responsible for the budgetary matters , our colleague gerhard schmid , for his constructive collaboration . we want that this committee is capable to work but we cannot tolerate that it is the place where the requirements of the european parliament , as a branch of the budgetary authority , meet less echo . that means that 2001 is the last financial year with whole share and it is in this context that it is necessary to evaluate the commission proposal and that which we submit to the parliament . we want moreover that the administrative expenditure is examined . since 1985 - i say 85 well - , the committee on budgets of the parliament endeavours to obtain that the procedures of the european parliament take into account the financial incidence of the resolution which vote parliament . i finish , mr . president , by thanking the other institutions for their diligence in the treatment for this joint declaration . you have today to pronounce you on a budget which was already amended in first reading by the council . concerning the structural measures: the amount of the structural measures was renewed overall compared to the budget 2000 . the attitude of the council with regard to the revision of the financial prospects is serene . when these various figures are examined , one notes that still remain of the considerable differences on the purely quantitative level but also , naturally , in the field of the bottom . in this respect , i must announce that , last year , a new decision was made with the council at the end of a long debate and i have little hope to be able to take again this debate . the financial planning decided in berlin for the period running up to 2006 envisaged 8 ,1 billion euros for program meda . i would like consequently to request from the council like at the committee on budgets thinking in terms of foreign politics and not only in terms of budget policy , when they are occupied of foreign politics . the second relates to the assistance to bring to the victims violations of the humans right which need treatments in specialized agencies . if a compromise solution ready to support the important work of committee emac had suddenly emerged in the course of the time which remains us , we could still settle this question ; if not , the position of our commission remains open . it is enough for us for remembering it day after day to light our television sets and to note that the middle east crosses one difficult period . this is why i hope that we will arrive despite everything , at the time of the vote of tomorrow , in the majority necessary for the observatory of dublin . mr . president , in the name of the rural development and committee on agriculture , i would like to make some remarks and in particular to start , about the rural development . we asked for the approval of an indicative credit of two million euros for an information campaign on the pcp . the european commission must negotiate with weighty arguments to manage a reasonable agreement with morocco and the council and the governments concerned must as for them give a political support for this negotiation . we consider the budget 2001 today , by having at the head the images of the serb population . as a whole , we would like that these amendments are approved . however , an important way by which the citizens can make sure that their concerns are taken into account is either the call with the mediator , or the sending of a petition at the parliament . i will start by speaking about the budget of this parliament . with surprised many members of my delegation , we have , at the beginning of september , unanimously established a strategic platform . thus , the 400 amendments introduced by some of my colleagues constituted a surprise for a number among us at the committee on budgets . it is indeed difficult to imagine how new stations could solve the problem of management if , at the commission as with the council , in fact still complex procedures of another age are used to put in uvre many programs . these last years , this parliament regularly showed that it based its work on a real parsimony . it is unacceptable to speak , during years , in a very vague way in connection with engagements and them to reaffirm regularly if it is for saying , when it is a question of making its accounts , that it too is for us and that it is now necessary to cut down on our promises . if we place only a few unhappy million on these lines - and we hardly can more - , we will agitate a carrot which we will have to withdraw when these people need some really . like the budget of last year , budget 2001 was confronted with quasi insoluble problems: on the one hand , pressure in favour of the consolidation and the austerity measures , like agreed in the inter-institutional agreement , in order to ensure the financing of widening ; in addition , the need shouting for financing of the pact of stability for balkans . to require better performances implies also more personnel . the adoption of this amendment , in its initial version , could have started to change gives it , but a majority of the committee on budgets rejected this idea . and there , alas , the examples are numerous: privileged treatment granted to associations with federalistic vocation or many ong with the function , the philosophy and the operation of most debatable , with the financing of the european political parties , while passing by the sums absorbed in the program prince , to try to persuade the citizens of the member states of the cogency of the euro at the time when the european currency knows a loss of confidence largely shared by europeans , of our danish friends to the leaders of the european central bank . to finish , our heaton-harris colleague underlined rightly , in the amendments which it proposed , unilateral character of many european programs to the means of which one is used a whole propaganda for the citizen about european integration , and that with its own expenses , note it . moreover , our administrative systems must be modernized . we must also give the good example . program meda , devoted to the mediterranean basin , geographical area of the highest strategic importance , constitutes a good example of the lack of capacity of execution . when one speaks to make reductions or to take money at heading 4 to give resources to certain priorities , one should not forget which are the priorities of the parliament . we revealed this fact clearly at the time of the vote in committee . this amount must thus be the subject of a clarification . thank you very much , mr wynn . that wants to say simply that there are truths elements of flexibility to advance on such or such policy , even when somebody cannot it , or does not wish it , and what applies to the convention countries is also worth for the applicant countries . i think that austria does not have to complain of what occurred , quite to the contrary . the recommendations of the regional organizations as well as the experiments of the close countries will be able to undoubtedly contribute to the definition of these means . in 1984 , 0 ,2 % of the colombian owners had 32 % of the ground . the council is not there to comment on such or such aspect of this question which is extremely delicate and painful . at the same time , one cannot engage either as that a debate on questions which are , once again , extremely complexes . question n º 10 of (h-0722/00): therefore , i will take care well not to give a final answer to this difficult question . simply , we have the feeling , and your answer testifies to it a little , that the presidency of the council is not very voluntarist in the treatment of this question . therefore , the income of this tax will obviously not be null . me also i excuse them , but we will apply the payment . if the right side of the room remained quiet , it is thus that we already treated these questions before and in our opinion it is useless to reconsider several times the same topics in this room whereas our time is invaluable . in addition , in waiting of the adoption of this directive on the prevention of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies , a decision of withdrawal of the materials presenting of the risks taking into consideration these disease was made in june 2000 , in order to stop any new progression of the epidemic and to ensure the consumer possible level of health protection the highest . i do not have other elements only those which i could communicate to you a few moments ago . we follow and we know well the work of the commission and the council on the package erika 1 . but , about this passage , which is known of the two countries and known within the european union , which is a particularly difficult passage , borrowed by large boats to only gain a few hours , with the risk that from old tubs come to fail and cause a catastrophe , i would have liked to know , and especially the inhabitants of corsica , sardinia would have liked to know , if it will be possible and if you plan to prohibit purely and simply the passage of the mouths of bonifacio by these large boats , these large containers . for this reason i think that we must , in theory , of supporting the commission proposals for the revision of the policy as regards personnel . it is necessary to inject fresh money in the budget for serbia and kosovo . i hope , mr . president , and i finish some by there , that one nevertheless will cut down the lines by the budget of 50 million euros to finance the agreement of israel peace/plo . this is why we will propose , in the european parliament , of new measurements which will be less used to seek a new financing - we know that the current economic situation does not allow it - that to seal of new inter-institutional compromises which will improve quality of the expenditure and will take care that no euro is wasted . think sometimes that in european policy , as in any other field , the moderate options cease being in a majority . it is conceived to darken rather than to light , and i was disappointed by the attitude adopted today with regard to budgeting by activity . the fact of breaking down the expenditure according to the activities makes it possible to consider the budget as a political instrument in which the breakdown of the expenditure reflects precise political priorities . we must find a solution multiannual in order not to have , year after year , discuss again each time the way in which we could find money in favour of the rebuilding of balkans . those which are interested in the development of a durable agricultural sector are not unaware of that the central dynamics of the recent reform , such as it was agreed in berlin , "moves" constantly of the assistance to the raw materials with the direct support of the incomes of the farmers . a budget , dear colleagues , is always much more than one simple dance of figures . lastly , it is immoral , mr . president , to reduce the expenditure for the agricultural policy , for program meda , for the excluded social ones , in order to release from the resources intended to finance engagements of the european union in kosovo and in yugoslavia . in light , it is advisable to prevent that the serb population does not suffer from the cold and the hunger during this winter . in addition , i would like to express my concern to see the various parliaments of the young people integrated in program socrates . of course , it is also advisable to say clearly to the council which he carries a share of responsibility in the insufficient development for certain external programs . we need now a stable solution concerning these assistances , especially when it acts of their long-term planning for balkans western . i think that the majority of people would be ready to accept such a cost , provided that this money is used advisedly . i share the concerns and arguments that the rapporteur , mrs . rühle , evoked this evening research social assistances . two weeks ago , was held the acp equal parliamentary parliament . in the same time , we want that budgetary means are invested in the funds for research and information , in order to seek alternatives of production for the current producers of tobacco . i want to specify clearly that the european union had the most direct influence and most positive that one can imagine on northern ireland . in this model , the respect of the standards and procedures is ensured by an independent authority and , in last authority , by the judges . we will thus have , for the first time , a joint decision in first reading on a text extremely complex and strewn with technical difficulties , relative to a particularly significant sector for the protection of the personal freedoms . it is completely positive that one did not join together in a single authority their respective tasks . it is known for example that the schengen system garnered more than ten million cards concerning nearly a million and half of citizens , that europol sees its unceasingly widened competences , centralizes information coming from various services of police force of the fifteen member states , and this , under the only control of an authority whose neither competences nor the means are placed at its disposal to enable him to achieve truly another task . this said , i benefit from the presence of the police chief for saying that it would seem convenient to to me to be worried not only protection of the citizen compared to new technologies , but also of the use of these technologies to promote the capacity of the european citizen to intervene and interact with regard to the european institutions . the numbered amendments 1 , 2 , 4 to 10 , 12 to 40 , 42 to 54 , 57 , 58 and 60 to 64 take again the text of the council for the points where the commission can give its assent . it goes without saying , consequently , that its opinion on the legislative proposals which relate to the personal data protection will be very invaluable insofar as it constitutes an important contribution to the legislative debate between the institutions . the treaty indeed recognizes with the ultraperipheric areas an economic and social situation difficult , worsened by particular handicaps whose permanence and conjugation seriously carry damage to the development of these areas . it will contribute thus to the promotion of economic and social progress thanks to a level of high employment . i thus congratulate mrs . sudre and we await impatiently the methods of application of the commission proposals so that it is held account soon specificities , in accordance with article 299 , paragraph 2 of the treaty of amsterdam . for much of europeans , certain ultraperipheric areas are only tourist destinations on the chart . our rates of unemployment are among highest of the union . i delighted that the commission adopted with a vast majority the amendments which i had presented . it is very important , in my opinion , that the ultraperipheric areas are integrated in the networks transeuropéens transport , energy and telecommunications . the adoption , unanimously of the members of the commission of the regional policy , of the report/ratio presented by our colleague margie sudre is a testimony of the fidelity of the european parliament towards one of its most important engagements . we cannot discuss of a series of circumstances and to believe only as of the ideal and idyllic point - let us call it thus - will have been reached , it will not be more necessary to adopt other measures in the treatment of these three zones and , more particularly , of the ultraperipheric areas in question here . this article , mesdames and messrs , do not certainly allow us to do everything , but it enables us to reinforce and , i think that it is necessary , of widening and of improving our action . for the preparation of the proposals which are necessary , the commission collaborates obviously with the member states and the areas concerned . in these areas , let us know we it , there are durably difficulties and i thus believe , objectively , according to their real level of development , which they will have need durably for the support of the regional policy and particular measures . a meeting of this kind could be organized again in the current of the year 2001 , when we are more advanced in the realization of the program presented in march . the presidency declared that it was closed and i accept it perfectly . i believe that the parliament made well stick to the current rules because , like said it another colleague , very often , indeed , in fact the machines did not function , but the deputies who forgot to vote , and if one could correct a vote thereafter , would never finish we . i am obviously what i eat . ultimately , mister the police chief , in more of the authority , it is necessary that the qualified commission departments , in collaboration and of coordination with the member states , establish a system of homogeneous and effective controls in all the food chain and that the network of food laboratories of the european union is reinforced and works of coordination with the commission . it is advisable to avoid all double employment in the scientific research and the activities field , which implies a collaboration with the national and community research centers . today , we discuss on a white paper and we may find it beneficial to define some great principles . now , these procedures were amended and modified and we have our own national agency of food safety , food standards agency . lastly , we will also support several new amendments , more precisely amendments 11-13 , 7-9 and we wish to have a vote in conscience on the amendment 14 . in this context , i would like to say start which food safety depends entirely on the organization by the rigorous controlling authorities - controls which are as rigorous as the weakest link . it arises clearly from the examination of this question how much is surface and empty the debate which we carry out on the political unification of europe . thus let us entrust to the european authority of food safety the only scientific experiment , in connection with our national agencies . if one makes the statement of the progression of the principal diseases of food origin which currently affect europe , the majority actually made their first appearance in america . it is nevertheless imperative to define the conditions of sasine of the food authority of safety to guarantee an effective and fast action . us should also underline , like certain precedents speakers , in particular mr . whitehead and mrs . gebhardt , that the white paper is much more than one new lawful framework within the european union . mr . president , i feel today at the same time a satisfaction and recognition , on the one hand with regard to the commission which began this work in favour of a better food safety , and on the other hand towards mr . bowis and the whole of the commission of the environment , the public health and the consumer policy . amendment 17 appears particularly important to me . it provides that one requests council from the organizations of consumers . another aspect is the organic revision of the standards on labelling , as well for the wholesale as with the detail , a revision which gives finally , thanks to the traceability of the products and their ingredients , correct information with the consumers and allows the determination of the possible responsibilities in the event of risk or crisis . in my opinion , the development of a new legislation is not a good response to the non-observance of the existing legislation . at the time of the vote in committee of the environment , we managed to restore a certain balance while inserting in the applicability the questions relating to the nutrition and other references essential with the role of small and medium-sized undertakings in the safeguard of the food practices . mr . president , i would like to join to me to my colleagues and to congratulate the rapporteur , mr . bowis , for his very constructive approach and very logic of this specific problem . mr . president , the fact that the white paper on food safety does not have any legislative value by no means does not carry damage to the double value but it revêt undoubtedly . the rapporteur , like considerable european deputies members of the commission , of which myself , stressed the food authority , which is in fact a little regrettable . the independence and the autonomy of the organization are the assets which as well as possible serve the interest of the european consumers . i said myself many time , during all this time , which we had had of the chance with the choice of the rapporteur . mr . president , i make a point of congratulating our colleague mr . bowis to have really endeavoured to integrate all the points of view in his report/ratio and especially to have accepted that we also referred to the most general notion of the food . in short , mr . president , the policy cannot withdraw himself from his responsibilities . but especially , it must gain the respect of its pars and the confidence of the public and lead the governments of the member states to accept its conclusions . thus i consider a future european authority of food safety . there is the world health organization in geneva . i do not hide either , that with the publication of the white paper , i decided against the creation of such an authority . it thus should be taken care that the european union has the highest possible standards of food safety , but this design - unanimously divided - must also analyze the economic consequences which it induces for the sectors concerned with a requirement of production . the tasks of the agency will be then the following ones: seek scientific independent , consultation , inspections and controls independent , as well as a fast alarm system , but surely also a task of coordination in order to restore confidence . it should be said in passing , i would say to the speakers who have refers to the question of the need for being sensitive to promotion local or traditional products that this question is covered by the legislation as regards hygiene . this consensual climate will facilitate the mission of the commission when the moment has just submitted a balanced proposal which holds account to the maximum of the opinions exposed by the parliament and the many fascinating parts in the field of food safety . with saying true , this subject was these last years one of the driving forces who carried out , from the political point of view , with the signature of the convention of ottawa . i point out my opposition to amendments 10 and 19 for concern of budgetary coherence and , as regards amendment 29 , i ask for the vote per blocks in order to have a better formulation of the text which suffers in my eyes of problems of interpretation here are which raises a first question . the european union and especially the commission must do everything so that the countries which do not have it yet fact sign the convention of ottawa . - (of) mr . president , dear colleagues , we know all the impact of the anti-personnel mines , although they often cover in certain particular cases of the important military justifications . it is him which raised for the first time , in 1996 , the question of a horizontal budgetary heading and creation of an adequate legal base in order to provide a single platform to the very many actions undertaken in this important field . but i cannot occult the fact that the force of persuasion of the union to achieve this goal runs up somewhat against the reserve of certain member states which balk to sign and to ratify convention . the fight against the mines gains in effectiveness when it adapts to the specific conditions to each situation . the parliament knows that there exists already much too much about it and that thanks to our proposals for a reform of the external community aid , we hope to withdraw from heaviness control individual projects and to concentrate our debates with the member states on total strategies and programs . ong proliferated to meet the needs . and yet , force is to note that approximately four years after the first conference of the united nations on the anti-personnel mines which was taken place in geneva and more than one year after the entry into force of convention of ottawa , many countries and the thousands of people in the world , generally in the poorest areas , continue to undergo the terrible consequences of the anti-personnel landmines and of the not exploded ammunition . it is necessary that the commission improves at the same time quality of its programs and the speed of their setting in uvre . however , i think that , if you traverse them once again in a very attentive way , you will notice that there are several amendments which you quoted which , in my opinion , relate on public awareness campaigns , the transparency , the access reserved to ong , on things which function very well in this moment but which could still function more effectively . mrs . bonino and mr . patten are right also to declare that the parliament and the council should not be occupied of the administrative questions , and i listened to very attentively the remarks made by mr . patten on this subject , because it estimates obviously that us should even less occupy us . mr . president , here well a long time that our group actively intervenes on all the range of the requests and measurements which are essential , since the interruption of the production , the destruction of stocks , the stop of marketing , until the mineclearing operations , the rehabilitation of the victims and sensitizing . in the states then to support the process in the international enclosures . the mines naturally represent a major obstacle with the rebuilding of these countries and the return of the refugees . at the rate/rhythm where we go , like that was known as before , it would be necessary for us much more than 100 years to disencumber planet of the anti-personnel mines . the third field relates to the concrete measures to propose , control and carry out . for each child that we protect in bosnia , africa and of dead or from the horrible wounds generated elsewhere by the mines , the efforts which we all provide are justified . it is necessary indeed to make pressure on the european convention countries which did not sign , like finland , or which did not ratify , like greece . my dear colleagues , look at finland ! lastly , we hope that the future tasks of the common european military force will envisage the training of technicians , especially of people having a local interest in the disappearance of the mines . it is not underlined either that the list of the countries most seriously reached is mainly made up of country in the process of development . the proposals of the european parliament could not be more in contradiction with the objectives of lisbon . the rapporteur , mrs . van lancker , wish that the parliament decide to modify the commission proposal , mainly by adding to it certain fields for which the legislation is suitable , and in addition , by defining a certain number of rights at the european level . thus the process of luxembourg , which applies to the employment policy , should be extended to social protection and social exclusion . greatest powers like germany , france , great britain and , to a certain extent , italy , agrees very to subject to their domination the small countries of eastern europe or the south which require their adhesion of the european union . however , we think for legal reasons that it is an error to refer as of now in article 6 of the treaty establishing the european community , because it could not formally be adopted within convention - because of its structure - and thus does not have a legal existence . it thinks that the inclusion of a new text in the treaties is likely to sow legal confusion . in addition , the rapporteur has the echo of the new theory in vogue in brussels , the alleged one doubles legitimacy of the european union: that of the citizens represented by the european parliament and that of the states represented by the council . the swedish and danish social democrat deputies voted this day against the report/ratio written by mr . olivier duhamel on the constitutionalization of the treaties . it is essential that the european union evolves to a constitution which incorporates the charter of the basic rights . a constitution would have direction only if it constituted the democratic framework of a real european federation , of the united states d' europe . it said to us to have believed to include/understand , in agreement with a great part of the political community , which we preferred to govern our relations with the other countries by an international treaty . . (in) i accomodate the report/ratio of mr . duhamel like an interesting and constructive contribution to the idea of the constitutionalization of the treaties . they think that a reorganization and a simplification of the treaties would make it possible to the citizens to better encircle the field of the responsibilities for the eu , its limits , as well as the procedures of exercise of the responsibilities in question . the charter of the rights was prepared on the basis of convention implying the national parliaments , the european parliament and the representatives of the government . until the treaty of amsterdam in 1997 , europe was a super intergovernmental trade union . group edd voted against the report/ratio gil-robles gil-delgado on a reinforced co-operation . it indeed expresses the design of a union too much monolithic , where all the co-operations should be expressed inside the "single institutional framework" , and where they all should be directed towards the objective of the super-state . it is thus necessary to avoid slowing down the walk of the unit and thus authorizing certain member states with going from before while developing the mechanism of the reinforced co-operations . the operational structures of the single market were always a success since the beginning of the years 1990 . . (nl) the co-operation at the european level can be useful to solve the transborder problems . these zones could be a formidable laboratory as regards durable development . the technocrats , the european judges , thus wanted to remove "the granting of sea" which feeds in resources our communes of the dom and especially protects our craftsmen . on the other hand , france has overseas territories in the indian ocean and the caribbean . its independence will be an essential element with its credibility . our vote thus clarified the role and the composition of the future european authority , but also specified our requirements concerning its financing and its independence . in the second place , the european agency must be completely independent . it is necessary to hold account of the type of husbandries and agro-industrial , of the problems of the food imports of goods , the composition of the ingredients of feedingstuffs , of the levels maxima of dioxanes and residues of pesticides , of the food and different components , by giving the priority to food safety . we voted for the amendment 15 bus us are very strongly attached to the defense of the european cultural inheritance related to the local food production . we do not have margin in almost any category . we would like also to register 50 % with the budgetary heading and to put 50 % in reserve . i note here that other proposals aim at decreasing this budget . report/ratio (a5-0300/2000) of mrs . haug , in the name of the committee on budgets , on the draft general budget of the european union for 2001 - section iii , commission (c5-0300/2000 - 1999/2190 (bud)) madam the president , i seem signatory of certain amendments of this report/ratio . (the parliament adopts the resolution) the true surprise of this budget relates to the external actions where dominates selfishness and the meanness . other resources could be resolved by means of the instrument of flexibility . i voted against the haug report/ratio , in the same manner that i voted in favour of the proposal for a my group for the rejection of the general budget for 2001 . we refer in particular to the new pilot project which will finance the actions of information within the framework of the fight against the paedophilia . that shows , in a certain way , the little of motivation which causes the european project , even among the politically active citizens . 