debates of the senate ( hansard ) 2 nd session , 36 th parliament , volume 138 , issue 42 tuesday , april 4 , 2000 the honourable gildas l. molgat , speaker table of contents senators ' statements prime minister of japan plight of street children senegal new government cancer awareness month new government routine proceedings internal economy , budgets and administration seventh report of committee presented scrutiny of regulations question period delayed answers to oral questions agriculture and agri @-@ food farm crisis in prairie provinces @-@ flooding problem in manitoba and saskatchewan @-@ request for response environment residency requirement for job applicants export development canada china @-@ influence of environmental policy in granting of funds to three gorges dam project national defence orders of the day nisga'a final agreement bill third reading @-@ debate continued motion in amendment in the quebec secession reference second reading @-@ debate continued business of the senate fisheries marine liability bill second reading referred to committee national defence act bill to amend @-@ second reading referred to committee canadian institutes of health research bill second reading referred to committee payments in lieu of taxes bill second reading @-@ debate adjourned canada business corporations act canada cooperatives act bill to amend @-@ second reading @-@ debate continued financing of post @-@ secondary education