20 to 30 % of the markets will thus again be offered to private competition . since all that is not guaranteed in the report/ratio presented , i voted against the report/ratio . if one combines the low inadmissible level of the national limits , which decimates the premiums , with the reductions suggested of the quantities of withdrawal - 5 % for citrus fruits , 8 ,5 % for apples and pears and 10 % for the remainder of the fruit and vegetables of the volume intended for the market - one understands that , for great quantities of products processed containing fruit and vegetables , there will be no exit for the distribution . that would have as result the total fall of the prices , the putrefaction of the products in the fields and the installations of conditioning of the co-operatives , thus obliging the farmers to unearth what they cultivated . i voted for this report/ratio because it corresponds to waitings of the portuguese organizations of the horticultural sector , which assert a draconian change of the ocm on the horticultural fruits and products considered deeply harmful with the national interests . report/ratio johan van hecke (a5-0296/2000) this problem plunges its roots in the sacrifice of all and all , even of the climate and environmental quality , on the furnace bridge of the capitalist exploitation of the resources and the disproportionate profit . the rich countries had decided in kyoto to deal with the cleaning of their own atmosphere , even if it were also allowed to them , within rather strict limits , to register on their own list of results the reductions of emissions which they help to obtain elsewhere . . the fight against the effect of greenhouse is a major stake for the industrialized countries , a duty in particular towards the people of the third world which already pay of their life the consequences of the climatic reheating . all art consists in putting up with it in an intelligent way . it will also be necessary to ensure and reinforce the effort directed towards the detection of the suspectées substances of beings of the disturbers endocriniens , perhaps within a legislative framework . the consumer and small and medium-sized undertakings do not benefit yet enough from the domestic market , whose introduction of the euro devotes completion . moreover , the latter obliged the banks up to now to communicate the transborder transfers of more than 12 500 euros at their central bank for purposes of the statistics of the balance of payments . these companies will have naturally to satisfy identical matter requirements of safety and bleaching . we are informed even of case in which the expenses of transaction for transborder payments increased subsequently to the introduction of the euro , and that in considerable proportions . the european central bank could contribute to it by imposing a formula of transfer standardized for the payments at the european level , like by supporting the introduction of a single standard for the classification of the financial accounts within international system iban . it is essential that the consumers accept the euro . madam the president , the report/ratio of mrs . peijs , relating to the payments of detail in the domestic market , takes again the old claim of the european parliament on the high cost of the transborder transfers within the union . the peijs report/ratio says it itself to considering d of the draft resolution . i quote: "the high expenses related to the transborder transfers harm the confidence of the consumers in the euro" . we have thus to make still much in this field , but on this point , the resources and the means of the policies are limited than than we can make for this question of the payments of detail in the domestic market . the market of the euro is felt like an interior space and the citizens do not include/understand why , in this space where the risks related to the exchange are null and where electronic payments , in particular the banking transactions by the internet , are increasingly current , a transfer between munich and salzburg is much more expensive than a transfer between munich and kiel . the achievement of this objective will still require , with you as with us , of many years of work . we will also benefit from the occasion to consider the shortening of the completion period of the transborder payments that the report/ratio of mrs . peijs requires with insistence . the debate is closed . it seems however of good policy to prefer a pragmatic step and of proximity , which places the small company at the cur of the device , rather than a proposal which , under pretext of avoid powdering , would only be used to produce right statistics of which the use concretes would be perfectly impossible . concretely , i have three observations to formulate on this program . let us recall that the first community action plan in this field was adopted in 1983 , i .e . seventeen years ago . in addition , i always wanted to achieve these goals via an effective and pragmatic policy . i would say that they are true economic commandos and of innovation , being in first line and very exposed to the inherent risks in this field . we will have finally to hold account of the results of work of the conference "sciences and governorship" which was held , last week , in brussels , under the aegis of the center of technological futurology of seville , as well as follow-up of this conference , because there are many interferences with the subject which we cover today . the rapporteur details a series of priorities aiming at reinforcing the european entrepreneurship . it is excellent for the image of europe because one can help people in a fast way , correct and qualified . mr . president , i wish me to also to associate me the thanks for the excellent work provided by mrs . montfort . the important thing , it is to find the happy medium , to prevent that of aucuns do not fail the costs of the others continuously . it is not right and i thus support this report/ratio ! such is also the guiding principle of the charter for the small companies . the program will make so that the networks provide this information . it is obvious that the principal goal of this plan is to suppress the emigration towards the european convention countries , as to repatriate people who live illegally in the union . i particularly underline the need for installation of measurements for the improvement of interior safety , the reinforcement of the dialogue between europeans and the regional authorities of albania and , with regard to the commission and the council , the promotion of particular actions in co-operation with the albanian , italian and greek authorities . the absence of social , economic and political reports/ratios , combined with the lack of safety and organized criminality lead to flows of emigration of mass . mr . president , contrary to my colleague pack , my opinion is that the more there will be groups which will be occupied of albania , the better it will be . it is of course not possible to immediately find a solution with the problem as a whole , but in a little the longer term , the goal is to create a world of equity and reason , which offers to the men safety and of the possibilities for the future . there is also a ditch enters , on the one hand , the givers , i .e . us all , europe , the united states , which give money , which work out projects , and , on the other hand , people who work on the ground . thus let us use the bilateral agreements , which , in a legal and clear way , will define work , the duration of stay , the place of stay , remuneration , the hours , the working conditions and social security , so that the emigrants become thus a force which will emphasize the savings in our countries and will contribute to the friendship and the co-operation between people and not to the culture of aspirations nationalist and worthy of the cold war . men and women are returned whereas they had been more or less integrated . the priority should not be given to the means of limiting flows of migrants or refugees , but with the manner of improving the living conditions of the area so that people do not have to leave their hearth . mr . president , i also believe me , like a so quite known as mrs . dimitrakopoulos , whom it remains in the center of what constitutes the difficulties of albania - economic , social and of internal safety - the question of helping this country to restore its state of right , to confer safety to its citizens , to restore the authority of its institutions and its local governments . i divide the opinion of our liese colleague , according to whom we need to establish a burden-sharing of the policy of asylum and the policy of the refugees . the action plan for albania was adopted in june of this year , and it is thus the sixth of the kind . one notes , in the population , a diffuse frustration , but also an ignorance of the community legislation . we wish to invite the european parliament as well as the other community institutions not to move back in front of the small heavy work , to work with precision , to devote time and the personnel necessary to the achievement of the tasks . with this report/ratio , we want to show the citizens whom we take with serious the their complaints relative to the poor quality of the legislation like those relating to regionalization and centralization excessive . the covered subject is of course essence , even if the restricted number people present to discuss it inevitably does not let it suppose at first sight . moreover , and it is an essential point , the report/ratio tackles the question of the subsidiarity , which , this evening , raises the controversy in this hemicycle . it would be as very interesting as it makes an inventory of fixtures of the legislation , in the light of this principle , to make it more effective and more relevant simpler , more transparent , by disencumbering it of the superfluous texts , like invites there paragraph 6 of this report/ratio . after having studied the relationship with much attention , i concluded from there that it does not even act of a political principle but of a theological principle . it is thus necessary to guarantee the recognition of the principle of subsidiarity until the smallest communities , autonomous realities , the intermediate formations , the social formations , the families and the citizens who are single the true sovereigns of the legislative and administrative action . i thus will give you a synthetic vision of the situation . i give to the word to mr . police chief . is this a field where us should evolve to a detailed regulation , with the guarantee that it will be put in uvre everywhere or should evolve us to a voluntary agreement , provided that it can be put in uvre and controlled? - (of) if i voted in favour of the report/ratio , even if some of my amendments were not adopted , it is because it also leans on the question of the high expenses of exchange and transfer in the zone euro . when , into approximately fifteen months , the same coins and bills are introduced into eleven member states , it will be more expensive to get this new monetary unit apart from the country where one saw . mr . president , mister the police chief , dear colleagues , i would like to start by saying that i consider it regrettable that the police chief of fishing , mr . fischler , cannot be among us today . this one must encourage the co-operation as regards fishing and the moroccan fisheries sector and at the same time fully satisfy the interests of fishing of the european fleets . we consequently arrived to a consensus to work from the point of view of a responsible partnership , after which morocco will present its point of view at a meeting which will be held , as you underlined , in brussels , october 30 , i .e . monday . here a few weeks , i went myself to algeciras , on the spanish southern coast . it is not far from morocco . with the wire of time , we could observe that they were not only difficult but also that they could become impossible . by the means of the agreements of fishing , the european union can carry on activities of fishing and exchange prerogatives of fishing with third countries . i read in a swedish technical review on the fishing how one of these boats unloads its catch with el aaiún , which is described like a moroccan port . all that is put to the test . it is the whole of our agreements of fishings and not simply with morocco since there are also mauritania and soon guinea , inter alia , - which are called into question . one spent eleven months to arrive from there at the point of inflection where we are currently , namely the meeting of the 30 and , in this direction , we also know to appreciate the last measurements taken by the fischler police chief , the results of her voyage from the 26 in morocco and the interviews held with a high level , including with the king himself . but i would like to submit to the commission , represented with dignity today by the police chief busquin , some very short messages . my question at the commission is as follows: if one does not manage an agreement with morocco , or if this agreement is concluded in the terms announced by the commission , an agreement which stimulates the moroccan production , does the commission think of adopting structural measures to compensate for the delay which will occur in the affected areas? as we imagined it , the difficulties of negotiation with the moroccan authorities were large . lastly , with the case , regrettable , where the negotiations would fail , the union has the political and moral obligation to support the fishermen and the owners by assistances satisfactory and ready to ensure them of the means of subsistence . it is necessary to reduce the surplus production capacity of the community fishing industry . this is why we as fast as possible need close economic and political relations with morocco , while defending at the same time the interests of our european fishermen . this is why the commission works on the basis of partnership new aiming at a development interesting the two parts with , on the one hand , the integral development of the fisheries sector of morocco , the fleet , the aquiculture , the commercial transformation , the search and , on the other hand , the granting for possibilities of fishing to the european fishermen . rights of the professors of language the difference is clear , and not only in german language . in july 1999 , the commission carried this procedure of infringement before the court of justice . therefore , unless one does not manage to harmonize the systems - what we hope for - in this moment , the respect of the principle of subsidiarity cannot allow that one makes pass for a discrimination what , much more probably , is the request for a privilege . we can undoubtedly admit that the preceding commission , that of mr . santer , was not the best , this is why it went ourselves from there . the members of the legal commission and the domestic market of the whole of the union and all the parties , met to proclaim uselessness speaking about rights and recommending the adoption of charters of rights if , in quite real situations where individuals are private their rights , one does not do anything so that these rights are recognized and respected . such is the problem in this case . this attitude is completely unacceptable in modern europe . the field of education obviously raises still of subsidiarity , but in the framework of the treaties , freedom of movement for the workers and the prohibition of discrimination are clean for us with all , although we - and particularly me , because i come from a very federative state - we declare in favour of the principle of subsidiarity like principle of order of the co-operation within the european union and that we engage so that the conferring of powers between the levels in europe are classified as fast as possible according to the principle of subsidiarity . in this context , it cannot be question of discrimination any more . you , mr . president , would you be made look after by somebody who knows well the surgical terms in italian , english , french , german , or by a surgeon? (the meeting is raised to 10h56) we express our deeper sympathy to them . i give the word to mr . ceyhun , who expresses himself as a rapporteur and in the name of the group of the socialists . with regard to the declarations of the council and commission on the third meeting asia-europe , the council let us know that it does not wish to intervene in this moment . consequently , it is a question which , under the terms of the treaties and of euratom treaty , falls within the competence of the commission ; it concerns , or could concern , of many citizens who are not exclusively spanish because there is , in this zone and its area , without there being no emergency plan , of the hundreds of thousands of european citizens coming from the fifteen convention countries , without speaking about the many people who come from outside to benefit from costa del sol . madam the president , it is sad , though very revealing , to hear the spanish minister of interior department , mr . mayor oreja , to declare that it is not used for nothing to dialogue with the basque nationalists and this , even if a new cease-fire were declared in the future . allow me to ask that we examine this week a declaration of the commission relating to the decision of the british government to introduce a discriminatory tax for the nonbritish road conveyors . considering the parties which one says liberal and even europeans tend more and more to be combined with forces of xenophobe inspiration , racist and authoritative , i believe that it is not only one serious danger to italy but also a signal of something which relates to all europe . my report/ratio contains however the serious ones criticize with regard to the french proposal . these requests are expressed in amendments 2 and 4 of the karamanou report/ratio . the initiative of the french presidency that we examine today has the aim of particularly improving two general conventions of legal mutual aid out of penal matter - that i previously quoted - in the field of the fight against bleaching . it should well be admitted that if the project of the fight against the money bleaching suffered an injury , the fault does not return from there to the parliament , but well to the council . we can only congratulate them on this work . naturally , the way to be followed , like says it mr . marinho - i agree on it - is communautarization . all the people who expressed themselves agreed that it acted of an excellent initiative , and we support his contents . what it is necessary for to us , it is that europol can operate through the borders . these facts too often occur in our europe of today and , before giving my support for a hasty mutual recognition , i would like to see a mutual recognition of equitable standards . i conceive that that is difficult because we must build starting from dispersed instruments . but it is also a need to reinforce the economic pole which represents the european union and that corresponds to the wish of the citizen of which we must hold account because the citizens of the european union have right to safety . in the european union , we must fight with tenacity against the bleaching of capital , while being conscious that we need a political and legal co-operation effective between the member states , as effective as possible , especially since the creation of the single market and the liberalization of the financial service and capital market . as for the financial council , nothing makes it possible to think that the lawyer does not follow his occupation as such . in the same way , i would like to say that i am conscious of the delicacy of the question put by various deputies on the conditions under which the confidentiality of the legal professions can constitute a founded refusal of legal co-operation as regards fight against the bleaching of capital . it is particularly true with regard to the serious offences and the most serious clerks on a transborder level . as a whole , the mission is so vast and important that it cannot be assumed by the only council . it follows that it is necessary to reinforce the civil rights by adopting an effective instrument and to recognize the competence of the court of justice , in particular as for its right to interpretation and its capacity to rule or not . consequently , although i would favour a reinforcement of the co-operation and coordination , i think that to do this a legislative system would constitute an error , and we would oppose it . the second point that i would like to raise is also interesting . it is a positive initiative there , and it is necessary thus to be delighted that it obtains such a support in this parliament . i will benefit from this occasion - since several deputies raised very delicate questions - to say to you very frankly , as have just said it mr . coelho , than this initiative appears to us especially as a first initiative which shows the political good-will of the council to recover the delay which exists as regards legal co-operation , compared to the police co-operation . and this is why i see there also an important instrument to guarantee the jurisdictional control of europol . program fair relating to the research projects in the field of agriculture and fishing was included in the fourth outline programme which ran from 1994 to 1998 . considering the importance of the research programme for agriculture and fishing , it is regrettable that one raised certain problems in the organization of the program . the report of the court of auditors on program fair , at the origin of the report/ratio of the rapporteur , was published only in march of this year even if the letters of sector concerning the audit had initially been sent by the commission in december 1998 and february 1999 . i would like , in the name of the commission of fishing , to highlight certain points . you underlined , and i thank you , the spirit which chaired this report/ratio , by the dialogue with the court of auditors , the departments commission and the interest that you carried there . that illustrates that the commission did not remain inactive and that it takes action on the remarks that you formulated . i come from there to the question that mrs . morgan posed on the covering of the sums . thank you very much , mister the police chief . this price will be delivered with the association' basta ya' for the part-session of next december . i am closely convinced that it also implies , even if if certain heads of state and of government do not want to admit it , the opening of the constitutional process so often and so obstinately requested by this parliament . i am particularly happy to be in front of you to today discuss thoroughly this beautiful project which is the charter of the basic rights of the european union , before you do not adopt the final position of your parliament on this text . i do not have , for my part , any doubt that this opportunity will arise . it is true however that some criticisms could be formulated concerning the contents of the charter . i believe that it is an important standpoint and that i greet . it was a great success for us others , parliamentary - and the groups made face on this point , which is a positive result - , have obtained that sixteen deputies represent the european parliament within convention . i estimate that this charter is a master stroke and that it can become , as titrated it a large european newspaper on last 26 september , the calling card of europe . consequently , my group continuous to think that it is absolutely fundamental to include a reference to the charter in article 6 , paragraph 2 , of the treaty . many were those which thought that europe held finally the possibility of leaving the single free trade area and the liberal rut to provide the foundations of a citizen's europe . at the time of the european top of nice , in december , the civil company decided to be mobilized to make hear its voice and protest its offering desire of a charter of true guarantees for the citizens of europe . with this intention , beyond the signatures , it is essential that all the political countries and all forces pledge effective and tous .les .jours respects it . the charter is not improvable . then let us cry or make pretence be merry , celebrate this great event which is not less one great empty event . convention achieved excellent work . they is at the same time the rights of the person , the civil rights , but also the rights social . the right to the good administration , which also mrs . malmström evoked , represents one of the most significant progress . up to what point mr . blair will grant to his pack freedom to express himself on this project shining , i do not know anything of it , because i did not hear it yet . the last time , you had spoken about glass to empty half or half full . but the council of cologne , helped by the enclosure , which played wonder its part of sower of confusion , ended up making forget with everyone which it is a competence of the national parliaments , which the latter are being made subtilize by progressive slips . when it acts of protection of the basic rights , a surplus can prove quite as dangerous as an insufficiency ! when the interventions of certain deputies are heard , one realizes that this information is more necessary than ever . the great question which divides us is to know for what this charter is used . we will certainly vote in favour of the charter , but with the feeling that that will not make it possible to mobilize the enthusiasm and the implication so much necessary of the citizens with regard to europe . as usual , the governments - and some more than of others - will assume the historical responsibility for it . according to the co-rapporteur , mr . duff , it constitutes a crucial step towards the improvement of the quality of european integration . for those which for of feel the need , i recommend to read the explanations contained in convention 49 , and to take note of the jurisprudence of the two courts which are related to the charter . mr . president , i had doubts a long time . for the first time since the creation of the european union , we have the bases of a constitution , a constitution for the supranational structure which is the union . the demonstration is a call in social and democratic europe , a citizen's europe . the project of charter can be used , on a purely provisional basis , by the parties , the trade unions , the environmental organizations , the churches and much of other groupings of the member states of the union and the applicant countries , like an interesting discussion paper on the future of collaboration between the european people . i would like to stop me on three points which were already approached this morning . the charter which will be adopted today will reinforce and highlight the common values and basic rights on which our community must rest . i join , naturally , with those and those which wish to register , in article 6 , a reference to the charter and his later integration in the treaties . we point out case of bernard connolly , whose critical book on the commission was prohibited by the court of first authority . this synthesis is important , at the moment when the union has to define the legal statute , in terms of rights and obligations , of the nationals of the non-member states which are legally in the european union . i , as for me , exactly like to him , am convinced , on the one hand , that it will have immediate single effects and , on the other hand , that it will be constraining soon . i heard , during this debate , some percussion formulas: the charter would be a bone for the dog - the dog being the european parliament - or the mask-sex of the renouncements of a french presidency dying woman , in particular in his control of the igc . it is the reason which led our parliament to propose the setting-up of a forum euro-turc , associating in a thorough reflexion the accredited representatives of the turkish community and the european members of parliament who will have received the mandate from it . the unanimity does not mean that we all are satisfied of the democracy in turkey and the way in which turkey respects the humans right: we are not it . this posed , i know of course that the candidature of turkey continues to cause interrogations . the wish of the presidency is that this project is adopted quickly , if possible makes some as of november 20 , by next conseil "affairs general" and , as i already indicated , in the respect of the decisions very precise catches in helsinki . it does not remain about it less - as the commission a very clearly marked in his regular report/ratio - that turkey must , like all the other applicant countries , to respect the criteria of copenhagen within the framework of the process of bringing together . in his speech of last month before the turkish parliament , president sezer exposed very clearly why turkey did not have an alternative to the engagement of reforms . i thank you for your attention . there too , there were some slightly positive signals . we will resist the attempts , sometimes fallacious , to break balance that the report/ratio succeeded in reaching , and we will resist in particular the amendments which seek to make of the european parliament a court to judge the past . it is a clear obviousness , as it is obvious that turkey will have , like any civilized company , to be made with the idea face its past , as horrible as this one was . the accession of turkey on such a basis - and not because of geostrategic considerations of the usa or nato - would constitute an enrichment for the european union and a significant step towards the unification of europe . is it forgotten that a small part only of the turkish territory forms part of the european continent? we will thus vote against this report/ratio , as we voted against all the reports/ratios aiming at integrating turkey in the european union . the greatest damage would be to wake up in turkey of the hopes which cannot be satisfied because of the political situation . report/ratio (a5-0310/2000) of mrs . langenhagen , in the name of the committee on budgetary control , on special report/ratio n º 9/1999 of the court of auditors relating to the research projects in the field of agriculture and fishing - program fair (fisheries , agriculture and agro-industrial research) - accompanied by the answers of the commission (c5-0227/2000 - 2000/2133 (cos)) i delighted by this report/ratio and i will vote for . instead of drawing the humans right and the rights social upwards , it will facilitate the operations intended to draw them downwards . it does not make the shade of a doubt that its final objective is to be used as preamble with a european constitution to come which , in its turn , will constitute the crowning of the walk of the eu towards the federalisation where , henceforth institutionalized , the decisions will be taken by some powerful to be applied by all . the principal objective is to be used the monopolistic interests on capital of the european union for the detriment of the interests of the workers and , more generally , the people . a typical case is presented by article 2-2 "no one cannot be condemned to the death penalty , nor carried out" . nowhere he is not said , in spite of our requests , that the family is made of a man and a woman who raise children , and whom she constitutes the fundamental cell of the company . insofar as the judges were not elected , that represents a retreat as regards democratic government . admittedly , i would have liked directly integrated it in our european treaties ! i nevertheless abstained from at the time of the final vote , because i estimate that certain social rights are formulated in a way less frank than the economic rights . the initial idea of convention was to have a consensual text which would make it possible the fifteen governments to make it constraining by its incorporation in the treaties . actually , the fight against social exclusion is relegated to the row of the assistance , instead of establishing the requirement of constraining elementary rights for the employers and the states . for my part , i am convinced that secularity is a value émancipatrice and of topicality . miss also the social obligation related to the property . it is clear that this document is not designed to be of a juridically constraining nature , since it does not constitute a legal text . certain members of the irish government raised , there is little , of the questions as for the fact of knowing if brussels threatened the irish identity and mr . ahern , while affirming that the membership of ireland to the eu was fundamental for its prosperity and its economic success , was firmly opposed to any fast movement towards federal europe - centralized - , since that would go well beyond what the majority of europeans wish or are ready to accept in this moment . guess which carried it? i underline in passing that during this part-session , seven reports/ratios on the whole find their origin in national initiatives , which proves that this system , where there exists , is finally very productive . these voluntarist measurements are completely essential to fight against this phenomenon , which did not cease developing and being internationalized . by the means of this initiative , the french presidency proposes the adoption of decision-tallies for the bringing together of the laws and penal matter procedures on the money bleaching (for example , tracking , freezing and confiscation of funds) . all the member states should treat the money bleaching like a crime liable to a four years minimum of imprisonment . since the money bleaching takes enormous proportions on a world level , it is obvious that europol should profit from the capacities to fight it , in order to work out a european strategy of police and legal co-operation . i greet the report/ratio of mrs . roure on a new initiative of the french presidency - in sight , this time , to improve the legal co-operation , in order to guarantee that no barrier prevents the extradition of suspectés criminals of bleaching of money or other offences utilizing illicit funds . madam the president , it is the only report/ratio on the subject of which i voted unfavourably . it would be the first member state which throws a geographical footbridge over the pit which separates us from asia , and the first still of mainly moslem tradition . this is particularly true at the time when we engage in increasing quantity of the resources of the eib and this , without completely covering the economic risks which we take . in this framework , i announce conclusion essential of paragraph 22 which affirms that turkey does not fill the criteria of copenhagen and i underline the many judgments of the acts and failures , whose turkey was the object in the fields of the humans right , of democratic freedoms and in its international behavior , as well as the recommendations to conform to the related european values that the european parliament addressed to this country . we are anxious , mr . president , not to hear , today , such encouragements on behalf of official turkish and turkish press , but undoubtedly is there an attempt at reaction . eleven years after the fall of the berlin wall , nicosie is the only capital of europe which remains divided . essential progress was not accomplished in a sufficient proportion and turkey must continue its efforts . mr . president , mr . president of the council , mister the police chief , dear colleagues , it is in my capacity as rapporteur for the accession of cyprus that i wish to speak in this debate . mr . president , it us is not possible to vote report/ratio morillon , because us are convinced that , as opposed to what he affirms and so that a great number of people hope , in turkey also , adhesion will not improve the life of the people . but i believe at the same time as one should not paint a too black picture of the situation . there is thus an internal relation . conferences euro-méditerranéennes in marseilles mr . brok , who joined us , wondered precisely about the delays noted in the negotiation . we have , us européens , an experiment to put forward . actually , it does not only any more act , as in 1995 , to restore a balance with the east of europe , it also acts to prepare the future widening of the union . xenophobia , the terrorism of state or other forms of terrorism also concern this field and i hope that we will also have the possibility of putting good order at it . it is a fact of which we must , alas , of adapting to us . but , once again , should be frank for us . all that shows the conscience of the maladjustment of the results reached up to now , even if the answers are not yet , in my eyes , to the situation , and even if it should be recognized that five years , it is not much for such complex processes . this is why i believe that the debate of today can be used to return to us conscious of the central importance of this policy for the very whole union . it is not competition between all these needs that it acts , but these are new funds that we must find . the spiral of violence in the middle east , the war carried out with violence and determination against the palestinian population , with which israel continuous to refuse its right in a state , threaten the future of all the area . mr . president , just like the european union must find , in nice , balance between deepening and widening , it should develop , in marseilles , a relation balanced between his central european function and his mediterranean responsibility . however , the general idea of the assessments which one draws up on this fifth anniversary of the process of barcelona east that we let us can be considered satisfied with the simple continuity of the process , owing to the fact that there were ministerial meetings with the presence of representatives of israel , the palestinian authority , of syria , of lebanon , etc . it is perhaps a cold comfort . the common problems which strike the mediterranean area are legion: illegal immigration , poverty , foreign debt , human right , dryness and terrorism , which pitilessly destroys the life of human beings and innocent families , as we tragically live it in spain , algeria or in the middle east . we are ready to believe them , but the countries of the south require for other things that promises or speech: it rests with to us to give it to them . europe did not undertake any policy as regards turning into a desert or water in the mediterranean countries ; it would be advisable to undertake a policy specific to the mediterranean environment which would take again the parameters , logics and even the diversity of the climate in the mediterranean . the proposals which are in front of us today are balanced much . i come from there now to the agency in kosovo . we cannot disappoint them and , today more than ever , these countries need our assistance . as conclusion - and i will take again the words of the commission - , i would say that these two proposals constitute stone angular of process which must make it possible these countries , which still suffered and suffer , to be able to be integrated fully in the european structures . in the future , we must confer the responsibility on a smaller number - with a director also , if you want - so that somebody assumes truly the responsibility with respect to the body which selects the various programs . i thus thank all the colleagues who estimated that this objective important and me was delighted that in the future , we will be able to reinforce this field - in terms of contents - within these countries . i read in certain communications on the elections in bosnia which the nationalists extremists gained the legislative elections in bosnia-herzégovine . the european union - you know it - was implied with determination to contribute to these historical changes . the examination of the reports/ratios westendorp and lagendijk on the proposals for a regulation relative , one with the outline programme and , the other , the european agency for the rebuilding gives the opportunity to us to reconsider the extent of the support which the union intends to grant to balkans western , in order to accompany the process of stabilization and association . the so much awaited victory of the democracy in croatia , then in yugoslav federal republic , imposes , we know it , with the european union of going well beyond . question time (the council) their objects being connected , i call simultaneously questions 2 and 3 . new a four months deadline has been just granted to the parts - it is the resolution 1324 - to endeavour to progress on the two faces . i would like to question you on the state of the agreement of association with morocco . the stability and the development of the caucasus represent one of the strategic priorities for the european union . as for the discussion with turkey , we leave a very important debate on this subject and you know very exactly the positions of the european union on this point . i want simply that the minister insists on the fact that the purpose of the legislative measures suggested aim those which exploit and benefit of people being in desperate plights and are not of criminaliser more the potential immigrants or immigrants . as well legislative measurements as of the actions intended to increase the debate and to develop the awakening is necessary . i believe that it is necessary indeed to fight against these crimes by all the means , absolutely all the means , and i note that as well the council union as the general meeting of the united nations and , i think , the turkish government , are ready with this making . it is besides because the 14 other countries disapproved that they took measures . i take an example: so tomorrow in my country , france - and there i express myself as a minister - came to the capacity a party from extreme-right-hand side , i would wish that one take against my country of measurements of the type of those which were taken against austria . for my part , i wanted to speak about values: i spoke about the values such that they appear in our texts , i spoke about the values such as they are reaffirmed in the charter of the basic rights and i in particular spoke - it is true - fight against all discriminations , which is registered with the frontispiece of the european texts . it is that which we must do to respect . i recall that this political dialogue constitutes , to the sides of the future partnership for adhesion , one of the elements of the strategy the pre-accession one of turkey defined in this occasion . question n º 12 of (h-0850/00): it is with that that we get busy and it is in this line and any other that we will engage . on this occasion , force is to recognize that the moroccan part did not answer the community offer . they are citizens of scotland , where , after 110 days of detention , any marked person to have made an offence must either be judged , or to be released and not to be shown never again of this offence . were concrete measures taken (safety of the provisioning , energy effectiveness) to make the economy of the member states less sensitive to the external crises? which are the means and the priorities of the council to short , average and long term , acting of the energetic efficiency and energy saving? the position of the union to the off-shore measures issued by the united states did not change . lastly , i pointed out that the european union took note with concern of the observations made on the spot by the agencies and programs of the united nations and thus deplored the negative and often dramatic consequences of the american economic embargo for the cuban population . doesn't the council understand that it acts of a political problem par excellence and that it is inadmissible that it is held with equal distance of the victim and the torturer? on the one hand , this office is in conformity with the decision of the commission to decentralize ; in addition , it has excellent results of management in the task which it achieves . those do not recognize the borders . we must fight the transborder illegal activities , that it is in the field of the traffic of drugs , the transborder co-operation or the draft of human beings . it would be appropriate that mr . patten police chief , who has a great experiment - not to say wisdom - in the treatment of the international crises , and which , moreover , visited various areas of the balkan peninsula , goes to the seat of the agency for the rebuilding , in thessalonique , to see how this service functions . but this area , the most tormented area europe , never was as filled of hope as today . but i hold before very thanking the parliament for excellent quality and the speed for his work at the time of the examination of these two proposals for a regulation . we also reached fast results in serbia , where the commission set up , in the four weeks space only , one emergency supplementary programme of a total amount of 200 million euros . of course , we can also accept the proposal wanting that the hot lines adopted in the future by the commission reflect this same search for a greater effectiveness which underlies our reforms . i hope that the parliament will include/understand the significance of the proposals which i presented in may and which it will continue to work in a constructive way with the others with this very difficult question . however , i then to offer my support for the amendment of the parliament aiming at removing the requirement of the unanimity , because that would go against the opinion of the college . the challenge of this third top organized in seoul consisted in looking further into process asem both for the participants of the governments general public . acting of the "interpersonal" field (people-to-people) , the principle of opening of process asem to a greater section of the civil company was maintained , although the initiatives of ong aiming at establishing a social forum could not be born because of the reserve of certain asian partners . as let us be us very happy as the summit of seoul took place , and that all the chiefs of government , except one or two , were present there . there even were two specific proposals which were adopted , namely the round table about universalization and the duet fellowship program , which envisages 4 300 fellowships to the amount of 25 million american dollars . the communication of the commission is restricted to approach the aspects relating to competences corresponding to the community and the member states in the tasks rising from the participation in the orp . if one leaves the principle that , of all the coastal countries existing in the world , rare which is those profit from the economic potential , legal , legislative and political available to the european union , one will include/understand at which point it is important to ask us which is our responsibility . the reform of the pcp will be vital , but it will be even more important to set up the adequate reforms . i think here of migrating fish . we all are conscious , in all the european union and well beyond . mr . president , mesdames and the deputies , i would like first of all to thank you for the support which you grant to the efforts that we realize to promote and reinforce the action of the community in the regional organizations of fishing . until now , some progress already could certainly be recorded , but it is necessary for very getting busy to find a better planning in time . indeed , the improvement continues productivity of the breedings generates already a growth of the offer and if this one were to be accompanied by an extension without terminals of the apparatus of production , it would follow again , ineluctably , a heavy imbalance of the market . instead of that , it is much more judicious than each pigmeat producer constitutes his own economies . with each pig breeder his moneybox . it is also made there mention of the need for encouraging the organizations of producers , from which the establishment strongly differs from one member state to another . organizations of the markets , as they functioned up to now , supported the process of concentration more than they prevented it . the globalisation of the economy is presented here in the form of a trap , and that has nothing to do with the cyclic crises . any stockbreeder , where that it is in the union , will be able to subscribe to this device . mr . president , mister the police chief , the author of the report/ratio , mr . garot , treated with serious and specified this commission proposal for the introduction of funds of regulation of the sector of the pigmeat . it is a question of balance . in this direction , i must say that my conclusions are different from those of my colleague mr . garot . with regard to the commission proposal , i could almost approve it such as it was introduced , though , if we want to be honest , we must recognize that it does not bring anything concrete to solve the problems . then , there is the implication of the specialized piglet producers in the system suggested , such as amendments 7 and 13 underline it . what is this thus , i request from you , whom the commission introduced to us? firstly , an analysis of the budgetary execution and practices of management were concluded for each financial heading . on this point , the court repeats what she said the previous years , namely that such a tendency has negative consequences: unsuited and hasty decisions , extra work involving a risk of errors , etc . the dramatic events which proceeded recently clearly showed that the problems of management and control weighed increasingly heavy on the european diary . that penalizes the member states conscientious and reward conscientious . in this respect , i would like to add quickly that the commission lays the stress in its work on the improvement of the external assistances , as well in the direction of an institutional reorganization in this field as in the direction of a reinforced liquidation and more rapid as in the past of the important remainders to be liquidated . now , the european parliament is in an extremely delicate situation , because it declared this year still - in january - that it would not accept any more serious errors in the account closure of 1999 . i would like to raise some problems and i hope that mr . karlsson will be able to answer my questions today . it is necessary more figures for us and more facts . i would wish that that be done already this year so that we can start to evaluate the dg . we know all of course that the commission works with certain changes . that will decrease the error count . the commission from now on is thus held with the compliance with the rules . can i above all thank mr . karlsson because this year , the co-operation with the committee on budgetary control went much better than the previous years . i ask you to make a classification of the countries and sectors most concerned with bad management in the eu . madam the president , me also i would like sincerely to thank the court of auditors for the report/ratio and his political evaluation , yesterday , at the committee on budgetary control . the efforts of reform and their need were once more underlined . there one must be able to read what was said by mrs . van der laan - and we agree all on top . with this intention , perhaps is necessary it to grant to president cour a more important decision-making power on the methods of the court and the way in which this one communicates . the rates are different from a state with another and their composition is different from a state to another . in its most important work concerning the common agricultural policy , the special report/ratio on the arable cultures , the court concludes that , of 1993 to 1997 , the community budget spent more than thirteen thousand billion euros more than what would be reasonable . do not ask me questions to which it is impossible to answer . the court of auditors must also change its working methods . one can be always delighted by something . this report/ratio was approved by a large majority of the members of the commission of the environment of the parliament , and , consequently , i will defend the result of the vote of this commission . the second point relates to the prohibition of export , from which one comes to praise the merits . i thus have reserves and would be inclined to reject this provision . with the second or third reading , we will need famous the 314 votes and , such as the report/ratio is currently , we will certainly not obtain them . the commission has just put forward a measure , welcome shy person but , going in this direction , that the police chief will develop perhaps a little more when he answers . we agree with the rapporteur on the need for informing the consumer as for the risks and for playing the chart of the transparency , in particular health safety . in my opinion , it is preferable to more take into account the principle of subsidiarity . however , i remember a large discussion that i had with my elisabetta daughter whereas it was nine years old and that it asked me to go to make a tower alone in the street . it had to be made sure that we guarantee a total protection of the consumers , without however regulating certain things several times or in a contradictory way . in addition , i would like to stress the importance of the amendments approved by the commission of the environment , the public health and the consumer policy , who reinforces the transparency with regard to the ultimate consumer and which specifies the responsibilities , not only producers , but also distributors at the time of the possible operations of withdrawal of products considered as dangerous . that also means that when new provisions are taken within the framework of the sectoral legislation , those supplant the provisions of the directive . good number of the amendments suggested constitute an improvement of the initial text and can thus be accepted by the commission . thirdly , amendment 4 proposes to add , in preamble , a requirement forcing the member states to produce concrete relationship with the assistance of qualified and independent institutions , which they are public or private . although the commission is in favour of the co-operation and the common principles , the formulation suggested goes against the principle of subsidiarity . no problem rising from the current formulation was announced to the commission and the modifications would weaken the existing provisions . amendments 39 and 44 propose that information on the dangerous products is accessible to the public only after a decision of prohibition or recall was made . they also propose that the exchange of information covered by the professional secrecy is not possible between the authorities of monitoring of the markets . mr martelli , normally , you can you express only at the end of the hour of the votes , but i give you exceptionally and briefly the word . report/ratio (a5-0294/2000) of mrs . eriksson , in the name of the commission of the women's rights and of the equal opportunity , on the proposal for a decision of the council relating to the program concerning the community strategy as regards equality enters the men and the women (2001-2005) (com (2000) 335 - c5-0386/2000 - 2000/0143 (cns)) mr . president , my question relates to the order of the vote of the amendments concerning paragraph 10 , i .e . the armenian genocide . (the parliament adopts the motion for a resolution) the responsibility is double: there is that of the governments of the convention countries , but also that of the governments of the mediterranean partners . this help more than is justified by the width of this tragedy . the prohibition of the night-work for the women was one of the rare fields in which the social legislation of certain countries , by protecting the women , was a little more advances some for the workers that for the workers . i hope sincerely that in the future , the commission will present annually and in good time an assessment allowing the parliament to carry out an analysis and a more in-depth discussion . it is thus with regret that i voted against this proposal . it is important that our products are sure , but we must take care not to exceed some limit by taking extreme actions . today , the agency for kosovo is directed by a board of management where the representatives of the member states and commission lay out each one of a voice and where the decisions are made in the majority of two thirds . for serbia , the problem to be solved is that of kosovo . the danish social democrat deputies voted against a report/ratio aiming at introducing a mode of assistance in favour of the pigmeat producers within the eu . if it is only , as each one knows , even with a certain opening of the french presidency , the commission disallows these proposals and it does not seem y to have majority within the council to approve them . a tiny variation of the offer is enough to cause a crisis . mr . president , the armenian genocide was the first of a long series during this xxe century that one can qualify century of the genocides . sweden not being been willing to take part in a common military defense , but well in the actions of civil treatment of the crises , we cannot support item 15 , where one "greets the will of turkey to contribute to the improvement of the european capacities within the framework of the common european policy safety defense . " but beyond the duty of memory that one must require of any democracy , and whose europeans know how much it is difficult and painful , so difficult that certain european countries did not complete it , it matters that such acts of cruelty having destroyed lives for ethnic , religious or cultural reasons and who strike the universal conscience do not reproduce never again . it is , undoubtedly , another debate that that of today but , in the name of the importance that i grant to turkey , i wanted to even repeat it today . peace is possible there because these populations are not prevented any more from exerting their right to self-determination . i voted for the amendments asking for this recognition , today , in order to continue this testimony and to recognize the pain of people . it took place at the time of the othoman empire . not only the report/ratio jové peres would like to systematize this situation for the existing regional organizations and those which are in the course of creation , but he would like to reinforce it by putting an end to the practice commission to make call in support of technicians coming from various member states . my remarks are true obviously for the subject which occupies us today , the representation of the european community within the regional organizations of fishing , but it applies as well to the negotiations carried out for example within the framework of the world organization of the trade . my suggestion to join together them was then supported by mr . trittin , president of the council of the time , like by the european commission , so that the decision of the parliament to amalgamate three directives did not run up against much opposition . an example: pvc constitutes 0 ,7 % of the total volume of incinerated waste . i will finish , mr . president , by saying that the group epp/of is satisfied with the work which was completed during this third reading . mr . president , i make a point of thanking to me also mr . blokland for the work achieved on this important file . to incinerate is not to recycle . the report/ratio of mr . blokland maintaining in third reading was for many members elected for the first time at the commission of the environment the first test in natural size making it possible to learn the parliamentary practices . new limits of emission , more strict , were introduced for the new cement kilns intended for the co-incineration , like underlined it mrs . evans . whatever the diversity of the national situations , one can thus note , in all the states of the european union , a nearly general reduction in the obligatory cover , an increased role of the systems known as of complementary sickness insurance and the stressing of discriminating factors . it would act on the other hand of a proposal for a directive for the following elements: the prohibition of the use of personal information resulting from genetic research , a point-key ; the absence of prior examinations of health to the subscription ; the installation of an obligation of guarantee for life by the insurer ; the taking into account coordinated better of refundings for the people who work and move within the union and , finally , the introduction of a mechanism of mediation . we adopt an increasingly positive attitude with regard to the transborder care , and the operation of the market is consequently increasingly applicable to the care of health . the united states , for example , is used to us often "as example" as regards liberal economy . on the other hand , it would be a fatal error to take them in example for the policy of health . one does not need that the eu lays down relative rules , for example , with the information therapeutic or imposing with each one the obligation to be assured , which would destroy the diversity of the systems of complementary sickness insurance which exist today in many countries and which function on the basis of actuarial principle . it proved thereafter that there was all the same a means of being allowed . it goes from there from the health of all the citizens of our member states and of the cohesion of our territories . it is not by chance that i am confronted with these problems in the dutch context . mr . president , dear colleagues , mr . rocard asks the commission to define in a green book the characteristics of a basic insurance within the framework of the legal sickness insurances . it acts of a concern of foreground . mr . president , those which , like us , were devoted throughout their life to the study of the social questions remember that the old handbooks generally defined social protection as a whole of protection measures of the state covering of the risks economically appraisable , in individual or familiar matter and to which the individuals - the family core - could not face themselves . then , that wants to say that an important reflexion on the causes of the failure of the public medical care is necessary . the complementary sickness insurance supposes a legal system of rights and services . while trying to eliminate discrimination on the basis from the medical antecedents , mr . rocard would have killed hen with the gold ufs . the commission will act immediately within the framework of its competences , and i will try to answer the conclusions of your report . i also hope that the proposals which aim at recognizing the particular importance of the qualification and of integration in the professional life will be also adopted , because it is necessary to hold account of the phenomenon increasingly more important of social exclusion and the poverty of the people practicing however a remunerated profession . mr . president , mesdames and messrs , the committee on economic and monetary affairs also makes a point of congratulating the rapporteur for his talk . the agenda calls the recommendations of the commission on an opinion of the council on the update of the programmes of stability in germany , finland and in the netherlands . this brought us to a different reflexion and to ask to us whether this pact of stability and growth became exhausted with the achievement of the quantitative objective of a determined final figure , or if it is advisable to introduce other aspects relating to the quality of the finance public into the next programs . our basic message is since the margin aiming to the tax cuts must go hand in hand with a strict control of the public expenditure . i believe that as a whole , one can consider that it acts of a positive assessment . they make state of the risks of overheating in one of the largest countries of europe , which is also one of the principal countries for the european economy , namely germany . mr . president , i warmly thank mr . della vedova . it seems to to me that it is on these two shutters , the topicality of the fight against the esb in europe and on its developments in france , that you wished to hear us today . we propose at the european commission and to our partners of the union to thus prepare the extension on a european scale of the tests , according to the scientific recommendations . thus , effectiveness , independence , transparency will be the principle-keys clearly guiding the evaluation of the food risk in europe . i will reconsider this point later . however , it is necessary that these tests are put in uvre at a scale much larger . measurements of active monitoring , including random tests , are in progress in order to prevent the cases of esb from entering the food chain . in the kind of situation with which we are confronted , it is always trying to turn to a magic solution , a solution which can at the same time eliminate the risks and restore confidence . i will request monday from the member states if they fear that the weaknesses in the execution of controls , weaknesses which would go against the community legislation on the matter , are a factor explaining the current increase in the incidence of the esb . it must however be possible to combine at the same time speed of action and serious . it is due only to you to enclose it quickly . it is a capital requirement there , in particular with regard to this precise problem of the esb . our group requires the immediate prohibition of the meat meal and of bone for all the livestock , as a long time as the member states will not be able to guarantee the installation of laws concerning the prevention of the esb and the rigorous application of the european directives . i do not know if it is the panacea , mister the police chief , but in the name of the principle of precaution , it seems to to me that the experiment forces to prohibit as of today the use of the animal flours in the food of all the livestock , including the pigs , the poultries and fish . i believe that the debate which started in our parliament , which consists in seeking which , of the council , of the commission or the parliament , made more or less , appears a little superfluous to me . firstly , others said it before me , it is necessary to practise a systematic tracking on all the cut down bovines intended for the food of europeans . by showing of courage and ambition , we will be able to combine the medical interest of europeans and the economic interest of our producers and we will be able to thus restore confidence . they are , i insist , of nothing responsible for the crisis . this is why the european union will have to express its solidarity in their connection . i do not accept either the arrogance of certain member states which , not practising the tests , do not claim regulation . european solidarity must also play because our policy showed its inconsistencies: animal fallow , flours for the ruminants , nitrates , pesticides . and here that i must intend mr . gollnisch to say that its parliamentary group was with the point of the combat in the crisis of the esb . moreover , we consider convenient to make so that any hearth of infection is circumscribed and that the meat export is prohibited until them healthy character is proven . it is inadmissible that us meanings insufficiently this priority in the political field . i am happy to see that we always consider the extension of the tests on a voluntary basis . but if we generalize the tests of tracking , if we destroy the animal flours , if we impose the demolition of all the herd for only one sick animal , we must require strictly equivalent medical standards on behalf of third countries which are our trade partners and who seek to export towards the community of the alive animals , the carcasses , the flesh-colored preparations . the causes of the problem are elsewhere . madam the president , i am happy that the commission finally decided with strength in favour of generalized tests of tracking . because , as france has just shown it: who seeks finds ! what then prevents us from acting? why is each time needed a crisis so that we meet here and that we affirm that the parliament places the public health at the first rank of the priorities? the bond between the esb and the food containing animal flours , a manner far from natural to nourish the animals of the remainder , is clear for everyone now . i thus ask the european commission to arrive to a certain harmonization on this point too . i ask the commission to completely re-examine the systems set up in france to treat the cases of esb . the poison enters the system which it ends up destroying . it is certainly difficult also to make cohabit , on the matter , of the national legislations and a european legislation . another parapet was drawn up in the system to protect the public health and food safety in the form from a legislation which defines the methods of manufacture of the animal flours . it was said that they were going to be very expensive , that they were going to relate to a great number of carcasses , etc . by way of example , one will quote the technique of the pillow which caused the death of immigrant in belgium , the use of powerful sedatives in spain , the transport of immigrants massed in holds of boats in italy and spain , the tragedy of the 58 found chinese immigrants died in the united kingdom in the wearing of dover after being stopped with various recoveries on the european territory and the generalized use of various means of constraint and intimidation against the expelled immigrants . such is my engagement and i answer about it in what relates to me . violence counters the women revêt several forms: there is violence within the family , which is the crime of silence , it there also the forms of sexual exploitation , the draft of the women , the traffic of human beings . mr . president , i would say to mr . nogueira that , obviously , in the model that we defined , the monetary policy is spring of the european central bank and the latter makes decisions according to the criteria established in the treaty . mr . president , i think that for the public opinion , it is very important to make the distinction between the internal impact and the external impact . i would like to know if the commission considers now , right before the physical introduction of the euro , launching an action in order to explain to the population the difference between the internal and external impacts of monetary stability? in the absence of concrete actions of the greek government , it will continue the already committed procedure . the role of the commission is to ensure the existence of a measurement and monitoring system . in the same decision , the commission had committed itself reviewing the modes of assistance in all the member states , while basing itself on these specific criteria of compatibility approved until 2004 , date on which will expire the validity of the authorization of the french mode of support . the realization of europe which supports integration , according to terms' of the european council of lisbon , requires an overall effort and action . secondly , while allowing to better take into account the experiment of the actors of ground , of ong , the local communities , the social welfare and the people who are themselves in situation of exclusion . many old people could confirm it , just as all those which work during hours for low wages not ensuring a decent life to them - i think for example of the farm labourers . they can also be important groups of population which do not have a command of sufficiently the language to obtain an employment . in the united states , with a more flexible labour market , there is the guarantee that poverty is lived for periods much shorter , with a time of very short unemployment . in my country , approximately 75 % of the people who work and who live below the poverty line are women . we must then seek to realize , was this only partly , this engagement . this equipment will have to be reinforced taking into account the evolution and with the realism which are essential on the matter . mr . president , i thank and congratulate mrs . figueiredo as well as the deputies now absent who reported the opinions of the other parliamentary commitees . as you suggest it , it is also necessary to stress the importance of ong as well as regional and local actors and - as suggest it to you - to better hold account of their experiment on the ground . we already agreed that the committee of social protection would meet regularly with the group of contact made up of deputies of the european parliament . the agenda calls the report/ratio (a5-0320/2000) of mrs . rothe , in the name of the commission of industry , the foreign trade , research and energy , on the proposal for a directive of the european parliament and the council relating to the promotion of the electricity produced starting from renewable sources of energy on the domestic market of electricity (com (2000) 279 - c5-0281/2000 - 2000/0116 (cod)) . we need as of now constraining objectives . another essential point approved by the commission is the problems of connection and the access to the network for renewable energies . concretely , in my country , spain , these hot lines would be responsible for the emission in the atmosphere of 225 billion additional tons of co2 from here at 2010 and owing to the fact that we could not achieve the goals of kyoto . mr . president , madam the police chief , dear colleagues , we cannot that to applaud the commission proposal aiming at creating a framework allowing a significant increase in the medium term in the proportion of electricity produced starting from renewable sources of energy within the european union . but the threat can always come from compatibility with the internal market . waste does not constitute a renewable natural resource , even if one produces each day of it more and more . consequently , this directive acquires an involuntary topicality . that being said , i support this proposal cordially . mr . president , i make a point of thanking mrs . rothe for his excellent report/ratio , which falls really à .pic in this week when we struggle in the crisis of the climatic change . the promotion of the electricity produced starting from renewable sources of energy is an objective which it is necessary to support without reserves . radical technological adaptations are essential . instead of that , proposals are presented step by step and without much coherence . and i would like to finish simply by mentioning three problems which appeared throughout this debate . in addition , in a preoccupation with a coherence , the quoted objectives translated into national parameters must be constraining bus in the contrary case , the directive would lack contents and of substance . it is also the case , for the same reason , of amendment 3 , partly , but not of the amendment 7 , which is too technical for the text of the proposal . but , mesdames and the deputies , we cannot accept the parts which prejudge application of the standards on the state aid . the agenda calls the report/ratio (a5-0308/2000) of mrs . theorin , in the name of the commission of the women's rights and of the equal opportunity , on the participation of the women in the peaceful payment of the conflicts (2000/2025 (ini)) . whereas the formal processes of peace are almost exclusively reserved to the men , the experiments and the declarations collected on the international level show at which point the participation of the women is important when it is a question of solving conflicts and to build peace . the decisions on the execution and the setting in uvre of the humane actions concern the responsibility for the cells for crisis ; however , competences of the women meet there little attention and recognition . those want obviously to preserve their position of force as regards foreign politics and defense and estimate that the interests of the women can be defended well by men . mr . president , i would like initially to say all the interest which i carry to this report/ratio , of which i would like to underline excellence , great excellence , even . in the same way , the financial resources making it possible to help the women victims of this situation must exist . mr . president , many things were already said and i do not make a point of pouring in the repetitions . mr . president , madam the police chief , i would like first of all to congratulate mrs . theorin to have taken the initiative of this excellent report/ratio , which treats of an important question , but also of topicality: how an effective participation of the women in the negotiations aiming at solving the conflicts can change the world and transform the dominant culture of antagonism and violence into culture of peace , the dialogue and the democratic payment of the disagreements? this is why i support the claims of the report/ratio , according to which the women should profit from a right of influence diplomatic . a report/ratio very documented , major , rigorous , able to state essential principles with the clearness which is present in article 17 , daring but at the same time with a great practical direction and proposals very necessary . for my part , i would condemn all the forms of rape and all the forms of slavery ! fifthly , the part played by echo , the agency of humanitarian aid of the european commission ; the parliament invited to also take into account the sexospecificities . the problem is as follows: million people (primarily of the women) carries out this work ; there is a very keen demand but not the least applicable regularization in this field . i think that the member states should be encouraged to regulate the sector via the directives on employment , in accordance with what was already asked in the opinion of the european parliament relative to these directives . the migrant population generally represents an important collective of this sector , which requires special measures , like specialized reception centres , charged with providing the assistance necessary . it is a question which relates to the member states . the needs as regards assistance domesticates increased considerably these last years ; however , this situation was practically not taken into account in the professional life in general and the rights and obligations attached to the professional life . (the meeting is raised at 12 midnight) (very hard applause) not only we will have to create an internal system of peace and freedom , but we will have to also reconcile it with the customs and habits which exist since decades within the european community and of the european union . the first stage to cross in order to restructure the constitution of the federal state consists in defining a framework favourable with the democratic dialogue broadest possible about the type of relations which link the two republics . the result reached is historical . you , the european deputies , who directly represent the citizens of the member states of the union , you which represent the european citizens , are placed best to include/understand why the simple possibility of becoming member of the european union is extremely dubious with the eyes of the citizens of the current federal republic of yugoslavia . let us take again the meeting . it acts , as you know it , of an extremely important business and higher interest for the citizens and they would be least things than we can take a decision today on this subject at the time of the hour of the votes . the commission then let know that it would present a specific proposal on this matter in the six months , and it held word . there exists already at the present time in the european union a practice as regards access of the public to the documents , and it should not be forgotten that courageous citizens and many member states progressists fight since years for a greater transparency . this report/ratio still requires to be sophisticated of the european parliament and this is why i believe that it improvements will have to be still made there here even . we are happy to find in this report/ratio the important principle that we support also resolutely as a committee on budgetary control . the occasion their from now on is offered to better know the things which are not brought to their attention by the media and certain groupings of interests so that they will be able more to take part in the open and democratic debate , which constitutes a so important element to guarantee confidence towards the eu . the commission of the petitions would like that one shortens the withdrawal periods before the publication of the documents . as soon as the secrecy is not justified any more , the document will have naturally to become accessible to the public . i would like to also stress that all the citizens must have the guarantee to be able to reach the documents under as many forms as possible . the dogma of the political responsibility should not be confused with the civil rights as regards access to the documents . i would thus wish to launch a call with the rapporteurs in order to remove in the regulation treating of the access of the public with the documents any reference to the rights of the deputies . in addition , i wish to invite all my colleagues to take care that their interests do not carry it on those of the public . in these sectors , the access to the documents is not guaranteed and it is refused , not only with the citizens , but even in the european parliament which , in addition , officially informed nor is not even consulted on the fundamental documents . there remains however an important point of bitterness . mr . president , initially allow me to thank mr . cashman for quality for the work completed within the framework for his report/ratio . we deal with very important report/ratio , which represents a major share of what we could call the new principle of transparency of the european union . (technical problem) only it is not a question to support the principle of access unlimited to all the documents , but also to manage to open the doors at the time of the meetings of the council , so that this last in the future any more does not make its decisions in silence and the secrecy , which then makes it possible others to practise the cheap denigration with regard to brussels . i would like to then evoke work having related to the exemptions . our population sees europe as being nondemocratic , as a place where one makes decisions in camera . in accordance with article 255 of the treaty , the payment suggested must be adopted before may 1 , 2001 , i .e . two years after the entry into force of the treaty of amsterdam . now , allow me to tackle certain problems which , for the hour , prevent the commission from accepting certain amendments . as i underlined previously , we can , in certain cases , agree , in theory , with the amendments , but we must work together on the technical and administrative level , for example , with regard to the amendments relating to the classification of the documents and the register . we do not have any written document and i would like but , for the future also , the diffuse commission with the deputies , in writing , his recommendations . wishes of welcome we are pleased with the statute improved granted to the attenuation of the risks of credit , particularly of the guarantees which can be offered by the small companies . report/ratio (a5-0321/2000) of mr . blokland on the joint project , approved by the committee arbitration , directive of the european parliament and the council on the incineration of waste [ c5-0371/2000 - 1998/0289 (cod) ] mr . president , can i ask the liberal group , and i also ask it in the capacity as co-rapporteur , to show itself a little more practical? the postponement of the vote at november ii thus corresponds to considering commun run to groups ppe-de and pse . i thus propose to give the vote on the villiers report/ratio at november ii . i followed the order which was transmitted to me by the service of the acts of the plenary meeting and the parliament did not decide any differently . as a chairman , today , i should say only that to you ; as a colleague , i can say to you that i agree with you . in addition to the negative position adopted during the first phase , when the european parliament in denounced the dangers in great britain , and in the second phase , when the scandal made rage in great britain , measurements in fact were limited to this country , without is put in uvre a direct programme of severe controls and reorganization of the breeding at the european level . this is why we want to learn four great lessons , of which account will have to be held in the future . . we voted in favour of this common resolution . the multiplication of the number of cases of the alternative of the disease of creutzfeld-jakob in england and the situation in france imposed on the agenda , with more force , the question of the "insane cow" (esb) . by fear to sow panic at the citizens , or by concern of avoiding commercial catastrophes , certain governments in good time did not transmit information due to the commission or did not carry out , as of the first manifestation of the dangerous phenomena , the immediate blocking of the consumption of the products in question and the prohibition of their export . the farmers cannot face this crisis only: a plan of accompaniment of the breeding is to be set up as well as measurements to reconquer the confidence of the consumers . the incapacity of the whole of the european authorities (the council , commission , parlement) to lay down a relevant community policy which meets the needs for safety of the member states most directly concerned indeed will pose problems of hierarchy between the constraints of the single market and the requirements of health and safety of our populations . we obtained , after many discussions with the council , satisfaction on several points . the time of the discharges touches today at its end , those must yield the place to more beneficial technologies with the environment . to make take part in the processes the social entities , in particular the representatives of the significant groups aimed by the program ; indeed , if we must be pleased with the return of the growth and the fall with unemployment , we should not occult persistence , even aggravation , of the inequalities ! i am of the opinion that the rapporteur is right when it pleads for a greater participation of the public authorities , the two sides of industry and civil company in the measures to be taken to overcome poverty and social exclusion . the "poor workers" , whose majority are women , employees part-time , with the reduction and in the most total precariousness , join the procession of misery that the official speeches on the recovery are unaware of superbly . three years ago , the prime minister created the unit of the social exclusion , which coordinates the action of the government to reduce social exclusion by conceiving solutions identical to problems of comparable nature . it acts for the moment of installations comprising more than 60 rotors which cover a surface equivalent to thousands of football fields . the dependence , which is approximately 50 % for the whole of the union , is likely to pass à .70 .% from here 2020 in the absence of development of renewable energies . it goes without saying that the exploitation of the nuclear energy and the storage of the radioactive waste must respect more modern and more effective security instructions . we must thus seek a source of energy already present in the nature , but which remained unexploited as a long time as nobody developed the technique for extracting some . the preparation of the asem 4 must be the occasion to affirm the democratic requirement , on the one hand , by ensuring the information and the intervention of the elected assemblies and the civil company - in particular comprising the installation of a social forum - and , on the other hand , by fully taking into account the social , environmental and human rights . lately , this parliament was victim of certain ambiguities and even some criticize . we noted that it was confronted with the same misadventures as the european parliament at its beginnings , than it had had to battle and continued to make it to obtain more competences , more resources , more presence and to put forward its representativeness . the parliament of central america , following the example the european parliament , must gain in prestige , of credibility and in legitimacy while basing itself on the activity of its political groups , because the life of the parties is , or at least should be , the faithful reflection of the companies which they represent . with regard to the humans right , we support , since 1990 , the programmes of co-operation in favour of the respect of the humans right by the means of the formation and sensitizing in this field . (b5-0855/2000) of mr . van den bos , in the name of group eldr ; the extreme confusion which characterized the electoral context these last weeks in coast-in ivoire , however up to now models economic , is symptomatic of a country in crisis , economic crisis , social despair and by there , political chaos . the political , military and religious leaders must all put in uvre to allow a national reconciliation . one needs that through the debate on the ivoirity , this debate smoky which is other than the installation of the national preference only we fight in our own countries , whose logical and ultimate consequence is the installation of the ethnic purification , is completely fought , and removed any reference or connotation on the ivoirity in the constitution of the ivory coast . he also supported the revision of the constitution , intended to exclude its principal opponent , watara , because owing to the fact that his/her parents were not both of the ivory coast . mr . president , dear colleagues , even if , with the difference in other states of central and western africa , ivory coast were formerly a harbour of stability and democracy , this state knows nevertheless ethnic and religious tensions for a long time . he also knew abuses of power on behalf of the last government in function under president bédié , which finally involved a violent seizure of power by the soldiers . we condemn ethnic violences and especially the political leaders whose demagogy led there . the agenda calls the common discussion on the following motions for a resolution: the meeting to come between the eu and the anase to laos in december , offers the ideal occasion to us to show that we condemn with strength this mode . i am not , moreover , either certain that our own ministers would regulate the situation then . the anase appeared , in all the directions of the word , a tiger of paper in its failure to face the terrible events of burma . the junta declared that it intended to try to reduce to nothing the whole of the party . its past is charged and , obviously , the situation is difficult . these light improvements - that one does not certainly have to the author of the amendments of the socialist group , mr . sakellariou - during these last years and brought to a situation took place which is not certainly tragic any more , but which is always disastrous and which is not in any event not to the height of the stakes which are those of viêt-nam of today . mr swoboda , the european parliament is a flexible and effective institution . it would be nevertheless positive that in hanoi , the american president does not concentrate solely on the reinforcement of reciprocal collaboration , but makes it precisely dependent on firm promises , on behalf of viêt-nam , to radically improve the poor wretch situation who reigns there as regards the humans right . i call the council and the commission to be protested firmly against these obvious violations of the freedom of worship by the authorities vietnameses . in the same way , the process allowed the signature of a cooperation agreement between the commission and viêt-nam in 1995 . the elements which we introduced were of course included in this motion for a resolution . i agree perfectly with the fact that we must carry help to them , but let us help we them still better by changing the situation which is the cause of their misery and that innumerable other people all over the world . the subjects in question relate to the means and the long term . mr . president , mister the police chief , the floods which struck these last weeks various areas of the north of italy , as well as other european countries - great britain , spain , ireland and france - again poses two problems at this parliament: that of the intervention urgently exceptional to bring of the assistance to the people , to the communities and the companies concerned , and that of a longer-term policy , aiming at preventing the repetition of natural disasters of this width . it is the transport sector which will require the most important measurements , being given its constant development - more than 38 % , according to forecasts' , at the time of the next decade . the debate is closed . that perhaps made part of the customs and habits of this parliament , but that appears extremely delicate to me to let believe that the european parliamentary institution pledges on a subject like that one , plans to entrust a mission like that one to the european commission with such a weak participation . (the parliament refuses the application) economic policy and social of eu , which led to the weakening of the purchasing power and the possibilities of the workers for all that milked with the payment of contributions , joined to the appearance of new diseases and the immunity of the pharmaceutical companies , caused an appreciable increase in the expenditure of health . for the remainder , a very broad field is thus opened to the private insurers , in the only condition which they do not select (at the beginning) the patients and the premiums of insurance by pathology . that which does not receive and does not spend much of money does not count any more . mr . president , mesdames and messrs , i am very happy capacity to express me in the presence of a group of visitors coming from my beautiful district and which i greet cordially . that presupposes however that the establishments have a sufficient time to prepare with the new rules . the report/ratio makes state of an increasing consensus tending to underline the incapacity of the current regulation to take into account the evolutions of the financial sector of these ten last years . we yes say a greater catch in consideration of the techniques of attenuation of the risk and we yes say to an extension guiding principles developed by the committee of basle . in the same way , we are delighted by the important contribution of this report/ratio to all the process . lastly , and it acts of a key point , we are absolutely conscious of the need for respecting the institutional balance established in the treaty . the vote will take place at 9 a .m . tomorrow . before finishing , allow me , mr . president , benefitting from this occasion to congratulate mr . jacob söderman , to congratulate it for the work which it achieved in the fight against the bad administration and , therefore , for a better bringing together of the european citizens compared to the life of the community institutions . mr . president , the european parliament always affirmed , in a way very positive and in conformity with the tradition which is that of the public office in the scandinavian countries , that it was necessary to reinforce and consolidate the position of the mediator . the vote will take place at 9 a .m . tomorrow . after all , the access to documentation is a fundamental civil law and no document is more important for a candidate than that relative to his examinations . it appeared legitimate to us that a candidate can have access to his copy corrected , since the access to the documents is a basic right , recognized besides by the charter of the basic rights which we have just adopted this week . and thus that must go . the example should be followed by all the other institutions and bodies , like the commission of the petitions recommended . the citizens of the european union should have a positive impression when they are confronted with the institutions of the community . and the innovation , in the circumstance , is to follow the best practices and to avoid all that , according to our experiments , would affect its credibility in the member states . with regard to the other institutions , it is they which the possibility depends of adopting the procedures described in this report/ratio or the requests of the european mediator . the official report of the meeting of yesterday was distributed . if they are prevented by an inevitable catastrophe , it is a non-observance of the democracy . on the other hand , if they do not try hard to come , they do not deserve to take part in the vote . the adopted criteria of increased prudence are justified , but it is also necessary to consider other aspects of the question , in particular the coefficient of solvency , which is a parameter of weighting per type of counterpart which gives an approximation of the risk of real credit in the credit of a bank . provisional establishment of the european college of police force (stock) this police co-operation is fundamental to lead to the broad objective which consists in ensuring the european citizens a level of safety raised inside the european space of freedom , safety and justice . the widening of the european union , by extending the space of freedom of movement of the citizens , will have to be accompanied by complementary measures of safety and peaceful coexistence between the member states . according to what i see , the conditions in the french and portuguese prisons are very different . therefore , if you want standards common , you will have initially to define them , if not , you will be confronted with a formation which will be able to take the most varied aspects . but , thanks to the work of mr . posselt , it is finally expected that the staff training of police force will have to also include/understand the humans right and of defense , just like currently is very adapted the suggestion to create a virtual college of police force which would exploit the possibilities of internet . but we are here in strasbourg , in a practically deserted assembly , to hear something of almost incredible . it is a good idea and in the european union , where the citizens profit from the freedom of movement and trade as well as right to be established , where the travellers of scotland can go to sicily or greece , it is only logical to expect that develops a common system aiming at maintaining the state of right . in the netherlands , the police force is involved with the dedramatisation of the conflicts and with the repressive tolerance , within the framework of which the existence of subcultures , ethnic minorities , the use of churches like refuges for the people without statute of legal stay and the organization of political protests are regarded as normal social phenomena . those which believe in the good solutions that they defend should not be afraid to confront them with the solutions of others . i hope that this college will be a starting point for the future . it is a good illustration of what one starts to indicate today under the name of europe in networks , europe which places the nations in direct contact , without maintaining the useless superstructures . the majority of the cases of removal of child are treated effectively and in a way adapted by the central authorities in all the member states . it is thus necessary to fill this gap for reasons of equity , realism vis-a-vis to the sociological evolution and and obligation equal rights of all the citizens of the european union . meanwhile , we approve this measure and we will be happy to vote in its favour . because of our sympathy to the objective posed , we adhere to the measures suggested . the one day visit clearly concerns people who often make the turn of the world to see a child . the standpoint of the european parliament on the matter , as well as the jurisprudence of the court of justice of the european communities , confirms this approach of the commission . i know that the fifa played already the watch and waited well too a long time before answering the formal declaration of the commission emitted in 1998 . it is very natural that the european union is represented in the future within the ama by the police chief in charge of the sporting businesses . decision of the united kingdom to apply a tax to the nonbritish road conveyors it is clear that ireland represents a very small market , but an open market . however , the greatest part of what we buy comes from the united kingdom . in conclusion , this debate in the european parliament is premature , but i greet the fact and the declaration of the vitorino police chief who states clearly that the british government has the right to introduce a system of euro-vignette with the proviso of complying with the rules and the payments already in force . mr . president , the contributions and tolls are obviously significant topics and i can confirm it to you in the case of austria where we discuss this subject continuously and continuously seek solutions for an optimization of the road traffic . this system is not discriminatory towards the drivers or conveying road of the other countries of europe to the profit of the british drivers . this lorry driver pays more than of reason for his label , except if there is a special payment on a basis per diem . november 22 , i .e . the very same day 25e birthday of the crowning of king juan carlos , who opened the way with the democracy in spain , one of the high figures of this democracy , in its turn , has just paid its life its faith in freedom , the tolerance and the respect of the other . you all thus keep them preciously . the position of the european union in these negotiations was centered on the safeguard of the environmental integrity of the protocol of kyoto in the fields of the change of land use and of sylviculture , on the question of the "wells of absorption" , on the bond between the mechanism of kyoto and the action on a national scale , known under the name of "supplementarity" , and on conformity . to prepare this new session , the eu should not reopen the discussions on all the questions , but be centered about priority questions , in particular about the mechanisms of "well of absorption" , about "supplementarity" and a system of setting in solid conformity . mr . prescott is now touched under the water line and we do not know how long it will remain with flood . last note:: i find that it is a good thing which the commission remained firm on the question of the reduction in the emissions , in particular because it is extremely difficult to measure with exactitude the width of the reduction to be aimed . the nuclear energy is not likely any to make a come-back . but we must further go , in bonn , in may 2001 , by introducing conditions of equality . it would be necessary to end up finding a compromise at the time of the conference of bonn which will take place in may 2001 . the challenge that we must raise , concerning the climatic changes , is undoubtedly one of the greatest challenges which awaits us for xxie century , if we want a whole a planet where to live in the future . the same applies to inclusion partial of the carbon wells , such as the plantation of additional forests . the conference of the hague will continue , and you announced it to us , madam the police chief , next spring in bonn . madam the president , thank you , madam the wallström police chief , for your intervention . if there is a field well where there was not disunion , it is that of the relation between the delegation of the european parliament and the commission . we cannot allow us not to reach an agreement during the next meeting of the cop6 . we were very constructive and negotiated until the last minute of the conversations of the hague . you have the word , mister the president-in-office of the council . on the coordination of the social security systems , on the taxation , the questions of asylum , visas and immigration , about the trade negociations in the field of the services - very important subject - , certain countries still have serious problems . i add that the distribution of the seats in the european parliament was not the agreement object yet . to find an agreement which will make it possible the union to function afterwards of new adhesions , all those which prepare in this moment actively , is an essential stake for the future of the union and the widened union . your president is of course there guest . it will be transmitted , and , we hope for it , naturally , ratified in nice . you thus see that the discussions will be very dense in nice . in a union with 27 member states or more , the requirement of the unanimity will quite simply cause to paralyse progress in any field where it will be maintained . you mentioned the question of the joint decision of the european parliament . (applause) this challenge is the reunification of our old continent . this challenge is a widening without precedent in term of scale and it is with that that nice must prepare us . madam the president , the most important objective of the summit of nice is the widening of the european union and the preparation of the union to this widening . madam the president , mister the president-in-office of the council , mr . president of the commission , until now , one cannot say that the fifteen were covered with glory . this method is not good . proposals are now presented in order to allow that decisions in the majority can be made in 49 fields . the decisions in the majority will remove the right of veto granted to the parliamentary democracies of the member states , but that will not make an eu a parliamentary democracy . mr . president , europe requires that it is directed , it needs clearness , choice , dynamism . the principle of the blackmail to the proclamation does not appear acceptable to us in comparison with the conclusions of the european council of biarritz , even if it were abstract . yes , we think that the conclusions of nice will have to comprise a declaration asking the commission to write a framework directive in this field . i will come to a conclusion about the treaty of nice when i can note the results , but i am living a a little schizophrenic experiment by hearing the discussions of today . in amsterdam , they were readjusted , and the class must again arise in nice . if the difference between the large ones and the small countries are too important with the council , it is to be feared that the european union does not pass through , from here a few years , a serious crisis of legitimacy , since the small countries will not be smelled any more on their premises and that they will be afraid to more be able to defend their identity . the french president and the prime minister seem more worried by their own political future than by that of europe . the fact of not integrating the text in the treaty and of subscribing to it that on the political level could give place to important problems of legal interpretation . in addition , i stress the great importance to equip our europe with strong institutions in order to counterbalance an institutional vacuum compared to the acceleration which took place at the economic level with the euro . the proclaimed objectives of this revision consist in creating effective institutions which are from now on adequate in widened europe and , in same time , to reduce the democratic deficit , which , undoubtedly , exists . but it also acts of the reorganization of committee 133 itself: to make much more responsible , by taking care that its agenda and its conclusions are accessible and that its composition is broad and open . mr . president , when i say that the thorny questions tackled in nice will not disappear if they are not the subject of any agreement at the time of the summit , i do not address themselves solely to the president-in-office of the council but also to the whole of the governments of the member states . the operation of the procedure of joint decision during two last years shows that this procedure functions well . as i would say as , initially , it should already be allowed that the field of the marketing policy will be included in the extension of the qualified majority . seven years old , it was forced to flee its country vis-a-vis with advanced of the red army , being dissimulated in the ditches to avoid the fire of the soviet planes . our colleague méndez de vigo has just evoked rightly the charter . we cannot expect from it more its share . the agreement which is specified day in day is certainly not lowest common denominator , it is unfortunately only one small whole , a tiny common denominator . mr . president , i would like initially to thank the members of parliament because i find this debate of a great quality . it is not thus a question at all of not proclaiming it , it is not a problem of transparency . indeed , the system of levelling rotation relates to also the large countries which , at a given time , could not have of police chief , like the others . i believe that the parliament will be able to note that the european union obtained the improved institutional mechanisms which should enable him to face the continuation of this development of the european union which gathers us all . the vote will take place tomorrow . mr . president , allow me to join the declaration of our colleague van orden . i am completely opposed so that anyone threatens an invited minister , was it turkish . it goes without saying we must ourselves , within this house of the european democracy , to guarantee the safety of all our guests and all those which penetrate under our roof . the minister for health , under the pretext that the pastilles are not harmful and under the slogan "let us look after cancer by the marijuana" , sapped human dignity by asking the liberalization of drug . it is at the very least bad manners , not to say a snub , for our parliament , and except to consider that the european members of parliament do not have anything to say on the humans right , whereas they have just voted with a very vast majority the charter of the basic rights , they will miss of this forum of the european union where , last year , they were numerous to dialogue with ong and the institutions . we said some enough on this subject . to tell the truth , the european parliament , just like the commission , were of opinion , already before amsterdam , that the ideal would be to have a vice-president of the commission which would endorse the double role of person in charge for the foreign politics and top representing assuming a particular responsibility and an obligation with respect to the council . as it did it before the top of feira as a voter a resolution on june 15 , the european parliament , tomorrow , should vote for a text which summarizes its position , with the day before of the council of nice . the development of a european policy of safety and defense constitutes an important revival of the european project and thus requires the clarification of the existing institutional framework . in nice , the european council should approve several decisions , which i quote now . for the first debate , at the beginning of the year , the commission will draw up a dashboard , country by country , for the past financial year , which will show the state of engagements , the withdrawals and the amounts remaining to be liquidated for the principal programs financed by the community budget and the edf . we also worked on the question of the regional co-operation , concept which caused a certain resistance on behalf of countries of this area which do not want to be réenfermés in a past which they left , and i think i may say , thanks to this summit , they understood that there was no contradiction between a regional co-operation and their progression , their bringing together compared to the european union , in particular through the process of stabilization and association which was confirmed and specified on this occasion . there had been , front , a top with india , under portuguese presidency and a ministerial meeting will take place with the anase it is not a reason to discourage us . i recall you the variety of it: humanitarian aid , evacuation of nationals , prevention of conflicts , but also separation by the force of warring factions . it is based , of course , on the autonomy of decision of the european union and on the recognition of the voluntary and political character of the commitments entered into . it personified more than whoever the resolution of the conflicts in an area of the world which i know well and profited from a world recognition justified for its efforts . i find rather extraordinary the cover whose creation profited from this force in the country that i know best . i would like to thank mrs . lalumière for having proposed the report/ratio on the prevention of the conflicts which the commission prepares with the top representing for the european council of nice . thank you very much , mister the police chief christopher patten . it will be there , with my direction , the true test for the european union . impatient citizens complain that the bureaucratic machine of the union is of an inconceivable slowness . but the citizens , them also , must have access to information and the documents in a measurement as broad as possible . the current proposals maintain the most total blur as for what should be this role . with a european flag on your car , you pass everywhere , until in more disinherited refugee camps . for this reason , mr . president , europe must , with my direction , to decide to act now . if we , european , we do not manage to play , independently of the united states , an influential role in the solution of this conflict , it will not have either to be expected that one grants to us confidence as mediators in other hearths of crisis . however , your personal engagement does not replace the democratic legitimation of the common european policy safety defense . there are certain points of the report/ratio of mrs . lalumière whom i cannot accept . at the time of the final vote of tomorrow , i will vote against the report/ratio . the non-exploitation of this vast range of instruments of prevention of the crises will appear long-term an error and in this respect , the explanations of the council according to which resolutions already were adopted and the things will follow their course , are not enough for me ! as you include/understand it , we vote against the two reports/ratios and we commit ourselves linking all our forces against the policy which they express . . . thirdly , as olaf palme had it one day suggested , it is necessary to create an atom-free corridor of the baltic to the black sea . allow me to congratulate mrs . lalumière for his report/ratio . the brok report/ratio also evokes the station top representing for the pesc . i deplore the attitude of some of my colleagues - mr . van orden and others - because i think that my counterparts originating in other bank of the irish sea have enormously to bring in this file: the tradition , the experiment and practice . the european parliament , in collaboration with the national parliaments , constitutes in our opinion the authority most indicated for this purpose . i believe that the lesson of these recent events will be useful to us when we accept the need for working out a policy of european defense and for setting up the related capacities y , which constitutes in my opinion a component quite as essential of european integration that is not to it the single currency . i also think that the combination between these various means is a property , is a possibility , specific to the european union and that the work which we have in front of us , if this policy progresses and is consolidated , it is to develop a true european culture of the prevention and treatment of the conflicts . i believe that a positive dialogue will develop . mr . president , mesdames , messrs , dear colleagues , the resignation of the commission , in march 1999 , revealed the need for reforming his structures and his working methods . the reform , if it can be conceived by the top , must clear and be exposed to the trade unions , with the whole of the personnel , and that the whole of the personnel is actually associated all this step . this provision will take time , but it is inevitable and essential for the reform . the reform of the commission is an essential act for the future of our institutions . by writing my report/ratio , i could study not only the white paper , but also the second report/ratio of the committee of the independent experts as well as the resolution adopted by this parliament on 19 january last , suggested by michiel van hulten , on work of the aforesaid committee of the experts . the court of auditors announces in its opinion that it is not opposed to the removal of the preliminary visa , in so far as this method is replaced by other procedures which offer guarantees , at least equivalent , and which actors different from the financial speaker can be implied . in any place , the large organizations become more open , more transparent ; they resort to new fashions of use of information technologies ; they deviate from the traditional forms of vertical organization and carry out an exchange of information , as well at the internal level as with the other organizations . mr . president , mister the police chief , my dear colleagues , in spite of his range , the contents of the white paper presented by the kinnock police chief does not raise an institutional subject directly . we spoke this afternoon within the framework besides about it about the debate on the common foreign politics . finally , it is advisable to approach the thorn-bush problem of the proposal for a retirement early . the decentralization of financial control within each dg is an important step but that will function only if the personnel is suitably trained , if the resources available are sufficient and if the responsibility for the hierarchical executives is applied in an adequate way . it is necessary to give to the institution and its director of real possibilities of arriving at best possible management . with regard to the disciplinary proceedings , we note here also many promises but , until now , no clear rule , no precise declaration on the way in which these rules must be observed and even the question of external still are definitively settled . this transformation is indeed necessary to serve god in a honest way and cannot be inspired by rules . as for any innovation which modifies the established situations , it is obvious that it is necessary to be attentive . however , we will withdraw amendment 6 and will ask for a separate vote on the last part of the amendment 15 bus we do not think that the system having course within the ecb corresponds to the situation . at the time of my last mandate within this parliament , the president of the commission was jacques delors and it worked at the sides of the brittan police chief and , before him , of the cockfield police chief . mr . president , the police chiefs , dear colleagues , it is with justified waiting that we accompany this reform . questions such as the crisis of the esb , the blaze of the prices of oil and the effect of greenhouse comprise a strong european dimension . the public must also have the feeling which the commission is really accessible and transparent . for the european parliament , the reform is a crucial file on which it can weigh as a budgetary and legislative authority . it defines a significant number of clear procedures allowing a civil servant , by various channels , to denounce potential failures within the institution which employs it or outside this one . consequently , i am sure that we will be pleased to listen to you in the future . allow me , to announce mr garriga polledo , you quickly that the categories of the financial prospects are maintained . the reform must be supported and accepted by the personnel of the commission . it seems to us that a cosmetic reform in this moment of major change . mr . president , my dear colleagues , i would like first of all to underline the quality of the own-initiative report of mrs . sauquillo concerning the reform of the commission and his incidences on the effectiveness of the relations of the european union with the countries in the process of development . we want a greater responsibility . for speaking about assistance to projects , it is necessary to try to remove all the causes of the exploitation , while seeking and by continuing those which benefitted from it , which misused the populations which live in the need . it is precisely because mr . nielson is honest towards this collegial responsibility which it will defend without any doubt this proposal this evening . it seems even more serious to us than in the commission proposal , territorial separation is maintained . in 2001 for example , the financial responsibilities will be decentralized towards 22 delegations , 15 additional delegations will profit from an update their data-processing installations and 40 additional stations civils servant will be allotted to the external services . maritime safety but erika , like ievoli sun , were not french ships . in fact , this subject occupies the top of the agenda of the commission since the fatal shipwreck of erika 11 months ago . we hope that the council "transport" of december 21 will add its contribution to the building of the common determination of the european institutions to really improve maritime safety , by adopting a joint position on all three text . we expect that it is the case . i think that we are not far , but we must make sure that this agreement will be applied . i understand and greet the concern of the minister that we finish some as soon as possible with these two reports/ratios , and consequently i consider a priori positive his proposal aiming so that we discuss ec question in december . all this enabled us to work out a parliamentary report/ratio on the modification of the directive which proposes improvements of various aspects leading to the reinforcement of the system of classification , as a means and an instrument valid for guarantee the safety of the sea traffic . nevertheless , the heritage of the years when waste was quite simply poured is present until our days , and returns sometimes to haunt us , often with serious consequences . for this purpose , the publication of information is essential , because it is a vital means for the public to obtain information , just like is , inter alia , the installation of telephone numbers urgently . i await much the second series of proposals and the creation of a european agency of maritime safety . your reflexion seems to me sizeable , but we can only negotiate on results which were examined with the council . we know that control by the port state did not make great case of maritime safety . we know that all the companies of classification did not carry out their vehicle inspection in a correct and serious way , but rather in a bâclée way . it would not be necessary only credibility that we seek to regain is threatened by bad intrigues on behalf of the commission . who does not make vis-a-vis with these responsibilities must remain out of our water and our ports . the watts report/ratio hardens measurements against the ships presenting of the serious risks or beating flag of convenience , without removing these houses . i delighted nevertheless that the commission proposals took again the principal requests formulated by the elected officials of the french littoral: prohibition of the tankers with simple hull , reinforcement of controls in the ports , and evaluation of the companies of classification . i share also his idea of an incentive in order to impose the recorders of data of voyage . the guarantees of navigability of a ship require important measurements as for the responsible companies and the inspection , like that was already known as . in short , measurements are optional to bring safety at the desired level . they is bad for the men . everyone speaks about it and i find fully justified that 25 % now necessary for this control by the port state are not reached yet . the hour is not any more with simple compromises that of aucuns besides predict rather difficult to realize . with regard to the company of classification , i would like on this occasion - it is also my mission - to underline a major element: the central point of the current discussion seems to go on the responsibility . with regard to harbour controls , it is necessary to make the regulation even more severe . laxism with respect to the large companies is well the sign which they are more powerful than the elected institutions . mr . president , my dear colleagues , the question concerning the safety of the ships , and thus the safety of the people and the environmental protection , is undoubtedly of a very great gravity . the reports/ratios which were presented go in this direction . we agree with the imposition of a threshold for the personal damages or the death and the material losses , by leaving with the member states the possibility of raising these limits . new technologies and the improvements in the design of the ships play in this field a part also determining . it is necessary that we advance towards a consensus on the most possible level of payment and maritime safety . i am happy to be able to announce that the commission will give its support for many amendments submitted within the framework of these three reports/ratios . the commission can accept amendments 6 , 7 and 8 but it can only partially accept amendment 1 . the omi must normally formally adopt the calendar of downgrading at its meeting of next april . the task of the commission is as for it to confirm that the company of classification continues to answer the quality standards fixed by the directive ; the commission also carries out a follow-up of the performances of the companies of classification . the commission appreciates the support expressed in favour of the initial limit . once more , this accident shows the urgency to adopt reinforced community measures , of prevention and rehabilitation , for the protection of our seas . mr turco , i of course have your message and i will think of it . here are which is in theory positive . with regard to the two other reports/ratios , in other words the report/ratio on the companies of classification and the report/ratio on harbour controls , there is from the divergent points of view , and the parliament is that which has the most rigorous approach on the majority of the questions . madam the president , i would like to submit a proposal in order to modify the amendment in this direction , so that it starts with these words: "be urgent in this respect , the council and the commission" . report/ratio (a5-0329/2000) of mr . pomés ruiz , in the name of the committee on budgetary control , on the white paper on the reform of the commission (aspects which relates to the committee on budgetary control) (com (2000) 0200 - c5-0445/2000 - 2000/2215 (cos)) report/ratio mckenna (a5-0336/2000) the impunity of the capital is reinforced by the privatization of the companies of classification , passed to the hands of the ship-owners , and by the inexistence of a real control on behalf of the national authorities , even by the complicity of these last . this is why it is positive that the rapporteurs watts , vachetta and piétrasanta tried to fill the gaps still remaining in the commission proposal . the responsibility in the installation for these measurements rests thus on the member states . the tankers monoshell cannot continue to sail here if , elsewhere , they disappear after 2005 , 2010 or 2015 . however , mr . hatzidakis makes proposals which restrict those of the commission . the promotion of a more strict regulation at the international level must remain a fundamental goal of our policy of maritime safety . it is particularly important to stress that the principle which consists in making pay the pollutant will have to be completely applied . this community action must be doubled of a reactivation of the omi which , equipped with true policing powers to make apply code ism , would be an effective instrument , to the image of europol . as long as the expenses of the transgression of the rules will be lower than those of the respect of those , the companies eager to garner a maximum benefit will want to continue to make the bad choice . preparation of the council of nice instead of drawing the humans right and the rights social to the top , the charter will facilitate the operations intended to draw them downwards . alas , this concept seems to me completely absent motions for a resolution . if , like much , i sometimes considered it regrettable that the prime minister , lionel jospin , were expressed little during this six-month period "due to cohabitation" , i know the strong impulses which it permanently gave to his ministers and i want to say it . as for the social field , the proposals are very timid and do not bring either of effective contents to the underwriting liabilities at the time of the summit of lisbon , in particular as for the need for reinforcing economic and social cohesion . this is why no decision on the development of the eu should be made if it is likely to move away the citizens from europe . the british want of a reform which makes europe more responsible and more effective . this text takes pretext of the future (and more and more distance) widening to ask for the reinforcement of a system already end of breath . now , the cloth does not burn only between the "large ones" and the "small ones" , it also burns between the "large ones" . . (sv) we consider welcome this report/ratio , which evokes many essential tendencies of the evolution of the foreign politics and common safety , and support we it . like each year , this ritual report/ratio of the european parliament , devoted in theory to the annual balance sheet of the pesc , takes again in fact the well-known method of the progressive slips which consist , starting from a federalistic breach of nature , obtained in a given field , to unceasingly seek to widen it , with the contempt of the treaties like european council decisions . while chattering with me , it heard that one is organizing a military force of the states d' europe , a force lends to intervene to maintain peace in europe and in its trimmings . in addition , it does not fall on the european parliament to define the capacity of which should lay out a european force of intervention and if , on this subject , the capacity of intervention must be maritime and air . the conflicts which will occur in the future will not be solved by military interventions , but by the means of a policy aiming to social , economic and ecological justice . we are radically opposed to this european army , just like with nato and our own national army . the formulations relating , for example , to the pesc and nato , appear to me to go too much far , when it is a question of using the "threat of the use of the force" like means of pressure in the actions of prevention of the conflicts , which contravenes directly the charter of the united nations . ten years after the upheavals which shook eastern europe , the "european project of peace" about which these reports/ratios speak constitutes , according to us , a bad signal launched to the applicant countries . only six of these subparagraphs contain passages tackling the subject . unfortunately , one of the quite clear goals is to exceed the national laws on the abortion or even to condemn or remove the opposite religious traditions with the abortion . if they were informed , several tens of thousands of women concerned living the european union would be undoubtedly happy to learn that we lean today on a regulation relating to the domestic industry in the abstract economy . mrs . smet proposes in particular that one establishes a european definition of the house work . the requirements in house work should be taken into account at the time of the development of legislation relating to employment . they poured their contributions of retirement to the various national governments , which made nimbly disappear like skilful conjurers . lastly , the union group for europe of the nations recalls with force that the citizens of the european union wait more than ever until measurements of reform and recruitments result in the catch into consideration of the diversity of the opinions and the convictions which are expressed in our countries . with regard to human resources , the merit of the agents and a greater transparency as regards staff policy in general must become the strong points of the new administrative reform . at the time of this declaration of vote , i hold to insist and underline the fact that our parliament does not have unfortunately all the capacities which it should have . i wish to finish under point of order . indeed , mr barón crespo , the news is contradictory . it is not a wish of the socialist group . it is precisely the reason for which we are in difficulty: it is an important summit and all that we will say will engage . i must announce that the commission will meet tomorrow afternoon so , above all , to seek with including/understanding the conclusions of the intergovernmental conference well . (the parliament gives its assent on the proposal) i would be grateful to you to accomodate this request favorably . and i make a point of denouncing the following fact: here few days , one of those which observe a hunger strike in support for the prisoners at summer assassinated in rotterdam by a commando of "gray wolves" . it would obviously not have been necessary if the council had given last june a more constant attention - or its attention , quite simply - to our recommendation for the first reading and to the modified proposal of the european commission , which abounded in our direction . thirdly , we must determine if the provisions which we approve contribute indeed to improve operation of the domestic market and if they are proportional to the had aim . the second concern , of properly legal nature , on the other hand encouraged us to make even narrower the interdependence between the harmonization of the market and the protection of health , while following the indications scrupulously rising from the reasons on the basis of which the court of justice recently cancelled the directive on publicity ; only a partial reading of these motivations can bring to the conclusion that these two aspects are incompatible . mr . president , dear colleagues , 80 fatalities of the new alternative of the disease of creutzfeld-jakob in europe and europe , his council of ministers , the commission , the parliament decide to prohibit the animal flours and the not-entry of the old bufs of more than thirty months in the food chain without preliminary test . we estimate that it is normal that article 95 constitutes the legal base of this directive , with article 133 , that the commission of the environment , the public health and the consumer policy proposes now in amendment 1 . according to the court , a total prohibition of publicity on the tobacco cannot be justified in the name of the correct operation of the domestic market . with regard to the mentions such as "with low tar yield" , "mild" and "light" , i remain persuaded that they are misleading and i am consequently opposed to amendments 10 and 30 . i would like to also speak about obligation in the treaties . the rapporteur , mr . maaten , proposed , with good direction , to reinforce this legal base with a reference in another article , article 133 relating to the foreign trade , and moreover proposed a series of modifications of certain articles in order to prevent that this directive is not disputed under the terms of the jurisprudence established by the judgment of the court of justice . i consider it regrettable that with the centre even legal affairs committee and domestic market , some gave an opinion by affirming that the refusal of the court of justice relating to the prohibition of publicity on the products of the tobacco destroys to some extent this directive . indeed , as a member of the commission of the environment , the public health and the consumer policy , i had the attention firmly drawn by various special interest groups to the need more strictly for regulating the presentation and the sale of the products of the tobacco in europe . however , and it is there the roof , i do not see in this directive any provision aiming at prohibiting the culture of the tobacco within the community - while at the same time in countries like greece , the cultivated tobacco is so strong that under the terms of this directive , it would be criminal to use it for the production . it is also advisable to thank mr . byrne for the clearness with which he explained the legal base . more than one half-million of people die unnecessarily each year in the union of the consequences of the nicotinism , and this number is dedicated to increase if we now do not take measures . for my direction , this legal base is not appropriate at all either , this is why it is justified that the trade unions , that the companies and that my colleagues evoke on this subject the job losses . i would like to see adopting the option of warning by the photographs , the clauses envisaging the publicity of the lists of ingredients , research at the european level , measurements of promotion of health to help the children not to smoke and not to be depend on the tobacco , the tar , and nicotine . this provision with the compromise was also present within the commission of the environment , the public health and the consumer policy . according to my reading of the amendment , the exemption would apply to article 3 , i .e . with the tar yields , nicotine and monoxide of carbon . but being given the general nature of the directive , we cannot separate one from the other , and we must thus show severity everywhere . the creation of warnings of a maximum size for certain large packages would be a balanced solution . lastly , 54 amendments on the whole were submitted in the report/ratio , and i am pleased to inform you that the commission can accept 33 of them , either completely , or partially . the principal argument in favour of these amendments and one report/ratio at the one five years period end actually touches with the widening of the european union , which , in the tread of the summit of nice , is particularly relevant and suitable . the summer-time ultimately seems to go hand in hand with a quality of increased life , the positive effects of the period of the summer-time carrying it largely on the passing disorders related to the change even . the summer-time does not constitute the essential stone of obstacle for our common residence , europe . a single control by the commission after five years is sufficient . we must also take into account the requirements with which are confronted the producers of computers and electronic tachographs , as well as calendars and diaries . madam the president , mister the police chief , dear colleagues , research medical , necessary for the patients , must be approved in a fast and nonbureaucratic way , while taking care however to respect ethical limits scrupulously and by protecting to the maximum the participants in a clinical trial against the abuses . it acts of an important distinction that we make in our report/ratio . thus , even if if certain points of discord with the council remain , i would like to recall that the result which we seek to obtain by the adoption of this directive , is the fruit a length and profitable work of compromise carried out by mr . liese , our rapporteur , that i thank and congratulate for his participative and constructive step and by the council which was declared co-operative and opened with the amendments that the commission of the environment adopted in second reading . i think in particular of research within the framework of the fight against cancer , but there are others well of them . unfortunately , in spite of the measurements taken in this field , of new threats and new affections are done day and , very often , the existing drugs are not enough to face there . it falls on the medical community to seek modern and more effective means to answer these challenges . the vote will take place at 12 tomorrow noon 30 . what was agreed with the council and the commission and , naturally , with the commission of the environment of the parliament , not to have of second reading and to be able to continue without clashes these programs by avoiding any hiatus , consists in extending for a further two years the four programs , like asked it the commission , but to allocate the appropriations per year in such a way that , if , in the interval , the new program as regards health is adopted and between into force , the extension and the use of the appropriations for the second year are not necessary . generally , it is high time that the member states agree to leave with the european union , and on a legitimately supranational question , a greater margin of manuvre and a differently consequent budget: the diseases , they , do not know the borders . international organizations such that europol estimate that the imports of drug in the european union are in fact in increase . the public health is a national policy and must remain it . the agenda calls the debate on the report/ratio (a5-0355/2000) of mrs . cerdeira morterero , in the name of the commission of interior business and justice , freedoms and civil right , initiative of the portuguese republic for the adoption of decision-tallies relating to the statute of the victims within the framework of the penal procedures (9650/2000 - c5-0392/2000 - 2000/0813 (cns)) . another international initiative is the declaration of the united nations on the fundamental principles of justice relating to the victims of criminality and the victims of abuse of power , adopted under the terms of resolution 40/34 of the general meeting of the united nations , november 29 , 1985 . perhaps you remember the debates on the report/ratio di pietro which took place a few times ago within this parliament . this initiative relates to three fundamental aspects: right of the victim to information , the access to justice and right to the compensation for the caused damage . the most significant aspect resides however , in my opinion , in the fact that one takes finally conscience , on the level of the union also , of the need for modifying the point of view by which one considers the intervention of the state with respect to the offences . the member states should be constrained to create special units of police force for the victims of crimes . italy took several times the extradition of this man , who made various homicides , france , country where lojacono circulates freely , and this so that it can finally purge his sorrow . as regards criminality , the victim must always be placed in the center of the concerns . as you noticed , the project of decision-tallies contains three types of different measurements: first of all , it adopts minimal rules concerning the rights of the victims ; secondly , it adopts specific rules whose objective is to take into account the individual situation of the victims of infringements in a member state which is not their state of origin ; thirdly , it encourages the states to work out measurements of assistance to the victims . it already works to support the setting in network on the european level of the national services of assistance to the victims , in order to guarantee an adequate treatment with the victims , particularly those which do not reside in the country where the infringement took place . approval of the official report of the preceding meeting mr . varela , president of the commission of fishing , qualified on the bottom , has the word again . eh well cheer ! to the trilogist of last tuesday , we still brought a last final improvement to the joint declaration of the council and parliament . we arrived thus to a solution for the budget 2001 . we must carry out an internal reflexion on the way in which , in the field of the policy of promotion , we will transform the current requirements into a transparent procedure . we asked for the name of this island and one answered us: "it is the unnamable one" . the council thus carried out its second reading of the budget by holding account of the agreements concluded with the delegation from the parliament , with the constant concern to vote a budget allowing to finance all the priorities of the european union and corresponding to the real needs and the real capacity of execution of the appropriations . the third major element of this second reading of the council relates to the agreement occurred on the equipment of the program "entrepreneurship" which continues and supplements the program "initiative employment" for the years 2001 to 2005 . in a more general way , i would like to stress that the budgetary procedure which will be completed in a few days showed all the interest of the inter-institutional agreement of may 6 , 1999 . the discussions were sometimes tight , but they were always relevant and founded on permanent exchanges , which made it possible to better include/understand us mutually and , therefore , to more easily find an agreement , which i hope for satisfactory for all . it is of primary importance that no country of the area of balkans now receives - because of democratization in progress in serbia - less assistance than what had been envisaged before the last events in this country . in fact , the repeated use , two years of continuation , instrument of flexibility can be considered , wrongly in my opinion , like a form of revision of the financial prospects . the council declared us today that it is ready to increase the payments of 3 ,5 % . i thank in particular the council and the commission for this decision . mr . president , i would like to also thank mrs . haug for the excellent work which it achieved . i have the impression that , for the statement simply , flexibility , it is for the small amounts and the revision , for the important amounts , but we will see these next years how that will evolve/move . we are now in the situation to have to decide if we can approve or not the budget next thursday . we must thus obviously examine this budget of near . but the inter-institutional agreements between the three institutions are also an important good . they should offer a common safety as regards planning to us . the increasing problems refer especially to unemployment , the crisis of the esb and the pact of stability in balkans . madam the president , mesdames and the european members of parliament , i am very happy to be among you to today present to you the statement on the french presidency of the union and also to measure the progress achieved during these last months . we had promised it: there is no remainder of nice . it relates to the procedure of the reinforced co-operations which was largely facilitated in the first and third pillars . it is at the same time an immense challenge and also a historical stage towards the reunification of our continent . thanks to this charter our union is reinforced , better assured the values of dignity , freedom and solidarity which melt it . and a few weeks ago , it is the chimiquier , ievolu sun , which was damaged close to the îles .anglo-normans . we had laid down ourselves objectives , they were reached . madam the president , mesdames and the european members of parliament , this six-month period , i believe capacity the statement today , saw our union being reinforced while preparing to accomodate new members , to join together the family now that we are ensured to be able to function together ; to be also reinforced in the cur our fellow-citizens on the ground of the values , that of the growth and employment , that of solidarity , that of the safety and the safeguarding of the european social model ; to be reinforced and gain in audience on the international scene . (applause) it was inevitable taking into account the followed approach , but the result in is all the more disappointing: on the one hand , because it leads to make the majority qualified more difficult to reach , and thus easier blocking , whereas logic should have been the exact opposite in a union widening ; (applause) in same time , the declaration on the widening - which is positive - stipulates that the applicant countries will be able to adhere to the union at the end of the year 2002 , and the chiefs of government of the countries which currently negotiate applauded nice . it is necessary however to take a thing in consideration: it is as when a child invites his friends with a birthday and that it does not know if it has enough place at his place and if there is money to taste it . the ambition of nice was the most important european ambition of a meeting with the top since many years . madam the president , mr . president of the republic , mr . president of the commission , dear colleagues , the judgement of my group is severe for the fifteen at the following day of the spectacle little engaging which they offered to europeans , probably médusés to measure on this occasion and on line what it is really of the common vision , of the spirit of solidarity , the mutual confidence of the principal european leaders . for any lucid spirit , they are heralding the very serious consequences to which the project of federal europe leads us to 27 or 28 member states . you will also allow me , mr . president , to stress that after nice , france seems singularly losing once again . madam the president , mr . president , the europe group of the democracies and the differences considers it regrettable that the presidency did not take action on the message which had been addressed to him as of last july . much does not see yet the finishing line towards which the european union must bring them . there is thus also a limit which must be appreciated . i believe that they do not reflect only the opinion of these three groups , but also that of the other groups , which could not sign them for technical reasons . thus it is desirable to thus promote the development of drugs in the community bus it is possible to bring to the patients increased chances to profit from powerful treatments . i congratulate my colleague mary honeyball on his first report/ratio for the european parliament . with our great astonishment , mr . fatuzzo has the word , and i am impatient of knowing what a reprocessed it met and what it said to him ! the victim must be treated as anybody having to face a situation of confusion and distress - factors which are probably even acuter if the person is victim in another member state that it his . the agenda calls the continuation of the common discussion on: it was despairing to see concentrating the debates on the question of knowing with which a voice moreover or one vote of less , which would gain of germany or france , the netherlands or belgium , portugal or spain . we are delighted that a new method is installation and we hope that , behind this hope , which is written with the possibility of the reinforced co-operations , europe will continue to advance , which it will be able to work out for tomorrow a constitution which gives again with our fellow-citizens the hope in this formidable project which is the european adventure . the future member states which prepare with adhesion will follow the example of selfishness given by the current member states . some are pleased some more than of others , but the basic message is clear: europe can from now on be joined together within a european union democratic and widened , which will be , thanks to the treaty of nice , near to the citizens . the particular interests dominate . by finding an agreement in extremis on the treaty , one avoided an open crisis which would have called widening in question , but one can speak about a latent crisis which should now be regulated . i do not believe that it is more realistic to fight to reaffirm its own national prestige than for the effectiveness of the operation of the union and i do not believe that the european citizens mobilized themselves in mass to follow the manuvres of flibustery carried out in nice by their controlling . and what a beautiful project , all the same , eleven years after the fall of the berlin wall ! at the time , they had had to do it for half of europe , and now we must do it for very whole europe . the institutional obstacle could not be called upon any more after nice . firstly , institutional imbalance: much for the council and little for the commission and the parliament . this method made its time . the consequences for europe would have been absolutely incalculable . for example , you know that at the beginning of the european union , the minority of blocking could join together what is called two "large" countries , and today one needs three of them . the stakes are posed , widening is possible , the european parliament will have its place in the debate , in the deepening of the tracks and the ideas . the european public property , of which nobody is an agent - mr . moscovici is right on this point - cannot be based on the addition of the national interests which cross and are neutralized and , in this direction , the verhofstadt prime minister , had a salutary message in this respect . we recommended their ratification . personally , i think that the reponderation of the votes must hold account of the population , following the example the european parliament , and should have also been done to the council . but nice , mr . president , is not the bit of a walk , but well the comprising starting point of a new stage of many challenges . i would like to return with what was already evoked several times here , today . if it seems indeed that one managed to avoid the total paralysis of the future widened european union , the ambitions of the french presidency could not be translated in the new draft treaty . in what relates to me , mr . president , i estimate quite simply that nice deserves the mention insufficient . i do not know if the commission will answer the end of this debate , but i wonder , in the absence of the council , if the commission is quite as sure that in 2004 , the european parliament will count czech , hungarian and polish deputies and baltic deputies . we did not hide the need for continuing , with same strength and the same determination as we had before nice , on the way of widening to achieve our goal , namely the greatest appointment with the history which the parliament and the commission have for the next years . in addition and especially , the problem of the financing of balkans remains whole for the years to come . i wanted in my turn to congratulate the rapporteurs , the president of the committee on budgets , the commission , the council and the presidency for the work which was achieved , for the concluding of this agreement which will enable us to vote the budget of the year 2001 . it is good also that additional means were placed at the disposal of small and medium-sized undertakings , which is the principal employers . in football , one would speak about a null match . precisely because we have a budget and because we arrived at an agreement at the time of the conciliation , do not imagine that all our problems were regulated . this importance does not come from nowhere but from the treaties , although the council has sometimes evil to recognize it . these rules must be accompanied by an engagement of the college of the police chiefs towards a distribution right and effective of human and material resources for the management of the various policies , i .e . the political priority of the parliament and the priority of management of the commission must coincide . it is thus a common duty of europe to contribute to the safety and the regeneration of the environment . it is a much question of after-nice . you are right naturally to always return from there to this question . there is no more fear of a military aggression or a possible expansion of a dictatorial régime . while looking at there well , one notes that russia is located , in the budget , appreciably on the same level as morocco , or a little higher , and i do not believe that that is normal . it would be very dangerous that europeans become dependent on russia on the logistic level . and a program like tacis has only one effect very limited in such a context , not to say that it represents only one water drop in the ocean . the birthrate drops , mortality increases and the clear loss of the number of inhabitants is a million people per annum . mr . putin itself , and we would make less well that mr . putin , known as that the question of the future statute of chetchnia is not the principal question . what becomes russia , its population , its company , their is indifferent . mr . president , the european union approved these last years several documents which relate to russia and which constitute a good base for close connections with the republic of russia . and then , that freedom for the people tchetchene means? it will act in the second time to arrive at the respect of the laws . economic progress contributing him also to this stabilization , the fourth stage consists in bringing the characteristics of a civil company . but it is an excellent report/ratio which , like the strategy common itself , stresses the importance that we grant to the relations - with the strategic partnership - between the european union and russia . that means that we must concentrate our efforts on key fields such as the environment - several deputies spoke about it - , nuclear safety , the enclave of kaliningrad itself and the improvement of coordination between the various financial resources . we must avoid the error that a deputy evoked earlier , who was made at the beginning of last century , when russia was excluded from the european businesses after the leninist revolution of 1917 . we know that the consequences will be disastrous . as you know it , the council adopted a joint position relating to the revision of directive 90/220/ec . therefore , i think that it is on this side which you will be able to find the answer to the questions that you are posed . therefore , i am very ready to propose that this debate takes place: simply , it is necessary to choose of it the framework more adapted . i do not have data elements rather precise allowing me to answer your complementary question . it cannot nevertheless say to us that it does not have precise information on this subject ! the council recalls to the honourable member the conclusions that it adopted at his meeting on may 19 , 1998 as regards fraud in the sectors of alcohol and the tobacco . all the member states confirmed their will to intensify the fight against the fraud , as well at the internal level as in their relations . the european union affirmed on several occasions the absolute respect which it attaches to the right of asylum . in this respect , the agreement of partnership european acp-community signed in cotonou in june 2000 provides that the community will ensure at the latest from here 2005 the access duty-free essentially of the products originating in the ldcs . i remind to you that the presidency is not there to express the opinions of such or such , that it is not a question of such or such government , but to express well what are , at one moment "x" , one moment "t" , positions of the council . a system of purchase-destruction will be set up for these bovines not tested , in order to compensate the stockbreeders at market prices . the french presidency , from the very start , had as concern of allowing a european response to this crisis which is a food crisis , a crisis of company and a medical crisis . within the framework of the process of barcelona , algeria subscribed to a certain number of principles of which that of the respect of the state of right . - i already had the occasion , a few weeks ago , to present some reflexions to you on the preparation of the extraordinary session of the general meeting of the united nations devoted to the follow-up of the world summit for the children who will take place in september 2001 . subject: obligations of turkey within the framework of its agreement of partnership with the european union under the terms of the commission proposal relating to the agreement of partnership between the european union and turkey , the council has to re-examine the situation of the disagreements outstanding , have regard with the consequences for the process of adhesion , in particular , with an aim of promoting their solution by the means of the international court of justice , it for the end of the year 2004 at the latest . does the council , within the framework of the partnership from which it comes to speak to us , hope to tackle this question with the turkish government? does one respect the rights of defense , and the mutual recognition it will contribute to it? in addition , it is up to each member state to make the decision national , sovereign , to engage or not of the national troops in the operation . subject: importance of the tax for the operation of the domestic market the president of the commission , mr . prodi , recently ensured in an article of november of financial times which it did not wish of tax harmonization nor of common tax rates within the european union by specifying that the tax rate "raises of the national parliaments and must remain it" . the questions 23 to 32 will receive a written answer . the agreement of stabilization and association of the european union and the republic of croatia arrives at the good moment . mr . president , mister the police chief , dear colleagues , i will start by congratulating mr . baltas for his report/ratio and especially for the speed with which it produced this report/ratio . it was indeed important to react quickly following the changes occurred in croatia , whose mrs . stenzel has just spoken to us . the evolution in this field is particularly appreciable . in 1991-1992 , more than 250 000 croats were thus driven out of krajina , slavonia western and slavonia eastern . there is no doubt that this year is to be marked of a white stone for europe of south-east . i do not think that one can speak about thin assessment over one year . it acts for us of an important point and we will be able , i hope for it , to count on your support when we return to consult you formally once the negotiated agreement . the reactions of opposition to the wahid government are numerous and the process seems to stagnate . papous chiefs are always imprisoned them too . we also ask the european commission to follow this orientation . the terms of the communication of the commission which dates from the beginning of the year are thus justified , even if they were impressed of a certain euphoria certainly rising from these changes . the justice which is not returned and the refugee camps who last for ever are spaces of confrontation between the capacities old and new in indonesia , they testify to the brittleness of the process of democratization . the most worrying situation is that of moluques , where the combatants of the djihad enjoy an unacceptable margin of manuvre . irian jaya is also victim of the migratory policy . we must choose well the priorities , we cannot mix the environmental , social , economic questions with the essential problem of the respect of the democracy and the humans right , who must clearly constitute a political priority of our relations with indonesia . this resolution affirms in a categorical way that irian jaya forms part of indonesia . the situation improved certainly and we must encourage president wahid , but of very serious problems remain . it is undoubtedly unacceptable that tens of thousands of refugees is -timorese remain hostages at the thank you of armed gangsters who , under pretext of patriotism indonésien , try to draw some without paying for their criminal past . it counts because of its size: it is the fourth country of the world by its population . it counts because of its economic dimension , of its role on the level of the area and , finally , because of its environmental impact . this is why we must combine the means and the instruments police , administrative and penal as well between the member states as on the level of the eu . (the president withdraws the word with the speaker) mrs schreyer , you have us several times repeated here that as a police chief in charge of the fight antifraude , you considered that it was especially your duty to guarantee the independence of the olaf . it is the establishment even of a financial administration at the european level which creates the problems considering the bad design of the models of distribution of the money of the european taxpayers within the framework of the the aforementioned "community" ; remainder , these models are , in many cases , by no means desired . i would like much to be able to congratulate the rapporteur , a person whom i appreciate and whom i admire much as an individual and a policy , for his report/ratio . unfortunately , i it then not . the report/ratio relates on the protection of the financial interests of the community and to the way in which we settle this question . here are principal points . for lack of time , i will limit myself to a short presentation of these various points . the debate is closed . there is a european legislation to protect the companies against the effects of such a bad management and the commission now committed itself setting up its own payments to guarantee the speed of the payments . we have other mechanisms at our disposal to reveal at the great day of the former cases of fraud which had passed unperceived until there . mrs schreyer , you have just quoted the council by saying that a member state was opposed to the creation of a european prosecutor . as , i think as the latter acts in a very judicious way by meaning at the court of auditors what it precisely awaits from these reports/ratios . neither the commission nor the member states will be able to be concealed more with their responsibility and to be rejected it mutually in particular . he said it in all honesty , regretting that he is thus . the implication of the commission and the court of auditors in the development of this report/ratio was a step very useful and , i think , very deliberated on your share . you can note with my speech that it appears interesting to to me to look further into the discussion on these proposals in order to see how to reinforce the responsibilities in this field . the first important defect of this text is the absence of harmonization . i thus think that article 4 must also be improved . within the single market , the investors , whom it acts private investors , companies or funds of pension , should be able to exert their prerogatives of shareholders for the benefit of the companies in which they invest and for themselves . we cannot close the eyes in front of reality: an acquisition of actions is accompanied by reorganizations of personnel , the dismissals , etc . however , which effect are likely to have the amendments which we deposit as parlement? which should be the dominant concern of a legislation governing acquisitions? here is the principle on which we will divide perhaps tomorrow . it should on the other hand be easier to solve the question of knowing which will be the qualified controlling authority . the amendments of the rapporteur generate a confusion around the litigations , and we would be wrong to vote in favour of confusion acting of potential litigations . a thing that i would like concerning this directive on the public offers of acquisition , it is to be able to very firmly defend it in front of the million voters of my country and the million people who have pension plans and economies based on investments out of purse . this procedure , which already exists in several other member states , relates to of course the field of the public offers of acquisition , but it extends still much further and could be possibly studied more in detail within the framework of the general re-examination of the company law suggested by the commission . i would like finally to recall you that it acts here of a framework directive , in accordance with the wish that this parliament expressed before . the right of continuation is the inalienable and inalienable right creative artists to perceive a part of the receipts coming from the resale from their uvres . there are firstly the british lobbyists who fear the disappearance of employment . the compromise adopted by the council is thus nothing any more but one weak reflection of the original proposal of the commission , largely supported by the european parliament in first reading . i also count on the support of the commission , at least for one of the three large points of litigation . it acts here also of the vitality and the competitiveness of the european market of art . in another case , the table had been doubtless sold elsewhere , in america for example . this amendment is however acceptable only partly . compete with mail service it is my proposal , mr savary . firstly: we must take care to obtain reasonable prices for the mail service . secondly , we must take care to establish standards of quality raised for these services and thirdly , to guarantee the provision of a mail service generalized everywhere in the european union . the legal affairs committee was more demanding with regard to the limit of price of the services reserved to the person receiving benefits of the universal service , but its proposal concerning the weight limit to 150 grams is the same one and it rejects the limit of the 50 grams envisaged by the proposal for a directive . lastly , one cannot accept a new date of liberalization as long as there will be no preliminary evaluation . you know at which point the file is complicated ; it indeed comprises ideological brakes , put sometimes on the two sides . even if some within this parliament are able perhaps to approve these proposals , force is to note that they would have had a devastator effect on the mail service of the european union . these proposals would also lead to the closing of small rural post offices , whose survival depends on the mail service . if we continue at this rate/rhythm , it will be necessary for us nearly one century to carry out the opening of the market of the mail service in europe . madam the president , i would like to make three remarks . by examining this new directive , we must be clear on a specific point . it is not thus , and it should not be thus . in a honest competition , the monopolistic ones can show that they include/understand their field . but if grandmother is delighted to receive a factor sympathetic nerve , which also forms part of the requirements of a mail service of quality , that should not sadden us , but on the contrary to delight us . those which are presented so badly prepared in a negotiation , those which do not present the report/ratio required since 1997 on the consequences , those which argue on an ideological level - we will be able to achieve the goals quoted precisely by you only if we liberalize , liberalize , liberalize - , do not have to be astonished to fall down on the nose ! mr bolkestein , the commission is the guardian of the treaties . in other words , it is as if one calculated the average of the incomes of the billionaire and the poor one , which can undoubtedly give a satisfactory figure but cannot be regarded as socially acceptable , obviously because of the existence of the poor one . times changed , mr . simpson . the governments which are in the beginning were not socialist but quite preserving or liberal . as soon as the proposal was presented by the commission , i immediately knew that it would never be accepted in its initial form . because if we agree all on the principle of opening and liberalization , it is not less than the rate/rhythm is important . the effects of the first directive are not made public because the consequences are obvious: job losses and degradation of the working conditions , inequality of operation of the public utility on the whole of the territory , in particular in the popular campaigns and districts . the commission proposal envisages a progressive opening of this sector and , to my opinion , will bring an improvement of these services as well as more competitive prices . what is essential for the development of the sector of direct marketing . i call some directly with the british conservatives . allow me to say this to an post: if this compromise is accepted , you will have what to blow a little . it any more but does not remain us to wish than one day we can exceed the acquired situations and overcome egoistic corporatisms to really make progress europe . only 3 % of the market of the correspondence were liberalized . it will be exceeded by technology and will be been sulky by the consumers who estimate that they do not have any for their money . for helping there , it is essential to found a real competition , in a controlled and progressive way , associated a predetermined calendar . concerning amendments 60 and 61 , i support the principle of completion of the domestic market on a later date , to determine within a reasonable time . the commission will expose the same opinion and the council will come to a conclusion about the commission proposal as good will seem to him . however , the parliament must now decide . my second report/ratio thus resembles much the first and takes again the amendments voted by the plenary one . it is true , mister the police chief , whom we emit some reserves and some objections . mr . president , mister the police chief , mesdames and messrs , i would like above all to congratulate the rapporteur , mr . dary who us clearly commented on the reform , his history and his synthesis - that i will not repeat . it exists in a series of particular areas of the community , the ultraperipheric areas , in prey with a series of difficulties to be competing on the markets and of which one of the rare products is precisely the banana . this organization dissuades chaos rather insofar as it tries to institute rules to which we conform all . it is exaggerated of saying only this question appears among those which caused the greatest attention of all the institutions . we must continue to give without complex to these producers the means of living by buying in priority their production . mr . president , the rapporteur deserves thanks and sympathy to have known to manage this difficult report/ratio . in the same way , i thank the presidents for the political groups of this parliament which accepted the obstinacy and the stubbornness of the deputies of the ultraperipheric areas so that this proposal for a reform of the sector of banana is discussed today in this parliament , so that we can give our obligatory opinion and to be ready for the meeting of the council of ministers of the agriculture which will be held soon and to start the year 2001 with a new reform of the ocm of banana . one spoke here about claimed much the unanimity within the rural development and committee on agriculture around the report/ratio of mr . dary . dear colleagues , i have the honor to inform you of the presence among us of a delegation of the korean parliament in the official platform . this support made it possible to obtain with the council a positive decision for media . report/ratio (a5-0377/2000) of mr . trakatellis , in the name of the commission of the environment , the public health and the consumer policy , on the proposal for a decision of the european parliament and the council extending certain community action plans in the field of the public health adopted by decisions 645/96/ec , 646/96/ec , 647/96/ec , 102/97/ec , 1400/97/ec and 1296/1999/ec and modifying these decisions (com (2000) 448 - c5-0400/2000 - 2000/0192 (cod)) mr . president , i would simply wish to benefit from this occasion to announce , in reference to the explanations of the police chief this night with 00h15 , that amendment 1 engages the commission . (the parliament accepts the oral amendment) amendment 2: the parliament had the duty there to return and restore the greatest part of these amendments - for what touches the size of the warning , the inscription of the ingredients , the young people and consumer protection in particular . there would be , for certain members of parliament , two categories of population: that which one does protect and that which one endangers for economic reasons? i would like particularly to explain why i voted against prohibition to export products of the tobacco beyond a certain level of tar/nicotine starting from the eu and supported the amendments which aimed at increasing this limit . madam the president , i would be favorable to the radical proposal to use images to illustrate the damage which the cigarette can cause with health , as it is the case in canada . i think that all that is positive , even if i would like - and i benefit from this occasion for the statement - that one spends more for the prevention of the diseases . i would have preferred that this provision results in a payment , which would be appropriate better on a subject which concerns the citizens of all the european union . the amendments that mr . zimmerling proposed will carry a fatal blow to the vitality of the european market of art , with job losses and , i fear it , very few alive artists who will profit from this right of resale . . (nl) it is well readily that i thank mr . zimmerling for the work which it achieved in this difficult file . i thus see myself in the obligation to vote against this directive . and the agreement of stabilization and association , the cards program and the european investment bank cannot constitute the principal instruments of the contribution of the european union to the economic and social development of croatia . the government indonésien and the army have the obvious duty to protect safety and the life from the citizens , whatever their religious membership . this is why we must create the instruments as soon as possible allowing to fight more effectively against the fraud with the community financial interests . that would make eu a single legal zone for the investigations , the continuations , the lawsuits and the executions of sentences for this type of offence . sometimes we seem to have lost sight of the fact this element . amendments 11 and 13 aim only re-examining the system of the quotas after 10 years and at refusing the installation of the customs system suggested by the commission and required by several of our trade partners . with regard to the reason for the tariff preference for the acp countries , we agree also with the 300 euros per ton , but we regard the "maximum" word as superfluity . there is also little chance so that our trade partners accept such a prolongation . the agenda calls the declaration of the commission on the top eu/the united states of america . it is , i recognize it , easier to say than to make , but we must try to resist temptation - and i know that the secretary of state albright shares this point of view - to leave these tops embourber in the details of our economic and political daily relations . one of the principal lessons was that europeans were to assume a greater responsibility as regards european safety . i would be grateful to you if , for the communication planned for spring , you take again in details this point and if , in more of the analysis which was required by the other wing of this parliament , you made proposals on all the points , on the way in which we can in the future achieve new goals in the field of the dialogue , of collaboration as regards foreign policy , the policy of safety , but also of these pragmatic topics which are for example the agreements of mutual recognition . i also know and greet the initiative except "all the weapons" and ask the commission to seize the occasion of the top to make pressure on the united states so that they adhere to this initiative . it is thus necessary to act to prevent the irrevocable one which awaits those and those which , like mumia abu-jamal or leonard pelletier , in the corridors of died sometimes since years . it acts of a very useful idea that we will not fail to follow . thank you very much , mister the police chief . however , i fear to find me under the cross shootings of my own group . lastly , it is necessary to resort to simple formulas of perception of the tax and , more concretely , to the form of investment of the passive subject . the first conclusion is that one can nothing make without modification of the international framework . - (in) mr . president , our commission would like first of all to stress that the current provisions handicap the european suppliers of these services: software , processing of data , data processing departments , lodging and design of sites and information on the web . me was always said that one of the first rules of the legislator should be: do not make any law which you will not be able to make respect . i delighted that , in particular thanks to the commission of the environment , the public health and the consumer policy , the report/ratio on the bottom takes again a certain number of major elements which , because of a combination of circumstances , did not receive a sufficient support within the committee on transport . in same time , we must continue the line which consists in requiring the revision of the convention of chicago of 1944 , in order to obtain a new provision on the international level . the local advantages granted in the short run to a country are with the detriment of the other states of the european union . mr . president , during the next decade , europe will be in first world position for the use of internet . many people , indeed , mister the police chief , wonder why europeans are always so prompt to found taxes and new regulations . on this point , the convention of chicago is completely obsolete . i do not regard the introduction of a common system of vat as a priority and i do not agree that such an introduction is awaited for a long time . consequently , our objective must be to clear and simplify our tax systems without increasing the tax rate , but well decreasing it . the most desirable option is to apply a rate zero to the trading companies electronic in order to put them to an equal footing with their american and different competitors in the world . tax competition is in the interest of the citizens and the economy . thus , so that the operators established apart from the union are subjected to the same tax obligations as the community operators when they provide services to the consumers , they will have to subject themselves with the vat in one of the member states of their choice and they will be seen applying the rate of vat in force in this state . but this business is not so easy . the place where the tax must be applied is an essential question , and the bearing debate on the number of countries which would be qualified to have recorded companies is something which will be , in my opinion , weighing and which will push obviously the united states to be carried felt sorry for at omc . it is absurd that whereas a london-brussels return ticket costs 89 pounds with virgin airways , for example , eurostar , which produces much less gas for purpose of greenhouse and which is a manner much more pleasant to travel , costs the equivalent of approximately 250 pounds for the same voyage . mr . president , this debate sees re-appearing of old demons . lastly , one spoke about the proposals which had been able to make the french presidency so that the imposition is done on the place of consumption , with an obligation for the people receiving benefits to be recorded in all the member states . the european companies would be handicapped compared to the companies of third countries and that would cause a distortion of the price pattern intra-eu compared to the intercontinental prices . that in any case seems to me to be a solution which does not carry out to a capital flight out of europe and which is possible only in the field of oecd and not in a specific way by the means of individual negotiations . i am perfectly conscious owing to the fact that certain members of this parliament feel submerged by contradictory visions . that makes it possible to avoid the complexity which involves the use of criteria macro-economic or of comparable nature . i pass now to the proposal of the minimum level of the normal rate . consequently , no important preliminary work was still accomplished within the working groups of the icao . , and it is very little probable that the next general assembly already allows to renegotiate the convention of chicago . this feeling persists still today , and it is regrettable , in the spirit of the public opinion in europe . the last objective of this directive is the reinforcement of the management of the emergencies at sea , by indicating wearing of refuge , while prohibiting with the ships to take the sea in the event of strong storm and while requiring at the coastal state concerned to put in uvre greater means of intervention at sea , in the event of serious risk of pollution . the oil companies say to us that they have funds volunteer . i hope that after the impulse given in nice , the doubts and resistances of certain countries will have decreased and that we will achieve this goal . we trust him obviously to ensure the maritime safety , because it must know that it does not occur a week without we being challenged with this question: "but you , parliamentary europeans , whom do you make to ensure safety , to change the rules? " . mr . president , the commission knows that one of the plans announced by the british government on november 8 , 2000 related to the introduction of a form of tax on the road users such as a payable label with all the road conveyors , british or not , for their use of the road network of the united kingdom . secondly , if , as well as the minister initially had of it the intention , it proposes to tax the foreign trucks in order to subsidize the conveyors of his country , that is it contrary with the european legislation? this imbalance of an economic nature between royalties and taxes imposed to the lorry drivers in the various member states causes a distortion of the competition on the territory of the united kingdom between road conveyors of different nationalities . acting of the question of the use of meat and animal flour , their export is covered exactly in the same way by the legislation which governs the production of meat and animal flour within the european union ; the obligation to withdraw , for example , the matters at the risk of the meat and the animal flour is covered by the legislation and will be effective as from march 1 , 2001 . the jews are traitors and the unfair ones . i really hope that in each country of the area , we will note that the educational services promote the tolerance rather than intolerance . this answer is not surprising on behalf of mr . monti . question n º 37 of (h-0900/00): the commission will also propose in same time a mechanism of defensive temporary support conceived specifically to counter the unfair practices of korea during the period necessary to the conclusion of procedure omc . it acts of a dramatic problem . industry user of coke employs on the whole 70 .000 people , but this product represents only one very marginal share of its costs , in the neighbourhoods of 2 % . question n º 40 of (h-0889/00): we forwarded our proposal to the acp countries practically at the same time as with our member states . this initiative does not have as an aim to regulate it besides , i make a point of reassuring you , so much the additional quantities which could be imported on the community market are weak . these countries unfortunately do not have , taking into account their situation , any capacity of autonomous negotiation and , consequently , it is a gesture which we owe , in my opinion , to make unilaterally , without any counterpart . the procedure followed by the commission to grant the required financial assistance will be completed soon , and it includes/understands also the sums which the ecpat needs for 2001 . we have three types of activities in this field . the commission proposal does not make mention of the place where could settle this future court . i am not certain to include/understand what the honourable deputy understands by "proliferation" . the question of mr . berenguer fuster relates to the trade marks . i take it as an encouragement to renew our action and to take care that spain as soon as possible does what it has to do . my preceding question , you had answered that it was the fault of spain and that you would take measurements which were essential . it clarified well that which had been done to me before . directive 89/48/the eec relates to the diplomas crowning a vocational training of at least three years after secondary education . subject: maritime communications in the strait separating vaasa in finland de umeå in sweden the sea traffic in this strait from the baltic is brought to disappear because it is not profitable any more , insofar as the ship-owners cannot practise the sale any more net of tax . in the town of vaasa that i have just quoted , for example , 550 employment was precisely lost in the field of tourism during 2 last years , perhaps well because of the end of the sale net of tax . this proposal aiming at stimulating the development and the use of the digital component reflects the objective of the summit of lisbon . moreover , i ask the commission to work out more effective procedures of setting in uvre and more rapids in the field of the calls to proposal . if we put only the contents useful for the companies , in particular meteorology and the geography , which is extremely desirable , of course , one should not forget , which for the contents intended for the citizens it is much more complicated than to take only information useful for the companies . the digital component , which represents more the quantity than quality , standardizes and restricts cultural and social diversity . the second point which appears quite as essential to me , relates to the detailed attention which we must pay to small and medium-sized undertakings , with the start-up . on the other hand , when we make this weakness a virtue and that we then change simply the negative sign into positive , that we do not regard any more our various languages barriers but rather as bridges and that we recognize them like assets , that becomes a base valid for a european market and a certain independence . i will not reconsider all the objectives of this program: conditions favorable to marketing , diffusion and use of the digital component , to encourage the economic activity , to widen the employment opportunities , to encourage the exploitation of the potential of the european digital component in glance and opposite the united states . consequently , the setting-up of suitable conditions for the production of european multilingual digital component revêt an increasing importance . some of them are , in oneself , very invaluable , but will find a better place in other instruments than the present decision . different positions can to be exposed now , vote is not on the agenda of this evening and if the greatest group of the parliament were of the opinion that the parliament should not proceed to the vote tomorrow , it seems much more correct then to me to formulate such a proposal in plenary assembly of the parliament , tomorrow at the time of the vote , rather than to do it this evening . mr . president , dear colleagues , mesdames and messrs , more and more of citizens in europe are sound victims of harmful effects . the member states are free to define when begins the evening and the night which follows . i am thus satisfied with the commission proposal , but i regard it as a first step , in my opinion too careful . this is why the reduction and the suppression of the ambient noise must represent an essential shutter of the european environmental policy in the future . the group of the unit left thus supports it readily , even if we want to go even further in the search for conclusive solutions and the approach of those which earn money with the harmful effects . but allow me to approach the squabbles and the fight which is delivered in the slides , within the commission , at side , below , above , lately and still here at the moment . consequently , i do not hide that my country will test an enormous difficulty of accepting the commission proposal , unless this one does not envisage a sufficiently flexible mechanism so that the way of life as we inherited our ancestors , in addition as well appreciated as well by the spaniards as by the foreign visitors , can be maintained . however , i would recommend this report/ratio and , of course , the commission proposal to this parliament . in second place the directive-girls relating to the standards of quality come . i am entirely favorable to the need for harmonizing the indicators of noise and the methods evaluation , with all that relates to the charts of noise , the development of action plans in order to reduce the levels of noise and for protecting from the calm zones , as well as the need for widening all the field of information to the public . secondly , this proposal adopts a new approach in order to evaluate the general situation as regards noise in europe according to the number of people affected by the noise . the commission can accept the following amendments in theory or partially: they are amendments 6 , 7 , 12 , 13 , 17 , 21 , 22 , 25 , 28 , 29 , 32 , 39 , 42 , 44 and 45 . in addition , in general , the additives cannot be used for the not transformed food products - what is the case here - which did not undergo any treatment involving a substantial change of their state of origin . mr . president , with the group epp , we voted for the lannoye report/ratio within the commission of the environment , the public health and the consumer policy , and this one corresponds besides fully to our waitings . nobody speaks to us about it . the agenda calls the report/ratio (a5-0372/2000) of mr . staes , in the name of the delegation of the european parliament at the committee arbitration on the joint project , approved by the committee arbitration , of directive of the european parliament and the council modifying directive 95/53/ec fixing the principles relating to the organization of official controls in the field of the animal feeds . i then received on behalf of the french presidency an obvious signal , a very clear message , a message of the type "no pasarán" . after long negotiations , an acceptable compromise was concluded now in committee arbitration: it relates to the insurance that the protection measures taken by the commission will remain into force as a long time as they will not have been replaced by a new decision , and on the engagement of the member states to grant their total support to the experts of the commission during the investigations and controls which they will carry out on the ground . i greet this legislation . funds structural of the eu - mainly by the means of the fse - , as well as the appropriations of the national ministries for finances should always be targeted on the development of handicapped zones and the more poor within our companies . the towns of europe constitute important economic , political and sociocultural poles . a clear legislation and a scrupulous control of its application constitute additional means of action . the commission also expresses its recognition for the substantial support provided by the european parliament for this proposal and many the amendment useful which were introduced . being given the nature of the activity , the commission can accept the amendments 10 and 23 . i say "famous" because it acts of a subject à .la .mode very , and you will agree with me that it does not occur a day without the press not titrating on the principle of precaution , in connection with all and of nothing , to good or ill-advisedly , but more often in an erroneous way . the maximalist ones seek to block the innovation and progress , while the minimalists advise to resort to the principle of precaution only in the event of significant danger to health and the environment , i .e . above a threshold to be defined , but one does not know very well how ! the clarification of the respective roles is an indispensable condition for the restoration of necessary public confidence in the scientific community , like in the political decision makers - with knowing , us , the political leaders . in these situations , a safety margin is preserved , at ends of prudence . us have also asked that measurements are taken within organization world of trade - payment , perhaps - which would guarantee that it is possible , in the context of omc , to call upon other obligations , such as those whose we must discharge with the title multilateral agreements as regards environment , in order to extend the field of application of the principle of precaution . of course , it is also essential to reinforce the legal authenticity of the principle of precaution to make a standard of international law of it . the art of the life consists in managing these risks and uncertainties judiciously . sometimes it uses it too much and standardizes it , sometimes it uses it too little and causes our indignation . i think , for example , with phthalates contained in certain toys . we had the idea curious to introduce toys into sugar refineries , ices and other food . the same applies to the requirements of the commission , which asks that a detailed analysis of the risks be carried out beforehand . the resolution asks the commission to make use of the adopted hot lines and to integrate the principle of precaution , each time it is necessary , in the development of its legislative proposals and in all its actions . it is not possible to provide a general threshold of minimis . by awarding for the first time the sakharov prize to defenders of the humans right which militate inside the union , the european parliament affirms solemnly that any violation of those must be fought without compromising . madam the president , mesdames , messrs , the initiative citizen "basta ya ! "wishes , above all , to express its gratitude at this parliament for the honourable recognition that it grants to him . it is not a question only of assassinations . i thus ask you to follow and to trust each other . (the parliament adopts the legislative resolution) madam the president , if the parliament allows it to me , i would like to give an oral explanation to my amendment 51 . report/ratio (a5-0334/2000) of mr . garcía-margallo y marfil , in the name of the committee on economic and monetary affairs , on the communication of the commission concerning the tax on the fuel of aviation (com (2000) 110 - c5-0207/2000 - 2000/2114 (cos)) this agreement is attractive for some companies but negative for the environment and the democracy . the major event which has occurred since our preceding budgetary debates is obviously the crisis known as of the "insane cow" . that would clearly contradict the spirit and the letter of the decisions , previously evoked , of the heads of state and government . the parliament managed to impose some important priorities - in particular , a greater implication in the fight against unemployment and poverty , a certain number of problems related on the environment and the equal opportunity between the women and the men , etc . we voted against the attacks of the right-hand side carried to program life and the lobby of european women . the importance of the equipment planned for kosovo is however not without causing legitimate interrogations on the real capacity of absorption of this area of yugoslavia , of the 350 million euros which it was initially envisaged to affect to him in 2001 . nothing justifies the granting of tax advantages through form of given distribution . a limiting date brings a clear answer to the actors of the postal market and makes it possible the national monopolies to better prepare with a liberalization . can we gum of a simple decision , possibly meanly majority , a whole design of the mail service , design which finds its roots and its explanations in the characteristics of each state? the threshold of 50 grams proposed by the commission , associated a price reached a maximum with twice and half the public tariff , is really too drastic and would have had consequences devastator on the universal mail service . from where our firm and clear opposition to the whole of its remarks . we estimate that the post office does not belong to the competence of the eu , even if the proposal after the reading of the commission is considerably better than the original proposal of the commission . report/ratio dary (a5-0374/2000) we consider however that from the consequences of this war the small producers must be protected who work on their plantations without exploiting anybody like their incomes whatever the fluctuations of the market . according to article 10 , the freedom of expression involves obligations and responsibilities being able to lead to conditions , limitations and sanctions . one can only be delighted by such an initiative when it is known that the value of the european digital component represents 5 % in terms of european gdp and 4 million in term of employment . under these conditions , it is in particular their coherence and their unit which ensured the united states a preeminence on this market with a future . i also hope that there will be , in 2004 , a reduction in this distribution of competences and that one will apply the criterion of subsidiarity so that the autonomous areas and communities can have their statute within the union . we can only congratulate us . for example , on the trade negociations mentioned above , the national parliaments will be dispossessed of their last rights of ratification , and a country , if it is minority with the council , will not be able to say any more "not" when a negotiation violates its interests . we , very often , had tried to dissuade them and the summit of nice very clearly showed besides that an appreciably widened agenda could have led to an absence of result this year , which would have been catastrophic for widening . considering the fundamental importance of the decisions to be taken at the summit of nice , let us return in césar what is in césar . in other words , which wants the parliament , it is a control on the taxation and the questions of social security . the council decisions - obtained with the snatch during the night - do not offer a solid base ; they post enormous gaps with regard to the transparency , the constitution of an identity , the democracy , the participation of the citizens and the conscience of the reform . this is why we must consider its conclusions as the result of a compromise which nobody left entirely victorious , nor overcome . on the contrary , the power of the national democracies decreases by limit always more the right of veto and to give always more capacity to the parliament of the eu . therefore , you must vote in favour of this provision which still limits the tax on the planes , because in this manner the plane ticket will be to us always less expensive , therefore we will be able to travel more by these means of transport . "" does not pass to the foot buildings , you could receive a pot of flowers on the head ! the complexity and the variety of the technological development and the processes of structural modification require to absolutely integrate all the local and regional partners in the partnerships of development , which are implied in the development of strategic programs of the regional policy for each area . we must thus avoid at all costs choking them or carrying there reached . one could say that the innovation is with the range of all the agents which surround the production process . the gap between the developed areas and backward region is indeed much more important on the level of the technological development than on the level of the gross national product . as one knows , the bureaucrats have like principal argument the risk of errors . i do not know if the fact that three women signed the european budget today is a direct consequence of the risi initiative , but i would be happy that the christmas present who we are deciding also benefits the women . to reduce the budget in a chapter like this one , devoted to pilot experiments , with new ideas as regards local and urban development - giving results more than acceptable - which were at the base of as invaluable community programs at the local level as are to it urban and interreg would be also an error . like said it very well mr . rack , i never included/understood and i will never include/understand this regional policy and this policy of cohesion like a kind of alms but one makes with the poorest areas . this is why , when i am in the negotiations , currently , about the docup , beyond the innovating actions , i speak there about the mainstream , i am extremely attentive to find in each document of programming regional plan of access to the company of information and i check quality , beyond the width of this regional program , in particular with regard to directly small and medium-sized undertakings , the establishments educational and even the farms . mrs . schroedter , mr . izquierdo collado and mr . ortuondo larrea , have rightly , mentioned this question of the budgets . the prices of the new shipbuildings fell during last years and reached their level low in 1999 , because of this south korean policy . the commission had to proceed to a special vote to ensure that this point was on the agenda of the debate of today . this design is in conformity besides with the treaty . i do not have time to return there more in detail . however , the commission proposal , which include/understand an aid to research and development , the complaint against korea in front of the world organization of the trade - they work with lower prices , even compared to the cost prices - , and the possibility that there are measurements of transitory assistance as long as the recourse is not solved is perhaps , according to us , a more or less fragile solution , but it acts at least of a solution . in same time , it is imperative to increase the pressure exerted on korea , if possible within the framework of oecd , by adopting antidumping measures . in other words , we support unemployment and they are actually the different ones which makes deals with the shipyards . i think that it makes an excellent radiography of the european shipbuilding industry , a true radiography . this procedure will not give fast results . that can take to him up to two years to arrive at the final conclusion , if it succeeds . this mechanism would be applied until the conclusion of the procedure initiated at omc . i am sure that we all are today plain to defend with strength and force freedom in europe , but i would like to say that , more than solidarity of the colleagues in the european parliament , the spaniards need their engagement . by one day of may , sailing on water of sicily , its cur nuclear showed worrying signs of deterioration . it would be on the other hand alarming that , vis-a-vis with this situation , we do not act as fast as possible . in both , we express the need that the two member states concerned , the united kingdom and spain , collaborate narrowly in the search for the surest solution for the repair of the submarine , while holding - of course - the public opinion informed in a specific way . we heard the assertions of persons in charge for the british fleet saying that the damage was tiny and others which said the reverse exactly , that it was important and that it required of long and difficult repairs . i know that the parliament supposes that , without these engagements , it would have been present . it is me which comes to represent it . the commission is analyzing it . since they are already started , let us consider with realism the range of the options available to today the united kingdom and the authorities of gibraltar . the co-operation and calms it are the methods of use in our union . the british government acts like recently made the russian government at the time of a damage to the one of its submarines . mr . president , in my turn , i make a point of making share of my deeper support for our spanish colleagues vis-a-vis for the last terrorist assassination of eta . the commission , in the clear answer that it gave two months ago and in its response of today , took the responsability to recognize it , although the motion for a resolution of the popular group which , with other vulgarizings of the subject , prevented us to divide it , did not recognize it . the principal minister for the government of gibraltar , mr . peter caruana , made a wise decision , when it asked for to a panel experts of personally hold it with the current of the evolution of the situation . such is and remains according to us the most coherent attitude and that which as well as possible guarantees the interests and the safety of all the parts concerned . b5-0908/2000 of the deputies maij-weggen and posselt , in the name of group ppe-de ; in 1980 , the hcr was occupied of five million refugees . today we greet the hcr and the whole of the humane personnel . mr . president , the commission joins of course the support which the parliament brings to the hcr at the time of the 50e birthday of this institution . i would like to develop a broader question which has a direct relationship with the remarks than the honourable member held a few moments ago . b5-0909/2000 of mrs . pack and others , in the name of group ppe-de ; the last problem that i would like to approach relate to the dramatic events which take place at the border between serbia and kosovo . it is there that is the place of milosevic and not with the congress of party in belgrade . in what concerns us , the mentality of the ethnic groups of kosovo which still fight between them must change and become a made mentality of mutual respect . i do not want to sing our own praises , but we can also say that the european union reacted very quickly to this new situation . b5-0915/2000 of mr . medina ortega and others , in the name of group pse ; b5-0918/2000 of mrs . napoletano and others , in the name of group pse ; the chilean government guaranteed that in chile , the pinochet general would have an equitable lawsuit and indeed , it today lost its immunity and the chilean legal authorities start continuations against him . allow me to recall that it is important that we approve this resolution common , now that pinochet is in chile , which we could not do when pinochet was in the united kingdom . i declare it by knowing that these fundamental principles are those of the parties of european free alliance and of the greens of this parliament . mr . president , before beginning my intervention , i would like to join to me to the judgment of the attack which cost the life to an elected official of the people , a militant and an adviser of the popular party in catalonia , in spain . for this reason i am pleased that my political group and i believe , the majority of our parliament , does not let myself involve to play the cases of resonance for the exploitation of the crisis in progress . their life is in great danger . the league of the humans right is suspended , his buildings are put under seals and its president , moktar trifi , are convened in front of the court , as that had been just said , december 25 . defenders of the humans right , trade unionists , academics , journalists and students make state of constant annoyances on behalf of the authorities . it is in a very critical state . daily harassing and the tabassage of all the democrats are really generalized . i hope that in this business the chilean legal system will continue to show of independence and effectiveness . we know that the chiefs of mission of the european union attentively follow the political situation in the country . lastly , i would like to mention the crucial part played by the parliament , which contributed to increase sensitizing and to intensify the dialogue on these questions , by the means of parliamentary visits and public debates like this one . laurent gbagbo must start a true policy of national reconciliation , which passes by the rupture with the speech on the ivoirity , the modification of the racist constitution , and by the behaviour of democratic elections where none the candidates is excluded , or else the risks of secession and civil war will do nothing but grow . mr . president , the news of coast-in ivoire cause since months the concern justified at the european citizens and corresponding concern within our parliament . the conditions necessary are as follows: that nobody feels excluded , that the supreme court founded by the military capacity disappears , that the head of state implies himself without ambiguity in the process of restoration of the democracy and that one listens to the opinions of the committee for the national reconciliation . the concept of ivoirity appears to me , for my part , perfectly founded . a half-dozen of specimens are now available near the president . mr . president , in the name of the greens , we withdraw also our motion for a resolution . mr . president , i confirm what have just said mr . posselt . (the official report is approved) with regard to these people , the member states must put in uvre various policies , while being attacked as well with the problem of the assistance necessary as for that of the cover of the expenses , especially for those of handicapped whose families are not able indeed to assume a final and total assumption of responsibility . mr . president , it is a great pleasure for me of speaking in the name of the group about the greens/european free alliance and of congratulating the rapporteur for this excellent report/ratio . at the present time , thanks to the improvement of the medical resources , of information , the care , the housing and the people , pension schemes more and more live older . they are especially the governments of the member states , the administrations of the federated states , the provinces and the communes which , by many recommendations , can prove somewhat useful . the base of this vision of the life is thrown in the family , in whom any human being grows like child . it often happens that , into the last years of the life , one falls seriously sick , one remains completely handicapped , one needs the assistance of all . while finishing , i would like to insist on a point having milked with the medical care . the speech was also: the women should not work so that the men have an employment . in first analysis , for much , that can seem a handicap . we will have to find the means of them . the many active old people should motivate us to beat us for a company in which solidarity between the generations either more than one fine words ! these measurements will have to be adapted to the various situations and characteristics with regard to the quality of life and economic self-sufficiency . only joint and constant efforts will be able to help us . it must exist a discrétionnaire margin of manuvre for the preferences and individual decisions . if somebody finds all the objects which our colleague misses , prayer them to bring back , in particular its glasses , because mrs . flemming was in your back , mr fatuzzo . lastly , it would be necessary to explicitly reintroduce in the text the possibility of actions in favour of the ultraperipheric areas and their logo . it will also be necessary to insist on methods of production which are respectful wellbeing of the animals and environment . it is also the reason why i delighted that this week , in the european parliament , we created a working group for biotechnologies . of course , these actions of institutional communication must rather supplement the advertising operations orchestrated by the great distribution in particular . if the proposals of the parliament , which by three times obtained the majority of our voices , were applied - but it is still an example of the impotence of the parliament - so that the fallow can be cultivated with leguminous plants or clover and that the pastures are authorized , we would lay out of more than pastures and thus of more than fodder with proteins . it is normal that these costs are supported by the producers , the salesmen and the professional organizations , and not by the european union . we must wonder why we failed in the past to encourage the industry of the european union to resort to the money which was available . naturally , if we can produce and promote better foodstuffs for the environment , by taking into account the wellbeing of the animals , and sell them on the world markets , then we will carry out really the objective for which common agricultural policy was designed . as for the amendments 9 and 22 which ask for the introduction of a special county of management , and with regard to the amendments 7 , 19 , 23 and 27 , which require other changes of procedure , it should be added that the commission must be with coherent provisions of procedure . all those which insist for saying that in europe one still likes the good things are right . mr . president , it is scientifically proven that the moderate wine consumption is one of the best preventions against cancer , the infarction , the disease of alzheimer , and i pass from there . . (nl) i would like to rent the rapporteur for his work .